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L. Allen Wheatley fires back @ Hon Marlon A. Penn; No hot air!

As the political race in the Eighth District heats up, there is a war of words between Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate L. Allen Wheatley, right, and the incumbent Representative and National Democratic Party (NDP) Member, Honourable Marlon A. Penn, left. Photo: Facebook
Minister for Health and Social Development and Eighth District Representative Hon Marlon A. Penn, right, was a guest of Tola Radio’ FM 100.5 with Floyd Burnett aka ‘Heritage’, left, on February 23, 2023. Photo: Facebook
Minister for Health and Social Development and Eighth District Representative Hon Marlon A. Penn, right, was a guest of Tola Radio’ FM 100.5 with Floyd Burnett aka ‘Heritage’, left, on February 23, 2023. Photo: Facebook
EAST END, Tortola, VI- As the political race in the Eighth District heats up, there is a war of words between Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate L. Allen Wheatley and the incumbent Representative and National Democratic Party (NDP) Member, Honourable Marlon A. Penn.

It was yesterday, Thursday, February 23, 2023, on ‘Tola Radio’ FM 100.5 with Floyd Burnett aka ‘Heritage’ that Honourable Penn made some allegations against Mr Wheatley.

Mr Penn, who is the Minister for Health and Social Development, claimed that Mr Wheatley is directing public officers to do work in the Eighth District and also alleged it is with the support of the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and Deputy Premier and Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5).

Who is blowing hot air?

Hon Penn also said there are “people blowing hot air at 4:00 AM” but he has done a lot for his district. This was a reference to Mr Wheatley, who is often early in the morning on his WhatsApp platform ‘Eyes of the people’ giving ideas on how the Eighth District and the country can move forward.

There are also reports that Hon Penn went to Governor John J. Rankin, CMG to complain about Mr Wheatley, but when a caller asked the question Mr Penn denied that was the case.

For his part, Mr Wheatley fired back in a voice note posted on his WhatsApp platform and spoke to the many contributions he has made to the Territory. He noted that, while at the Social Security Board, his work was praised regionally and internationally. He said when his opponent says he is ‘blowing hot air’, Mr Penn's Information Technology (IT) system has never been ranked anyplace in the world.

Hon Penn's background is in IT.

The VIP candidate, Mr Wheatley, also noted his work as the Financial Secretary, including when he was able to get through the then Scotia Bank for Double-A Ratings for the Virgin Islands and restructuring of the loan portfolio.

I have a proven track record- Wheatley

Mr Wheatley noted that when he speaks he does it from proven “work experience”, and he has a “proved track record of IT management, financial and investment management” and when he does speak he is “trying to help and not bring down”.

The VIP candidate for the Eighth District, in concluding, asked Hon Penn if he is willing to sacrifice himself for his district and the territory.

"Are you prepared to put the country first at all costs?" Mr Wheatley asked his NDP opponent.

59 Responses to “L. Allen Wheatley fires back @ Hon Marlon A. Penn; No hot air!”

  • HMMM (24/02/2023, 11:26) Like (31) Dislike (10) Reply
    Marlon has always been one of them running to the Governor from the last Governor to now with lies about anyone who he sees in his way to getting power. He has betrayed the trust of the people. He is one of the main persons who pushed for the one sided COI. He will soon find out that when you dig a ditch for others always dig two.
  • D8 (24/02/2023, 11:27) Like (30) Dislike (51) Reply
    Allen Wheatley ALL THE WAY!
    • 8th voter (24/02/2023, 15:27) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
      Good for you!!! tell me why I should vote for him?
      • Youth (24/02/2023, 18:36) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
        Come to the rallies; he will explain why.
      • facts (25/02/2023, 11:20) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
        Why Allen Wheatley, afraid to remind the territory the reason he went to jail? Kindly share that and we the people shall decide if you're the right fix
  • Observation (24/02/2023, 11:28) Like (46) Dislike (15) Reply
    I have observed over the years that Marlon and Mitch try to intimidate anyone who thinks about running against them as if the position is theirs for life. I hope Allen does not back down.
  • east end youth (24/02/2023, 11:30) Like (39) Dislike (6) Reply
    Marlon please show me what you say you did so much for district 8. All you do is lie and complain even when you were a Minister in the Government for the many years. Your time is up.
  • Former NDP Supporter (24/02/2023, 11:31) Like (33) Dislike (17) Reply
    I voted for Marlon each time he ran but this time I am voting for Allen Wheatley. I like his passion and positive drive. I really think he will be a breathe of fresh air in the 8th District and the country.
    • Former NDP Supporter (24/02/2023, 22:09) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
      You you voting for a convicted felon.... Oops this isn't thr USVI, it's thr BVI, where it is not a real place
    • Ohhh (25/02/2023, 18:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      So the same can be said for the 6th?
  • Really (24/02/2023, 11:32) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is exactly why the violence is world wide. Why is the people running this Earth always at war? How can peace come out of all this negative News. I don't questions why the kids are fighting when their parents are always bickering on social media. Why can't you grown folks work out the drama without involving everyone. Technology is the worst thing to mankind. You all don't use technology to be smarter,you use it to be dumber. When last you all look in a dictionary or encyclopaedia for information? When you use all your brains it's better than just getting an answer off Goggle without knowing how you got the answer. It's all by design so you all wouldn't understand. You have to keep using your brain by thinking not just getting a quick answer. The morning I have to research and think the smarter I feel. You will never understand how deadly it is to comply and follow what everyone else do
  • x (24/02/2023, 11:32) Like (20) Dislike (17) Reply
    My X is for Allen mehson. I going to give him a chance. I feel he will be more community oriented. Meaning I feel he will push to get things done on the 8th. Hon. Penn had a long time to get things done but I have not really seen anything done or being done.

