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Landlady allegedly claims to have power over police because she’s a ‘Skelton’

- According to Devye Nicholson who is charged with Common Assault & Threatening Language
Devye Nicholson appeared before the Magistrate's Court on February 18, 2020, charged with Common Assault and Threatening Language. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Through tears, Devye Nicholson, a St Vincent national, testified that her landlady fabricated a story on her and claimed to have power over the police because she was a Skelton and a relative of the former Minister for Health and Social Development, Mr Ronnie W. Skelton.

On Tuesday, February 18, 2020, Nicholson said in court, that on July 28, 2018, her landlady, the Virtual Complainant (VC) was unhappy that she was using bleach and fabuloso to clean the verandah in the apartment building where she lived in Baughers Bay.

She said they had an argument and the landlady told her to handover the hose. Unwilling to hand over the hose, the defendant said the VC started tugging on it while she was trying to fill a bucket with water.

During the ordeal, the defendant said she nearly slipped and fell and decided to release the hose which was still being held by the VC. As a result, the VC fell on the rough ground and got injuries to her right knee, right elbow and right palm.

The defendant said it was then that the VC allegedly told her she would say to the police that she choked her with the hose, threatened to break her neck and assaulted her.

The defendant alleged the VC reminded her that she was a Skelton, and whatever she said to the police they would believe her, as her family’s name was weighty in the Territory.

The defendant said her job at the Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital was also threatened by the VC because her relative was the Minister at the time.

The single mother told the court that the VC also threatened to get her deported and came to her workplace to complain to her coworkers and bosses about the alleged offences.

The defendant said the VC only stopped when her lawyer, Mrs Valerie Stephens-Gordon, wrote her a letter.

Nicholson was charged with common assault and threatening language.

Last witness

The Investigating Officer Phillip Matthias, the final witness for the Prosecution, said there were no eye-witnesses or video footage and the stories of each party were different.

He said he took photos of the injuries of the body parts of the VC and conducted his investigations into the matter.

The VC had to attend the hospital for medical attention, he said.

The matter will continue on March 3, 2020.

59 Responses to “Landlady allegedly claims to have power over police because she’s a ‘Skelton’”

  • tretretrete (19/02/2020, 10:00) Like (57) Dislike (5) Reply
    This a tough one. It's a 50 - 50 toss up.. it's a tie. The doubt goes to the defendant... Not guilty... " Living in the same building with your landlord isn't a good idea" They watch everything.. Pick at everything. They r like that newsy security guard neighbor you don't need.
    • Krazy (20/02/2020, 13:19) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      You forget to mention that some of these landlords go into their tenants' apartments when they are not there.
  • tretretrete (19/02/2020, 10:19) Like (36) Dislike (10) Reply
    What else is new? Some people feel because they're renting you a place, they can do as they please or because they have a popular mean they can do as they wish. Why not give the landlord's name also?
    • Get Real (19/02/2020, 13:40) Like (27) Dislike (13) Reply
      When you are renting you cannot do as you please and neither when u have an unpopular id as Vincie and not residing in St Vincent. Difference is that Vincies who do as they please in their homeland of St Vincent,find themselves in the care of the undertaker or rotting on the roadside., in the VI they find themselves in Court for a chance at fairness.
      • Worker (19/02/2020, 15:13) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        She is NOT FROM ST.VINCENT
        • @worker. (20/02/2020, 12:36) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
          Why not say where she is from...updeislun for certain, Vincie or otherwise,same curse on humanity,no difference.
          • tretretrete (21/02/2020, 15:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
            She does lie so much not sure where she from, she say she from St.Lucia, another she is a Guyanese
      • Spectrum (19/02/2020, 20:03) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        What are you trying to say??? If you can't be constructive I suggest that you stay out of people business, just be quiet.
  • NEIGHBOUR (19/02/2020, 10:20) Like (23) Dislike (8) Reply

    There is more in the mortar than the pistle. This story reeks a lot of lies. 

    • @nieghbour (19/02/2020, 11:16) Like (21) Dislike (7) Reply
      Were you there?? how can you tell that the story reeks a lot of lies.... you always in other people business...smh
    • @Ok Neighbor (19/02/2020, 15:41) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Since you seem to know so much, then spill the T. You seem to be the nosy neighbor from Brewster Place that is always peeping out your window minding the other neighbors business.
  • ta ta (19/02/2020, 10:21) Like (30) Dislike (16) Reply
    Landlords faces helll each day
    • To ta ta (19/02/2020, 10:30) Like (45) Dislike (1) Reply
      Well, yes I agree. But, there are also some very wicked landlords around and there are some good landlords. I know a gentleman who is currently renting to a jamaican lady and she has not been paying her full rent for almost 2 years. She will pay half sometimes or even less and always have an excuse. He feels bad for her and does not want to put her out. Some tenants can really be wicked once they know they can get away with stuff
    • huh (19/02/2020, 13:05) Like (9) Dislike (6) Reply
      Well if you are a landlord and faces hell STOP renting.
  • HMMM (19/02/2020, 10:27) Like (6) Dislike (11) Reply
    Why is this news?
  • Vino??? (19/02/2020, 10:28) Like (44) Dislike (2) Reply
    This in court and the VC has no other name than SKELTON but the defendant first and last name spelt out? VINO???
    • Well (19/02/2020, 12:20) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      In real life,usually,the offending violent and dangerous intruder is identified and not the victim . This is a method to make an attempt to safeguard potential future victims.
      A list of dangerous looking to rent folks,is important.
    • Be cause (19/02/2020, 12:32) Like (5) Dislike (19) Reply
      Her name is KNOWN.
      When your name is KNOWN, one will suffice.
      I know the Skeltons. We know the VI Skeltons and its all good,
      VI history knows the Skeltons.
      .......And we know Vincies,unfortunately.
    • concern (19/02/2020, 12:43) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      Exactly, why is the defendant being protected? Bias as usual it seemes. The VC is from another Caribbean island, and defendant is suppose to be prominent BVI landed.

