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Labour Department in shambles; A work permit took 1 year!- SFC

The true challenges of the Labour and Workforce Department was revealed last month, December 2022, in the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) deliberations to examine the 2023 Budget estimates. Photo: VINO/File
Acting Deputy Labour Commissioner (DLC) Ms Althea Guishard told members of the SFC that 'the department is seriously short-staffed to the point where it is very difficult to function.' Photo: LinkedIn
Acting Deputy Labour Commissioner (DLC) Ms Althea Guishard told members of the SFC that 'the department is seriously short-staffed to the point where it is very difficult to function.' Photo: LinkedIn
The issue of the current Labour Commissioner, Michelle A. Venzen McLean, is unclear at this time, as she was sent on leave- a move many see as victimisation. Photo: Facebook/File
The issue of the current Labour Commissioner, Michelle A. Venzen McLean, is unclear at this time, as she was sent on leave- a move many see as victimisation. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The true challenges of the Labour and Workforce Department was revealed last month, December 2022, in the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) deliberations to examine the 2023 Budget estimates.

It was the Acting Deputy Labour Commissioner (DLC) Ms Althea Guishard who told members of the SFC that “the department is seriously short-staffed to the point where it is very difficult to function.”

Ms Guishard stated that they “really do need funds for additional staff.”

Currently, the Department has been neglected by the government, with many senior posts not filled for years. These include the Workforce Development Manager, Assistant Labour Commissioner, Labour Officers , Labour Protection Officer for Inspections, Labour Relations Officer to name a few.

Minister says he fighting for Department

The Minister for Natural Resources and Labour and Member of the Second District, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull, stated that since May 5, 2022, when he “arrived in the department, the longest work permit situation he has dealt with took 1 year.”

The Minister noted that he cannot “stress enough the importance of the resources needed to staff the Labour Department to deal with the demands.”

Hon Turnbull mentioned that the Acting DLC is holding the fort as best as she can, having the responsibility to do her work, the work of the Acting Labour Commissioner and also the Deputy Commissioner.

Millions made from work permits

The public continues to complain about the poor services of the Labour Department; however, it is no fault of the staff, as there are no staff to do the work. Despite all of the issues, the department was still able to rake in some $6.9M last year in work permit fees.

The issue of the current Labour Commissioner, Michelle A. Venzen McLean, is unclear at this time, as she was sent on leave- a move many see as victimisation.

40 Responses to “Labour Department in shambles; A work permit took 1 year!- SFC”

  • resident (03/01/2023, 14:48) Like (85) Dislike (2) Reply
    They have plenty of staff they just need to get up off their butts and do some work
    • @tesident (03/01/2023, 16:46) Like (37) Dislike (1) Reply

      Same feeling as well, now, I am going to say what I gotta say. If you don’t like what I have to say, you can kick some empty cans down the dirt road. The staff got to damn comfortable, complacent and @%$**g stagnant, just sheer incompetence. Time for a big shake up in that department. And this …………..Labour Minister don’t know what he is doing.

      • The Slip Hammer (04/01/2023, 13:03) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
        staff need not come to work high on Marijuana
      • Buck man (11/01/2023, 19:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        And to add dearie they are filling their pockets from bribes received from corrupted business owners who want to fast track work permit processing. So obviously the system is broken as a result of pushing down the others to accommodate this wickedness. If you ask staff members from prominent businesses whether theres a "person" their boss refers to at labor to "help with paperwork", Im sure some of them will say yes. Government offices are too corrupt, theres needs to be a clean up all round. Too lazy, too incompetent, too corrupt and too MISERABLE!"
  • WOW (03/01/2023, 14:53) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    Mitch Turnbull is the worse Labor Minister EVER!
    • Worse / worst (04/01/2023, 03:28) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why do we always get it wrong?
    • Ning (06/01/2023, 13:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      NOOOOO! I thought you said it was the other one who tried to modernize the process and enforced the laws to insure employee and employer were meeting their legal obligations.