    Give back the bush cutting to cornel. He had that beef island stretch looking like the yard of a mansion . Them boys who out there now getting the work done but cornel had it looking much better. ????
    • @x (24/02/2023, 11:40) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply
      I feel the same way and will do just what you are doing.
    • VI Gyal (24/02/2023, 14:55) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      So say who took it from him? Also a contract cannot be given to the same person year after year.
    • Help is on it's way! (25/02/2023, 10:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Allen please don't back out on us ! We need you at the poles! EIGHTH DIDTRICT NEEDS HELP!
  • He think we forget (24/02/2023, 11:32) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    All the work Marlon did went to the Crab in the barrel. He think we forget.
  • Oh boy. (24/02/2023, 11:33) Like (26) Dislike (6) Reply
    This race is going to be closer than expected...
  • review (24/02/2023, 11:34) Like (27) Dislike (4) Reply
    I ask everyone to review Marlon's history and you will see that he speaks no truth and always casting aspersions on others character especially those that challenge him. He is fresh out of ideas and needs to go. Even his own party members feel the same way.
  • Okay now (24/02/2023, 11:36) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    From the article it is clear why the last Governor to now has hidden the investigation on the plane because they want to protect their inside elected informant man who get a good chunk from it.
  • Alarming (24/02/2023, 11:37) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    The word on the street about Marlon is not good.
  • facts (24/02/2023, 11:42) Like (47) Dislike (3) Reply
    Marlon is not genuine. All he does is say things to tickle your ear and try to play with your heart and mind and emotions.
  • To Allen (24/02/2023, 11:43) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply
    Get a lot of prayers because he and his uncle hands are not clean.
    • ****** (24/02/2023, 14:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Seems like you right there with them :) Strupesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  • 2023 (24/02/2023, 11:46) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    simply my personal opinion, send marlon beef island to assist the business up there: he was given 2 consecutive terms with NDP; he definitely needs some time off from the political system
  • UK (24/02/2023, 11:55) Like (27) Dislike (32) Reply
    People you all really even considering putting Allen in government, come on something must be wrong with you people, this man should not be able to run for office, he has betrayed the trust of the people in the past and has dirty his waters, stay in your lane Allen, you will never get my vote, i dont hate you but you are not fit to hold office.
    • @UK (24/02/2023, 12:34) Like (23) Dislike (6) Reply
      Allen has paid his dues for what many see as another attempt by some of our power-hungry people like Marlon, Lorna and a few others who run to the governor whenever they lose power to go after anyone who they want out of the way so they can get back the power. This strategy will not work anymore. Who God bless no one can curse. Also, the law allows Allen to run. He will do an excellent job. He has all of my family and I sixteen votes in the 8th district.
    • Hush (24/02/2023, 12:57) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply
      Shush… bevis have also betrayed the people but have held several statutory positions on many boards since . Heck he even ran for the 8th at one point. So my questions is. What is the difference between Wheatley and Bevis? None! You are just a hypocrite. If you are on here airing your mouth then you should have been just as vocal when Bevis ran for the 8th. Wheatley is getting my X. He will push the 8 in the right direction and if he does not … I will vote his a** right out! One term is all he gets to make moves. ????
    • to UK (24/02/2023, 14:29) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
      Your point does not make sense because the same Marlon has selected Myron to run with him in the NDP and Myron is under investigation and has been arrested waiting court trial and probably jail time. I think ALLEN is in a much better position to run at this point and time than both Marlon and Myron.
  • Sambo (24/02/2023, 11:59) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply

    "There are also reports that Hon Penn went to Governor John J. Rankin, CMG, to complain about Mr. Wheatley, but when a caller asked the question, Mr. Penn denied that was the case." Which Wheatley is Marlon supposedly complaining to the Governor about, Hon Premier Natalio Wheatley or Allen Wheatley? Regardless of whom and if valid, it is disappointing Sambo's behaviour that is relished and celebrated by the colonial masters. What needed work, if any, is Allen getting done? Is this work that HON PENN, as an elected district rep, should have gotten done but did not? Are signs of desperation setting? The campaign should be based on persuasion of issues brought forward, not gutter politics or personal character assassination. Moreover, people must understand that colonial master are not into you, regardless of how much you kiss their @$$*$. Their role is to keep you in your places, i.e., inferior, servile role, etc.

    • @Sambo (24/02/2023, 12:31) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
      This is a beautiful post. Marlon has been selling out his people to the colonial powers a while now because they have stuff on him, and this guarantees his freedom. Time will prove what I am saying.
    • To Sambo (24/02/2023, 12:47) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
      What is alarming about Marlon's actions by keep running to the Governor for refuge over and over and over for years now clearly exposes that he and a few others like him are working with the Governor to have the Governor through the police and other actions, trying to influence the outcome of the elections. They have sold us out to the colonial masters for power that the same colonial masters will never give them. Time always reveals ALL!
    • @Sambo2 (24/02/2023, 13:21) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
      @Sambo, you are not writing like a Sambo but more like Uncle Tom. You does dig deep and hit hard. Willylynchism is alive and well in the BVI, along good ole manumission. The good ole boys steppin and fetchin and running to the Massa Guv John Rankin, CMG to complain on fellow Virgin Islanders. It was and is sickening Sambo behavior. The Guv and like-minded negros are having a whale of time. Then the negros/Sambos come back skipping, skinning dem teeth and grinning dem teeth in your face. The Judases are deadly mehson. They need to be isolated,?ostracized and put on the wall of shame, eh.
  • The Marlon I know (24/02/2023, 13:16) Like (5) Dislike (14) Reply
    He is a faithful husband and does not cheat on his wife and this shows loyalty. He does not say anything that is not truthful and does not undermine persons for power and this shows trust. He believes in God and does not do anything with foreign gods, and this shows faith. He was not involved in any questionable actions with his district vote money, the 8-million-dollar plane heist, Georgie hill road project, the 40 million over run pier park, Government loans from trade after Irma to friends and family that Government had to pay back, and that shows integrity. He is not one that is running to the Governor for protection, and that shows he does not sell out his people. This is the marlon I know and most of us know.
  • THE CRAB (24/02/2023, 14:19) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    Marlon did nothing for the 8th District to talk about, so not my vote this round. Allen all the way this time for me.
    Goodbye Marlon, I won't miss you.
  • surprise (24/02/2023, 14:41) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Marlon is depending on his large family numbers to win again but I am one of those family members who is telling him straight that it is no this time. I am voting for Allen Wheatley. I am tired of Marlon childish games. If Marlon could have confidence in Myron, then we can have confidence in Allen.
  • Campaign Above the Belt (24/02/2023, 14:59) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Can the campaign to represent 8th District be an old time campaign based on facts. Use the power of persuasion to bring voters to your point view, not employing gutter politics hitting below the belt. Voters should demand that the campaign is about issues that will improve the lives and livelihood of they and their families. The campaign should be about the people, improving their standard of living and quality of life, should it not? The politics character assassination should not in our politics. The BVI is a small community and the end of campaign, combatants will still have to interact in the community. May the best man or woman win based on facts and power of persuasion. No need for old friends be become enemies.
    • @Campaign Above the Belt (24/02/2023, 15:30) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      If this is what you want then you are taking away Marlon strength and strategy because what you say the campaign should not be about is all that Marlon is about for years.
  • VI Gyal (24/02/2023, 15:07) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply
    I understand half of you talking bout new face, new leadership, but no hate against Allen but he is not the answer.

    What have some of you done to help Marlon in his district. Government cannot do everything. most of you complain about things after the fact. What have you contributed too.

    Tell me what Allen has over Marlon? Marlon had this same passion and drive you guys claim Allen has when he first came out.....what happens after?