      Also, why is this in court again???
    • Look again... (19/02/2020, 13:19) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Actually, VINO is safe on this one... The other news site has the same thing!
    • okay (19/02/2020, 13:32) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
      When you make a name for yourself and descendants that name is it, your Brand,
      Note that this Vincie now making a name for herself, And so she will be identified by future landlords in the VI,
      This in addition to her brand as a " Vincie".
  • Help (19/02/2020, 10:36) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Bible speaks about when you taking a man to court. The one who taking the other story appears to be right until you hear the story from the side of the other man. Can't remember the scripture but it right there in the Bible. S lot of people tek people court. Only some courageous enough to speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Imagine how many go down for lies spoken and because they were not brave enough to speak up. Speak the truth no matter what and if you don't get immediate remedy, remember this: you WILL get remedy!!!
  • what a mess (19/02/2020, 10:36) Like (23) Dislike (10) Reply
    y’all sound so ridiculous! Landlords have they rules & regulations , is either you get with the program or keep it trucking !! Build a house so that no one can tell you what to do
  • i from here (19/02/2020, 10:48) Like (15) Dislike (14) Reply
    This landlord name need blasting all over the media!

    I would love to meet her and whoever her brother is and blast them MS!

    Tell her deport me!
    • Typically (19/02/2020, 12:24) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      The method used by updeislun expats.
      Savage much.?
    • A Skelton (19/02/2020, 17:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's all you all like to do ybdidnt you write your film name so theh can confront h when they see u
  • hint hint (19/02/2020, 11:11) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    skelton to dabreo now malone
    • Hmmmm (19/02/2020, 12:33) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Three times good VI names. Thanks.
    • oh (19/02/2020, 13:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      So she a Skelton by DNA ,..cant be more Skelton than that.
    • Money hounds (19/02/2020, 17:42) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Dabreo is not from here they are red pitbulls that marry men with business and follows their every mood
  • wha happen? (19/02/2020, 11:12) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Ayo fraid to call ronnie name?
  • Judge Judy (19/02/2020, 11:39) Like (5) Dislike (19) Reply
    No witness case.
    Tenants,more specifically the updeislunexpats, are horror stories to which landlords all over can attest,
    Vincentians in the VI are horror stories to which all can attest.. Stories can be corrobarated by the VIPD, the media, the schools,tthe courts,the morgue.
    The Skeltons are contributors to the succes of the VI Ieconomically and to the good character of its people
    I rule in the favor of the landlord.
  • Only one (19/02/2020, 12:07) Like (16) Dislike (5) Reply

    Dem Skelton better acknowledge that they were on their face not to long ago. Who gives a $#!+ about your last name. I believe the defendant. 

  • Lady (19/02/2020, 12:12) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
    If the tenant had given Mrs. Skelton the hose, she would not have been in this mess.

    Learn how to avoid conflict People!!
  • VCVincie (19/02/2020, 12:14) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply

    What we know for certain, is that the land lady was injured and in the presence of the tenant. Ms Skelton has little to gain by filing a false statement of assault against her tenant, Most likely the tenant has no known assets. 