      Come on people, by now it should be clear that this is not about the Minister of Labour but the managers and management of the department. How many governments in and out and always the same story?
  • Not really (03/01/2023, 15:11) Like (54) Dislike (14) Reply
    They are noisy in shambles they are just wicked and like too victimize outsiders, the UK should take over this department
    • To not really (03/01/2023, 16:33) Like (22) Dislike (18) Reply
      Stop talk nonsense about UK. They cannot get the UK run so let them stay where they are.
    • @not really (03/01/2023, 17:32) Like (38) Dislike (8) Reply
      Wicked indeed they are, the FAKE s**t about BVI love is BS. These people here can’t stand outsiders.
      • I agree (03/01/2023, 19:33) Like (20) Dislike (41) Reply
        The locals can’t stand the outsiders that is living here. I am not from here and some of the things they say about us is disgusting. They don’t care if you are white, black, Chinese or any other race living in the BVI, they don’t like you or want you in their territory. That is why I don’t be bothered with any of them and keep a low profile. Don’t come with the fakery because I can smell it a mile away. You can see a person’s face but you can’t see their heart.
        • @ I agree (04/01/2023, 10:02) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
          If yuh don't like the People and the Place, planes and cargo ships leaving every day. Why others think they have the Rights to come to the VI and disrespect whomever Citizens if things don't be done in their favour immediately. I will love to see Virgin Isladers comeforth who have migrated to other Places do this. But, in the mean time, the Pace of Work at Labor Department appears to be getting worse than previous years. What is it going to take to see productivity?
        • @ I agree (04/01/2023, 20:02) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
          Some of the things I hear outsiders say about locals are repulsive to say the least. I have the privilege of dual citizenship as my Father is a Virgin Islander, but my mother nor myself were born here. If you as an outsider dislike a country and the people so much that you would spew such utter gobshit rubbish maybe you should leave. No one is holding you hostage. The Virging islands is the only place I've ever lived were the local population are treated as second class citizens. I can only assume this is where the local reaction you are receiving comes from.
      • Forbidden Truth (05/01/2023, 07:03) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        @@not really.... And outsiders can't stand locals. That's real talk. A lot of you bring your bad attitudes here. Bad work ethics. Stealing from employers, lying ,deceit,and the craft.
  • Whats new. The cup run-over (03/01/2023, 15:13) Like (43) Dislike (9) Reply
    How long people being complaining but no one cares...These are the reason why Britain need to take over. Our politicians cannot control civil servants..or we might have to do like some other countries and outsource some government services for better results and efficiency at a cheaper rate...
  • WMG (03/01/2023, 15:22) Like (16) Dislike (26) Reply
  • jack (03/01/2023, 15:39) Like (16) Dislike (9) Reply
    No surprises here
  • cc (03/01/2023, 15:56) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    Them and water walking hand in hand no better the herring no better the barrel two worst department in the Bvi
  • hm (03/01/2023, 16:23) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not sure how Mitch can say he is fighting for the department, when he is the government minister in charge. Tbh, it sickens me to hear these government members get up in the HOA and ridicule the government of which they are part of! They talk as though there is another HOA that makes decisions for the country. Utter BS. If Mitch wants it fix- fix it. Lead and stop being a lil boy.
  • Seriously (03/01/2023, 16:23) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    So I have a few concerns.

    First what is the problem that the commissioner is on leave?
    Is she under investigation as well?
    Why one person has to be doing two position where there is other staff memebers can hold one of the post?
    It have numerous staff and who are qualified and been there for many years where i know that they are capable of getting the job done and are willing to be promoted.
    I know there is adequate monies to give a raised instead of finding new workers to have to trained employees for the positions that need to be filled.

