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Land & $30K for Pan Am Games Gold Medallist Chantel E. Malone

- VIP Gov’t shows its commitment to sports & athletes success in a massive way
From left: Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1); President of the BVI Athletics Association, Steve E. Augustine, President of the BVI Olympic Committee, Mr Ephraim E. Penn, honouree Chantel E. Malone and Sports Minister, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) during the presentation of a cheque for $30,000 to Ms Malone. Photo: VINO
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1), right, made the presentation of the land for Chantel E. Malone, left, on behalf of Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), who is on official travel duties. Photo: VINO
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1), right, made the presentation of the land for Chantel E. Malone, left, on behalf of Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), who is on official travel duties. Photo: VINO
Some of the persons in attendance at the recognition ceremony for Chantel E. Malone at Central Administration Complex today, October 11, 2019. Photo: VINO
Some of the persons in attendance at the recognition ceremony for Chantel E. Malone at Central Administration Complex today, October 11, 2019. Photo: VINO
Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, presents a gift basket to Pan Am Games gold medallist, Chantel E. Malone. Photo: VINO
Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, presents a gift basket to Pan Am Games gold medallist, Chantel E. Malone. Photo: VINO
WICKHAM’S CAY I, Tortola, VI- The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government has awarded Pan American Games gold medallist, Chantel E. Malone with a plot of land and $30,000 for her historic feat at the 2019 games in Lima, Peru.

Malone’s leap of 6.68m on August 6, 2019 was enough to secure the gold medal as well as added tangible benefits from the VI Government.

During a recognition ceremony for Malone at Central Administration Complex today, October 11, 2019, Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) announced that Chantel E. Malone is now the owner of 0.4775 acres of land at Spooner’s Estate, compliments of the VI Government.

A cheque for $30,000 was also presented to the Virgin Islands international athlete.

“Chantel’s success is a testimony that if you remain laser focused, greatness is the outcome. I am so proud for it is indeed a big moment for the BVI,” Hon Fahie later wrote on his Facebook page.

Travelling to the territory to show their support to Malone were the VI’s top international athletes, Gold Coast Commonwealth Games gold medallist, Kyron A. McMaster; Shot Putter Eldred Henry and sprinter Ashley N. Kelly as well as retired sprinter and VI athletics trailblazer Tahesia G. Harrigan-Scott.

More details to follow.

49 Responses to “Land & $30K for Pan Am Games Gold Medallist Chantel E. Malone”

  • Eagle Eye (11/10/2019, 20:49) Like (37) Dislike (37) Reply
    Plot of land???? I understand the money as an incentive but plot of land is she paying a reduced cost or is it a gift from BVI government??? This story need more details
    • Understand Eagle Eye (11/10/2019, 21:17) Like (31) Dislike (23) Reply
      Eagle Eye it is who you belong too. Remember her uncle is Minister of Health. Her grandfather was a VIP founding member and her father is a top supporter of the VIP government. It's the same song just a different tune. All these governments are the same. Watch carefully what's going on.
    • @Eagle Eye (11/10/2019, 21:32) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      The articles says, "The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government has awarded Pan American Games gold medallist, Chantel E. Malone with a plot of land and $30,000 for her historic feat at the 2019 games in Lima, Peru." Isn't that self-explanatory?
    • hmm (12/10/2019, 02:25) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
      her uncle is a minister of the maths
    • the rock (12/10/2019, 08:40) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
      Ms Malone will do the right thing and donate the land to a less fortunate, if all things her family has its land. so i can bet she will do the compassionate thing.
    • Smith (12/10/2019, 12:26) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
      WHY??? You need more details.?she is the owner of this land the government out of love for what she did and seeing that she worked hard and represent the bvi and did well because she worked hard...its here free and clear
    • @Eagle Eye (14/10/2019, 11:38) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      You ever check other islands what they give to ppl who win gold medals. Even statues erect of them. I don’t know you and I think this comment of yours is downright loooowww. I bet you’d be rejoicing if she was your family member.
  • *Hmm (11/10/2019, 21:17) Like (31) Dislike (4) Reply
    Seems gov have land stash away so is there any for us "regular folks" to be able to obtain if even at a reasonable price?
    • wow (12/10/2019, 09:30) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      Congrats to the Athletes, but I hear thinking the same thing in terms of Land availability. So why people on list can't get a Call Back or Letter in regards to their application for a Plot?
    • Comment (12/10/2019, 22:31) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      I bought my own land, still paying off for it. First time home builders grants for a few supplies would be great!