  • HAHA (19/02/2020, 12:19) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    BVI...where your local last name and who you know matters more than who you are.
  • Interesting (19/02/2020, 12:23) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is so interesting that there were no witnesses to this fiasco, yet there is a full article about the landlord and nothing about the defendant. I wonder why this is.
  • @judge judy (19/02/2020, 14:27) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
    A must the skeletons put your pot on fire everyday. It's full time you people stop using name as power. Each time some thing happens belonger and expat u people quick to blame expat. Unuh no want no expat in unuh country but let me ask unuh something . Do u people think this country can servive without expats? Go and check how much expats contributes to this country through NHI social security and not to mention permit. Everything unuh jump on expats and almost every bad news in the territory have to do with unuh belonger. When a no gun a drugs or theft. Check unuh self .
    • Unuh woman or man (20/02/2020, 10:17) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      In the Virgin Islands we speak English. Unuh, is not part of our vocabulary or dictionary. Wrong island for you.
  • BA (19/02/2020, 15:15) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well my landlord is the best.....
    Don't come know your door don't call i pay my rent an time no problem with them living there for over 20+ yrs and still there they respect us as we do toooooo. Just to say not all landlord is bad yes some of them are.
    • Triple mortgage (19/02/2020, 17:50) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      20 years in some one place and ain't have build yet u sound stipud
      • Greg (19/02/2020, 19:21) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ Triple mortgage: There are expats here for many many years who want, but cannot get status, belonger, or buy land because of these messed up laws, so how are they supposed to build their own house? On whose land? You are the one who sound stupid!
  • Hmmmmmmm (19/02/2020, 15:21) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Keep out the court house if you don't want yuh dirty business known.
  • @@ Judge Judy (19/02/2020, 15:49) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    We are in our country! So if we as local destroy or build it up, we are where we come from, unlike you..... please don’t let me fill in the blanks because sh!t can hit the roof!! We definitely didn’t ask you to come here to pay NHI nor to pay for a work permit!!! You decided to that because Your hungry @$$ want that U.S. coin!!!! Have several seats and keep your opinions to yourself.... and while at it, go and learn how to blog speaking English please!!!!!
  • Perfect landlord (19/02/2020, 15:54) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have to say, I don’t have any problems with my landlord. the only time I see my landlord is when I put the rent check in his hands or if something which is very rare needs to be fixed and I have been renting from him for the past 5 years.
  • ? (19/02/2020, 16:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So judge Judy mad as hell because the truth heart her backside get over and be happy
    • wow (21/02/2020, 07:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You cant spell either,,, lol you need to go learn how to spell hurt,, and not heart lol, smh
  • Boss (19/02/2020, 17:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am a vincy but people like you need to leave the country with your Nance's
  • facts (19/02/2020, 19:54) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    I have to add to this matter. To judge Judy, this country can survive without expats .the nhi and social security that we expats are paying is far from enough to take care of the expat population. Expats out numbered the local population by a good stop talking crap .this is the people them country and every Tom dick and harry want to come in and tell them how and what to do. I am and expat and would always be one. I never came with any plans to make this beautiful island my home but it happen and I thank God every day for the opportunity to live with these lovely bvi landers.and yes they lovely people and I must also add that the people of the bvi is God's people. And the reason why is because no other small island will ever accept over 200 different nationalities to come and take over their island like what we have done to these good hearted people.why didn't our country we came from provide us with opportunities we come here and offorded??most of us expats afraid anf I mean afraid to go back where we were born ,not only because of crime but the lifestyle the way we are living here in the bvi we cannot live it in our own country. I don't mean that expats don't have any rights but we keep behaving like the bvi lander's hate us. No they don't point blank.if they had hate us they can if they choose to rise up and demand from the government of the day to stop us from overflowing this little island. God bless this island and its people. All what was said in court is from the defendant. The defendant is what said the things .no witness but you all blogging on what the defendant said about the landlord. It is her right to defend herself. But it seems from the 30 plus blogs that you all bloggers were also witness to the incident. And yes the few bvi lander's that we expat out numbered can and will survive without us.they had done it for many many years. None of our Caribbean island is any way better off than this island. Most of us who came here 25 30 and 40 plus years ago only a very very small % want to go back to the country of there birth.the now come want to dictate how and when things should be done to please them. The premier and minister of labour said within the first quarter of this year proper rules and regulations would be in place. I am hoping and watching. The indigenous people of this bvi need more and better protection. I am waiting on the bloggers now
    • Real Judge Judy (20/02/2020, 12:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Reality is that BVIslanders do not have more as a result if the expat and migration. They were blessed with homes, land, goid character, little or no crime, a zero illiteracy, pursuit of education long before the import of manual laboures from the upper caribbean. If anything some of these qualities have been compromised as a result. My observation is that the BVI has improved the lives and fortune of the updeuslun folks more than it has done for itself and for this reason, the VI will continue to be blessed. Lack of gratitude is a curse.
  • @? (20/02/2020, 09:00) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please learn to spell or at least check over your grammar... it’s laughable that you can’t even get a four letter word spelt correctly! Let me help you out: HURT not HEART.... geesh!!! Yes this is Judge Judy... now have several seats and be quiet!
  • trrefdrfds (20/02/2020, 10:44) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well if that's the only thing you see wrong with the blog above you in a very sorryfull you think when someone blog they go over to do a spell check??.you probably one of the new comers on a work permit but don't have a job..I also want the immigration department to check out the eastern end of tortola because there are many men and women illegally here working and not working. ..this is the only island in the eastern Caribbean that expatriates are benefiting more that the local population. Charges are coming but not fast enough. So many men in this country that was deported and find a way of getting back in .bvi lander's are the kindness people in the world
  • Not surprised (20/02/2020, 23:28) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply

    Skeletons always act like their sh*8 don't stink. In full view they are die hard jehovah witnesses, law abiding citizens. Hhmmm. Not surprised at all that they throw their weight around.

  • hmm (21/02/2020, 08:04) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lmaol, I just here for those comments, y'all never seems to amaze me, one question please ☝️? When the roll is call up yonder , can yall tell me which NAME or COUNTRY is going to call first ???? Please let me know in the comments below

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