King Donald the TRUMP
The present USA General Election Campaign- the election scheduled for November 2016- is set to be the most interesting in a generation. A US public angry at the political establishment is supporting outsiders instead of career politicians and establishment types.
Donald Trump, a bombastic and swaggering billionaire and developer, and Ben Carson, a quiet and highly renowned neurosurgeon, are the current frontrunners in the Republican Party. Bernie Sanders, a left wing grandfatherly type, is leading Hillary Clinton in both New Hampshire and Iowa. For the Caribbean, US politics is tied in with the macroeconomic environment of the region. What affects the US politically and socially impacts the [British] Virgin Islands and the wider Caribbean.
Now, Donald Trump is one of those men who defines the mood of their times. History tends to present these characters that represent the social and cultural movements of their eras.
Nero was a synonym for the decadence of Rome. Henry the Eighth believed Himself above the power of the Church at a time when the Pope was infallible. Napoleon was the bridge between monarchial Europe and a Republicanism that would dominate the continent to the present day. Winston Churchill, Chairman Mao, Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro, Margaret Thatcher, and Ronald Reagan, are personalities that defied gravity and were synonyms for the societies over which they presided.
Trump may just be one of those historical figures. Trump is bombastic and filled with bluster. He possesses a hubris and swagger that can intimidate lesser men. Trump may spark a new US isolationism, and the beginning of a 21st Century balance of power politics, that could be precursor to WORLD WAR 3. Trump’s demagoguery is loved by angry white males who feel shortchanged by a new politically correct America that they feel has gone too far to accommodate gays, blacks, and Latinos.
In the latest explosion on the campaign trail, Trump refused to chastise a white middle aged male who stated that the problem with America was Muslims. The man further described President Barack Obama as a Muslim and alien. He stated that all over the Middle East terrorists in camps were planning to attack The USA. He wanted to know what Trump would do about it. Trump’s response was that there were lots of problems that needed to be sorted and that President Obama was waging a war against Christians. Trump so far has got away with what no other politician can dream of doing.
So what would a President Donald Trump spell for the world? Matthew Pressman writing in the Atlantic magazine, the September 16, 2015 edition, believes that a Trump Whitehouse will see a resurgence of aggressive US militarism around the world.
Like Ronald Reagan whose foreign policy slogan was 'peace through strength', Reagan’s simple power formula was that 'we have to be so strong that no nation in the world will dare lift a hand against us', that is also Trump’s favourite saying as he states that as President he “will make America great again.”
Like Reagan, Trump does not see the problems facing America as complicated and intractable. “Solutions exist but leaders like Obama and the rest of the political class” lack the strong will to implement them. They are "corrupt and stupid," according to Trump, who states that he will usher in a presidency that will be characterised by cutting edge deal making.
Trump possesses the type of personality that can bulldoze its will through the Washington Establishment, or so Trump believes. He speaks plainly and never retreats. He states that the present power establishment in Washington has “waved the white flag of surrender at foes such as Iran, China, and North Korea”. Furthermore, Trump promises to make the USA “feared all over the world” by building a formidable military machine.
Paul Solotaroff, writing in the Rolling Stone Magazine of September 9, 2015, describes Trumps gift of “delivering a message of power and courage without speaking about policy and substance.” Trump speaks to his base support: white working males, and he has, “a pitch perfect ear for their resentment.”
Trump has, “a ventriloquist’s gift of reading back to his supporters the words they think, but cannot utter at work, or anywhere else for that matter, but their kitchen table, perhaps.”
Trump is saying what they have always wanted to say but cannot in this politically correct world. Trump can say these things because he is Donald Trump: a veritable firebrand.
Trump’s supporters believe that he is the most honest politician in the game. Trump they state, “means what he says and says what he means.” One Democrat and Trump supporter described the average politician as having, “marbles in their mouth to stop the public from understanding what they are saying.”
Not Trump! Trump goes for the jugular. And his enormous audiences love it. As he insults his foes the audiences erupt in laughter and support. Trump plays the crowd like a maestro. Polatroff states that what is most amazing is that Trump does his conducting of crowds with ease. There are no note cards. There is no prep in the car. There is no preparation for his rambling speeches.
At 69 years of age Trump looks like he is just beginning. Trump gives every impression that this is his natural calling. This is what Trump was born for. He is having the time of his life.
Trump is a paradox. He is worth billions but identifies with the “small man”. That is another side to trump’s genius. Trump the high flying billionaire describes the 1% of which he is at the pinnacle as bad. They are takers, and job exporters. Trump is spilling the beans on the 1%. They have gamed the system according to Trump. Trump is the billionaire populist: a near oxymoron.
Political campaigns are financed by the millionaire and billionaire class in the US. Trump does not need their money. Trump has spurned them. He will finance his own campaign and he has put aside $1 billion for the effort.
Trump who has been described as a “traitor to his class” -the billionaires- described how in past years, before he became a politician, he had senators flying in from Washington to “beg for money”. Trump insists that he belongs to the people and not the wealthy 1%.
Trump preaches a conservative heresy. His populist message, according to Polatroff, calls for, “immediate tax hikes on hedge fund profits, tax hikes for the ultra wealthy, tax cuts for the middle class, spending increases on health care especially for veterans and women, huge capital investments in the US national infrastructure, and a wartime era ramp up of the Defense Department Budget.”
There are caveats to Trump’s spending and tax plans. There is already a US national debt of 19 trillion dollars.
Trump’s answer to “where will the money come from,” is as expected simplistic. Trump will “renegotiate trade deals so that the country is rich again.” Trump will return jobs, businesses, and capital, from the likes of China, Mexico, and Japan, back to the US mainland.
It has been so far so good for Donald Trump. “Trump carpet bombs his rivals each and every day without receiving return fire.”
Trump should expect that sooner than later, a coordinated counterinsurgency will start against him.” There are signs that this has already started. “There is a coordinated effort by the Republican Establishment to trash Trump and his ideas.”
Will the Republican Establishment be able to put the Donald in a cage? Time will tell!
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