  • Linda (03/01/2023, 16:49) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    When you are new to your appointed position and had nothing to do with the current problems, you automatically get blamed for all of the problems that were already there, and everybody wants to blame the newcomer, which is very unfair. Working for some agencies is nothing but musical chairs, replacing the old with the new without proper training, and nothing ever gets solved for the poor people needing help and waiting for their paperwork to go through. I retired and don't have to worry about back-biting co-workers or overbearing unfair bosses playing favoritism. I'm free from all of the stress and will enjoy the rest of my days in peace. I feel sorry for the newly appointed who were just placed in these positions, because they don't know what they are in for. I hope they figure things out soon.
    • @linda (03/01/2023, 17:33) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      Very valid point. The case may be different here. I think the problem is leadership. A good leader should be able to tackle something as simple as a labour department that is already staffed and already have systems in place. They should be able to inspire the staff and work out how to turn the operation around. A bad leader can only add to the problems and will not begin to know where to start.
  • My only comment (03/01/2023, 16:52) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Really (03/01/2023, 17:12) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Wake up people it's all by design. Why did they never have this problem like how they are creating them during the end of times. They are causing all the problems so they can play saviour. The beast system is here and every business place has to update to the beast system so that's why this is happening. Fed Now is what you need to research now
  • Rubber Duck (03/01/2023, 18:57) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Labour department has one problem Mitch is a child and a victimizer
  • Jane (03/01/2023, 20:57) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Stupid system, purposefully laborious and byzantine. Documents completed longhand. Cruelly implemented by penpushers. Let the process be put out to tender by the private sector, it will save a fortune and drive money into government coffers and the wider BVI economy. This will never happen and we all know the reasons why.
  • bvi (03/01/2023, 21:04) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    Of all the problems currently facing the territory this one will be the last one that gets any attention. Those with money simply pay “agents” to get their work permits processed. We all know who these so called “agents” are. They don’t work for labor but get paid handsomely by businesses who need permits processed. This system is working just how the bvilanders want it to work.
  • TBS (03/01/2023, 23:41) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    THOSE DIRTY………..up in that office give to who they want to give it to. You got money to grease palms, you good, you don’t have money to grease palms, they deep six your application.
  • home (04/01/2023, 00:21) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    I really wish they can do better. They do not listen your complain/issues. Immigrayion is another issue too.
  • Chronic Ills (04/01/2023, 07:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This has been plagued by bad management over the years. This was compounded by the last minister who was using the department and policies to victimize expatriates. Having said that, it is time the new minister start producing. You need to battle for some additional staff and once they are in you need to read the riot act. The department needs to be productive. Set reasonable targets for response time and turnaround time and managers must hold these workers accountable. They must be made to realize it is not business as usual. this is a very valuable service the department is offering that affects government revenues and the whole BVI economy. Workers must realize you are not just penalizing expatriates and businesses, but they are retarding the country and even their own future. Even with this performance they earn over 6millions, so it's not farfetched to earn about 10millions for the government revenus annually.
  • vi (04/01/2023, 07:47) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Come straight up they just don’t want to approve them
  • nonono (04/01/2023, 07:58) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not labour department alone, the one next door too, immigration holding people passport for months without telling them what to do nor trying to solve the clients issues. If they are not going to go through and resolve a problem them let go of person passport Don't hold it up for months and NOT telling the person what next step to take. All they saying they'll call and that's it for months now.
  • Hmm (04/01/2023, 08:02) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yet it have some with fake documents approved in three months. Something is seriously wrong in that department
  • So true (04/01/2023, 08:34) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    All these bars and night clubs getting all these women to work, so much injustice in this department. All these bares owned by young Tolians get through easily because their childhood friends work in there , help the get the permit fast , but once you not fret on here’re you have a problem. Whores and alcoholics get through berry easily
  • All they do (04/01/2023, 09:30) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is sit on their big fat behinds eating and gossiping, collecting a pay check and wasting space. The people that is going to do the job and is looking for a job they don’t hire. Just a bunch of incompetent bush people up in that office.That darn Labour Minister is also a bush man so what do you expect.
  • BUSY BEE (04/01/2023, 11:07) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Again with reporting opinion rather than facts:
    " The issue of the current Labour Commissioner, Michelle A. Venzen McLean, is unclear at this time, as she was sent on leave- a move many see as victimisation."
    Victimisation?!? She was ineffective, a bottleneck in the works. The process got to her desk and ground to a halt. Dead End.
  • Gadaman (04/01/2023, 11:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I can attest that they are inefficient, unaccommodating, slow and a month and a half later simply useless. It's also getting to a point where I'm ashamed to be from there. Every branch of government is a sh!tshow. I'm now months behind on a project that should have been completed sometime early in the last quarter. Here we are in a whole New year and still no progress. I can see no other reason for this but for incompetence and crab in a barrel mentality. Your own people don't want to see you succeed.
  • Do the maths (04/01/2023, 16:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Say 35k ppl, 15k are belongers - 20k need work permits / 48 working weeks a year means 83 permits to process a day. It’s probably even less than that when you exclude dependents but will put in the full lot to account for joiners and leavers, transfers. Perhaps it’s too much for 1 person, but certainly two people could get through 40 applications a day each. WTF else are they doing? SMH COI that!
  • jack (06/01/2023, 11:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    a work permit that took one year is an unnecessary work permit. Too many unnecessary work permits are being issued and the ousted Labour Commissioner is aware. The minister is too but he wants to remain in office.
  • jack (06/01/2023, 11:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I saw a Jamaican outside Riteway, Pasea yesterday afternoon selling "bush". I am sure he too has a work permit.

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