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Landlord blocks access to derelict vehicles site in Pockwood Pond

An excavator blocking access to the storage site for the Derelict Vehicles Programme at Pockwood Pond. Photo: Team of Reporters
The Department of Waste Management's Derelict Vehicles Programme is on hold due to the land lease issue. Photo: Team of Reporters
The Department of Waste Management's Derelict Vehicles Programme is on hold due to the land lease issue. Photo: Team of Reporters
Both Mr M. Ashley Ritter and Director of Waste Management Marcus E. Solomon (in photo) did not respond to our request for comment. Photo: GIS/File
Both Mr M. Ashley Ritter and Director of Waste Management Marcus E. Solomon (in photo) did not respond to our request for comment. Photo: GIS/File
POCKWOOD POND, Tortola, VI- Controversy has erupted over Government leased land in Pockwood Pond on the western side of Tortola.

Information reaching our newsroom is that there has been a dispute over a land lease between M. Ashley Ritter and the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

It’s our understanding that Mr Ritter has a land lease with the Ministry to store derelict vehicles on his land at Pockwood Pond but that lease expired over a few months ago and has not been renewed.

Therefore, the Government has been occupying the land without payment and the landlord has now used a large excavator to block access to his property.

It is believed that because of the Commission of Inquiry Recommendations, the land lease has to be tendered while the landlord suffers without payment and the derelict vehicles remain on his property.

This has resulted in the Department of Waste Management's derelict vehicle programme on hold. It is unclear how the matter will be resolved.

Both Mr Ritter and Director of Waste Management Marcus E. Solomon did not respond to our request for comment.

25 Responses to “Landlord blocks access to derelict vehicles site in Pockwood Pond”

  • Not again (08/10/2024, 09:59) Like (10) Dislike (48) Reply
    Dump dem in the sea it wont cause anything
  • james (08/10/2024, 10:18) Like (79) Dislike (3) Reply
    COI has nothing to do with it. You know it requires a tender, tender it well in advance so that its a seamless transition from one agreement to another. Instead we got these government departments with people working half day, with the time they actually report to work, spend chatting.
  • huh (08/10/2024, 10:29) Like (31) Dislike (11) Reply
    Is that land not reclaimed land and therefore on a crown lease ?
    I guess thats irrelevant if Mr Ritter has the crown lease payments all up to date.

    Another government default......maybe the government should ask mr ritter if they can use the land for the new usa 250,000 concert sponsorship next year :-)

    Are we the public able to see how much money our tax payments are paying to store these vehicles ??
  • New management (08/10/2024, 10:48) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    The great white shark is getting real cross these days
  • oh well (08/10/2024, 11:06) Like (50) Dislike (12) Reply
    isn't this the same man fulling up the sea from havers to pockwood and fighting over money . such greed.
    • (08/10/2024, 12:11) Like (19) Dislike (8) Reply
      At oh well. Business before pleasure unless pleasure is your dam business. Nothing to do with greed simpleton.
      • (08/10/2024, 13:56) Like (30) Dislike (2) Reply
        Business before everything in the BVI which just shows backward and simple we are still.
        Business before coral reefs. Business before sea grass beds. Business before mangrove trees. Business before the damn air that we breathe.
        Old school mentality that comes from generations of scarcity means we think we must grab everything from nature and turn it into business. I hoped that Mr Ritter was one of the last generation to operate under this child-like delusion, but no, we taught our kids to think like that, and we have leaders stuck in the same old mentality.
        Business is just ONE aspect of being a successful group of people. Not the only aspect.
    • To oh well (08/10/2024, 16:03) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      It's not about greed
  • All I shall say (08/10/2024, 12:28) Like (34) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Yep (08/10/2024, 13:28) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The same department had people strung out for pay. They well know what must be done in advance.
    • noooo (09/10/2024, 04:35) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Oohhh. Nooooo. Not this Dept; This is run by a competent Director who has briefed himself with the Laws and All contracts that’s related to his Dept ( some of which he has “ inherited” )
      Someone else —- Ministry perhaps. But not the Dept
  • tola (08/10/2024, 13:56) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another episode like the horse track
  • Derelict (08/10/2024, 14:16) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    vehicles should be stored at each elected district rep's home in the that district.
  • Money for old rope (08/10/2024, 15:16) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    So, Mr. R leases seabed from government, then leases out that land back to the government...whos the smart one out of those 2 ?? :-)
    Givernment gives all this stuff away....why doesnt government reclaim some land to store all this stuf and stop paying out millions in lease agreements each year
    Or, heres a thought . Buy an industrial shredding machine and take the vehicles to the dump area and shred them...government needs to invest in itself instead of making the rich richer
    • @Money for old rope (08/10/2024, 18:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      That’s a good suggestion but sadly, like everything government operated in this country, the machine will soon breakdown from lack of maintenance.
  • round rock (08/10/2024, 17:13) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    This proprietor is unreasonable as a local contractor with the government. What does it take away from the land? Is he going to use the land urgently? If not, it is shameful for a man Like Ashley Ritter to be looking for money if the derelict vehicles are stored on his land that he is not using. His payment will come. For the number of contracts, he is getting from the government. What a shame. If I had any land that I was not using, I will allow the government to store the vehicles freely on it. Come on B.V.I people. After all, we cannot take the land or the money to the grave.
  • Real Talk (08/10/2024, 19:19) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply

    Every one talking @uc^ about mangrove sea. bed lease. sea grass. and shark no one commented about when Nanny cay Marina did the same and doing it again set of st***ng mf

    • @RealTalk (09/10/2024, 05:44) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Unreal bullcrap. I and others been talking about seabed and mangrove and coral reef in BOTH situations because it is the same simple mentality of destroying our back yard.
      Interesting that you demonstrate and EVEN MORE simple mentality called whataboutism, which I believe would be a better blog handle for you in the future.
  • the way it is (08/10/2024, 20:00) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The main objective of Government is to take care of their family, friends and cronies and nothing about this will change. It is the norm but the sad part about it is that these business negotiations don’t happen by accident; they’re done by design. Check it out! Just take a look at many of the leases, rent, etc.
  • 2024 (08/10/2024, 20:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Only the Entertainers don’t have any issues in this territory.
  • Cindy (08/10/2024, 21:05) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    He had a right to block it showada allowed the white man and the coi to kill we country the chickens are coming home to roost
  • old school (09/10/2024, 22:40) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    White head to dam greedy
    He just wants to hold the department hostage
    The government need to stop allowing him to manipulate them cause they pay more for less with him it needs to stop
    He to wicked
  • Wellsah (10/10/2024, 15:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    the government got more than enough crown land to store these derelict vehicles. better yet why not ship them somewhere where they can be properly recycled or crushed to the size of a large box.
  • 007 (14/10/2024, 15:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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