King inspires Sprint Tech Track Club to wear pink!
King, who is now back in the Territory helping with coaching duties at Sprint Tech, had been involved in a similar gesture while at Portland State University.
”When we mentioned it to the children they loved the idea so we decided that everyone should dress in pink for training on Friday.”
Sprint Tech usually wears Red, White or Black for Training and so changing to Pink wasn’t an issue although the boy’s were a little more reluctant. “Most of our members are girls. I found some of the boys were ok with it and those who were not comfortable chose to wear white and black. Some wore red as that is the color for Fridays,” explained King.
The donation of $80 was received on behalf of the BVI Cancer Society by its President (Ag.) Gloria Fahie. “I think this was an outstanding idea because the kids need to get involved and learn about the possibilities of cancer in their young lives,” Fahie said.
“It was so good for me to be able to stand up there and discuss their eating habits and the foods they eat because anything to do with diseases, we have to fight it from the early stages. Parents need to get involved as well. We are at fault most of the time because we are packing the kids lunch boxes with sugary processed foods that are not good. Instead of putting fruits and vegetables, they are putting potato chips, Doritos and all those processed foods.”
Fahie said dealing with the young kids was such a pleasure as she shared how things was growing up where she could get corn, potato or another vegetable as she walked out the door. “I think we need to go back to the drawing board, grow local and feed the young people properly,” she stated, noting that questions surfaced about eating KFC and Wendy’s.
“We have to educate our young people and this was such a pleasure to do so and I will always find time in my busy schedule to deal with kids.”
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