    I am sorry, Allen cannot go represent me 8th district resident in the HOA. He has no manners nor respect either.
  • VI Gyal (24/02/2023, 15:19) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply
    @4am is no respectable time to be messaging in a chat. Is it that urgent?
    • To VI Gyal (24/02/2023, 19:47) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      The boy is smart. He has to get up to pray to God and stay ahead of the other one and his uncle people from Guyana. Only God can help him from them because dem ain't easy.
    • @vigyal (24/02/2023, 20:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Members of Eyes of the People chat have the choice of reading a posted item at 4:00 am or at their leisure. You cheating froth liking to be in ting.
  • Jailbird (24/02/2023, 15:34) Like (10) Dislike (8) Reply
    one has always been out and one spent time. choose wisely who you vote for
    • voter (24/02/2023, 16:46) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
    • Quiet Rebel (24/02/2023, 17:10) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ Jailbird, it is your choice whom you vote for.. I believe if you do the crime you should do the crime. I also believe in redemption. I’m not intimately with Allen legal issue but he did the time. But there are many in the community who did the crime but have not done the time. That is the difference between they and Allen. Though I don’t condone breaking laws, a conviction should not be a life time sentence if one learn from one’s mistake and turn things around. A jail sentence should not be a life sentence. Though they are difference circumstances, many leaders have had brushes with the law and turn things around, making valuable contribution to their community, ie, our own Noel Lloyd and PAM members(who were jailed), Mandela (let me say it before say so. No comparison b/w Allen and Mandela), Richard Nixon ( rehabilitated himself after resigning the presidency). And there are innumerable others who were innocently in some cases serve time and rehabilitated themselves, making valuable contributions to society. In the last century in the BVI, the term jail bird was used to label the few people who ran afoul of the law. Today, it is not so common, for there are few families who have not have had family member(s) who ran afoul of the law. Notice you didn’t have the courage to say who serve time and who didn’t. That is your right too. Some people wish and wants things done; some people see things need to be done and take proactive action. Some people are show horses who hope things get done and work horses make things happen.. IMO Allen is work horse.
    • @Jailbird (24/02/2023, 17:21) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      The one that has always been out has only stayed out because he is a sell out to the colonial masters to be their inside man to bring false news for protection from them for all he should have already spent time for. So do not go there. Also, the one that has always been out is running with a male candidate that will soon be in.
  • tallgirl (24/02/2023, 16:16) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    Let me start by saying I have nothing against either candidate.
    My concern (if what I am hearing is true) is why is the Government giving or authorize Allen to have PWD do work on his Allen behalf for the 8th District. If Allen wants to do something for the 8th District he should be doing it out of his pocket or from raising funds. He should not have anything to do with Government funds or instructing any Government department as long as he is not the representative. And if this is happening this tells me two things:
    1) We have not learned anything from the COI and nothing has changed and we are still going about business as usually.
    2) Allen has shown his true self and is just like who he aligns himself with.
    We are crying for change but it appears we are not serious about wanting change.
    Again if this is true lets just give England full control because we are stiffed neck people and are not going to change our behavior nor do we as a people want anything to change.
    • @tallgirl (24/02/2023, 17:17) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      First let us find out if Marlon is telling the truth because he has been known to be challenged in that area for years to make himself always look like the victim looking sympathy votes.
    • Kinte (24/02/2023, 19:41) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Tall girl, if Sowande is authorizing Allen to supervise work, why don't Marlon, as a representative, take it up with Sowande? If he ran to the Governor like a slave, that would not be the behavior of a representative I would have confidence in.
      • tallgirl (25/02/2023, 15:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ Kinte,
        According to the show, Marlon’s message was directed at the Premier and Deputy. We are missing the point. We want change, and that is not change if the representative cannot get the Government to do things in his district but someone running with the Government can.
        Do we really want change or is it just hot air and things are not wrong if we like the person. BVI politics has been a popularity contest for far tooooo long. That’s why we are in the mess we in. Or you do not see that we are in a mess.
  • big show (25/02/2023, 09:28) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm sorry I voted for my cousin for 3 terms now and in my opinion, he drop the ball by focusing on people that have money already so he needs a reminder that these people that he focuses on cannot put him there alone Allen it is this time around cuz
  • Rubber Duck (25/02/2023, 09:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Time to write with a new Penn
  • Real One (25/02/2023, 11:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We the people have the power to who
    We wants to represent us. Marlon your time it’s over.
  • big show (26/02/2023, 15:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you like suffering vote for your present rep

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