      Congrats you worked hard!! Enjoy your blessings!
  • Nice (11/10/2019, 22:07) Like (32) Dislike (11) Reply
    This is out of the box move. Congratulations. Territory stepping in the right direction great gift and incentive. Sports is on the move and heading in the right direction. Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? Yes
  • Head Scratcher (11/10/2019, 22:14) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    I won’t like to see what they will give her if she wins Olympic Gold next year...
  • my yute (11/10/2019, 22:42) Like (20) Dislike (10) Reply
    Thank you well deserved only the vip can do this
  • from Bevi (11/10/2019, 22:56) Like (45) Dislike (4) Reply
    Give kyron a peace too!!
  • Hhhhmmm (12/10/2019, 00:14) Like (34) Dislike (5) Reply
    The rich will get richer, and the poor will stay poor!
  • Haa wow (12/10/2019, 00:48) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    It is quite clear it's who you is
    Those in need an those that don't
    All the best sis
  • one eye (12/10/2019, 01:41) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    Thanks very well deserving
  • hmm (12/10/2019, 02:29) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is the minister of sports the new photo op man?
    • @ lol (12/10/2019, 08:21) Like (2) Dislike (11) Reply
      Yes he is he reminds me of Myron who did nothing but took photos and get on zan station
  • onlooker (12/10/2019, 07:20) Like (26) Dislike (5) Reply
    First of all congratulations to the young lady, HOWEVER... Mr Fahie most virgin Islanders are keeping a Keen eye on some of your cabinet moves. These bold face actions some may say require questioning. Ms Malone competed an won yes, but bare in mind, she is from a prominent family, her father well known contractor an busisness man, uncle in politics an the list goes on. What has your team done for the poor people of this territory. Some are willing to purchase these same lands your gifting away at reduce reasonable costs. I wonder if your being naieve or conceited to your actions. Everyone's talking an to me it's like their Fed up, Mr Honourable... One thing I can say you are looking out for yours, please remember not only yours put you there... What ever happen to the 1000 jobs in a 1000 days for the unemployed. The tax money being wasted on stupid legal fees and security details can pay quite a few salaries, just saying.......
    • Looking on... (12/10/2019, 09:43) Like (31) Dislike (5) Reply
      I am happy for the young woman's success at the Pan Am games. Congratulations! However I am surprised that our Premier saw it appropriate to gift Ms. Malone with land. The money in my opinion would have sufficed. There are many BVIslanders that have yet to receive such a gesture despite their contributions and hard work in this country and for its communities. Many that have applied for crown land numerous times over years, myself included, and have not even been considered. Who gets to decide who gets what...the Premier? It appears to be a subjective process steeped in the emotions of the moment. Think about the people who have been contributing to this economy for their entire lives and still cant own a piece of land in their country. Young people cant afford land because there is no price control. These persons can own at reduced prices if the givernment will make land available but here the Premier is just giving land away. Whose work is more deserving? I ask again....who gets to decide...the Premier? What are the criteria...winning a medal and at an international sporting event? The precedent and bar has been set high. Do you even realize that. Are you ready to continue handing out land for every gold medal or ready to face the backlash when you cant treat each gold medalist the same. I am angry at this move because fairness and commen sense still should rule...I dont see either here.
  • My girl (12/10/2019, 08:28) Like (6) Dislike (18) Reply
    I support the move congratulations to ms Malone haters will always hate
  • well done (12/10/2019, 08:51) Like (6) Dislike (13) Reply
    The girl proved herself worthy of. Stop hating and come together and celebrate this girl. Regardless of who she is for. We as BVI landers always like to bring down people base on family ties. This Is the problem. It was not handed to her for free. She worked very hard for it and place the BVI on the international map. Well done , well deserved. Kyron is to big headed . When he start winning gold then he will be awarded accordingly. Until then he get nothing. Bring home the gold and stop with your injuries every min. Oh and you might even get that private jet.
    • Gold (12/10/2019, 14:29) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      Kyron did win goal in the Commonwealth Games. Ms. Malone is very deserving of the recognition that she has received.

      However, I don't feel that the land should have been given away based on emotions. It is a decision that should have been thought about and made known to the public and all athletes well in advance and not in the fashion in which it was done. I am just wondering if she will receive a plot of land the next time she wins a medal or if they will also throw in a house. I would like to know if the same will be done for other athletes as well.
  • Yep (12/10/2019, 09:26) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    I thought the country was broke ?
  • Jordana.. (12/10/2019, 09:28) Like (31) Dislike (1) Reply
    Congratulations!! But I have to ask, isn’t kyron McMaster deserving of a piece of land as well for his accomplishments? .forgive me for not being unable to recall but did kyron get monies and how much?..kyron is deserving of the same complimentary gifts.. a petition Re: this should go forward.. kyron has made us very proud as well..
    • DON'T FORGET (12/10/2019, 09:38) Like (19) Dislike (3) Reply
    • not enough (12/10/2019, 11:16) Like (0) Dislike (13) Reply
      He did not win where it counts. Malone did. Pan Am games is a really big deal. Maybe if Kyron wasn’t so big headed he would have won. Instead of worrying about private jets . Smh
      • BOTTOM LINE (12/10/2019, 11:49) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
        His family is NDP thats why he cant get a gift for his gold
        • um (12/10/2019, 19:08) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
          When he got Gold it was NDP that was in so what nonsense you talking. Ask NDP about what he was given when he got gold. The current government has nothing to do with that.
      • @Really (12/10/2019, 12:30) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
        Bigger than the Commonwealth Games? Kyron has the biggest medal achieved by the BVI so get your facts straight. But land gifts are usually reserved for Olympic medal wins not at this level.
    • I agree (12/10/2019, 20:14) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
      But let’s be fair. Kyron definitely is warned his mark and still continues to do us proud. But this Government is addressing the gold medal accomplishment of another athlete. Don’t crucify them because the NDP Govt who handled Kyron’s gold accomplishment went a different route or may even have dropped the ball.
  • shade (12/10/2019, 09:59) Like (5) Dislike (12) Reply
    Malone are Malone Not She deserve it... some of you VI ppl are so hateful and shady... then you talk about outside ppl… Love your own bro!! Other counties do it out appreciation so what is the difference with here..... HATERS BYE!!!
  • GG (12/10/2019, 11:08) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    You people in the Virgin Islands are envious and jealous buddy. Congratulations Chantel. Keep winning and keep earning. Give them thing to talk about. OMG
    • B Careful (12/10/2019, 16:04) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      Since K Rani Got all those gifts from Grenada government for winning gold he is been shxxiixt after that.... Let's not rush into giving gifts. Let's see a standard in consistent performances a second Gold or other medals....Can't take away from the great achievement winning a Gold medal is .. Just would like to see consistency..
  • BJ (12/10/2019, 11:35) Like (7) Dislike (13) Reply
    This is a tremendous gesture on the part of this government to reward this young lady for her outstanding performance. It’s a step in the right direction and the way to go. It matters not who she is and from what family background she derived. The best of some of us BVISLANDERS is to pull each other down. The BVI is the only place I know where our athletes are not rewarded adequately. In other countries, for example Grenada who are less fortunate than us, outstanding athletes are rewarded with land, House, cash, car, you name it so why should it be any different here. I congratulate this young BVIslander on her achievement and further commended the government for rewarding her. I will also suggest to the premier to also do the same for the young McMaster who has and continued to represent the BVI well.
  • Lord o (12/10/2019, 15:54) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    What did Mc Master get for winning Gold.? Mc Master being more consistent than her ... Mc Master is a Foreign name... I will challenge Mc Master to use these situations as motivations... Always strive to win.. Work hard.. . Ms Malone has a good attitude that much I can say . She got the gifts . it is what it is. She now has to strive for consistency....
  • musa (12/10/2019, 16:37) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    Any body bring home a gold deserves what she have and more,stop the hate and learn to appreciate. God bless you girl.
  • Check (12/10/2019, 18:54) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why wont you all do your research and see this giving of property to athletes who has performed excellent on a world stage is not uncommon throughout the world..congrats ms malone.
  • Well Well (12/10/2019, 20:38) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    60k would suffice as a reward, she gets more opportunities, and her regular benefits continue.

    But giving away land? Thats crazy.

    At current land prices the 0.4775 acres is worth around 100k. Possibly more, there are great views at Spooners.

    People out here working hard while the system keeps on taking and we cant catch a break, making moves to help ourselves and the persons in charge are moving slow. The average young person cant even think about land, not to mention house.

    yet people complain about the boats "running all night"

    They need to rethink this type of behavior because sport is not that important nor helpful to the community in the way that other persons have contributed.

    Give land to a teacher, give land to a cleaner.

    The people are calling for bread and this government is telling us to eat cake, come on!
  • retired (12/10/2019, 21:15) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Retired and still can't get my three years increments that is due give me a break
  • Cous (13/10/2019, 05:07) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Proud of you Chantz. Head up and stay focused. Continue to strive for the best and represent our little country. Keep doing the athletes clinic as you all did on Saturday because such actions go a long way to help others come along. We can and will win more medals with marked humility and gratefulness. Much love and all the best to you and all BVI athletes.
  • ?? (13/10/2019, 18:33) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    So sad to see some of the negative and hateful comments posted
    Are they aware that they are read far and wide. Not only here in the BVI
  • Me 2 (13/10/2019, 22:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congrats to the young lady. Its now up to the government to capitalize on her success and initiate some good marketing and name branding on the international sports circuit to sell the BVI and bring more tourism dollars to the country. With the right moves and continued support for her, the country can benefit financially from in the long term. It's a lot of hard work and sacrifice to get a gold. Let her enjoy her success,
  • OMG (14/10/2019, 09:43) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just shining some light on the fact that there are some hard-working public servants who have to be out in rain or storm who barely make $30,000 per year and some that do not make that much.

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