Kevon S. Lettsome endorses Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley for D7 re-election

While not stating his reason for pulling out of the political race, Mr Lettsome in a statement today, Monday, March 27, 2023, said Dr Wheatley, the current Premier and Minister of Finance, is the “best fit” to move the Seventh District forward, as he has the experience and temperament that are necessary in these challenging times.
Dr Wheatley is a ‘proven leader’- Kevon S. Lettsome
Mr Lettsome highlighted that the territory has managed its way through a pandemic unlike anything seen in a century or even in our lifetime, a possible suspension of the Virgin Islands constitution and dealing with the Commission of Inquiry and the reforms which are expected to be carried out; however, he believes there is a lot of work yet to be done.
“And that is why today I am officially suspending my bid as a candidate for the upcoming April 24th, 2023, General Election and endorsing Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley as a tried, steady and proven leader to return to serve the people of the Seventh Electoral District and the Virgin Islands in these times of adversity.”
Mr Lettsome noted that while more work needs to be done in District 7, through his endorsement he will hold Premier Wheatley to his [Lettsome’s] same standards and the kind of love he has for this community.
D7 ‘proud’ of having first Premier
Mr Lettsome also said Premier Wheatley is fired up, he is fired up and residents of District 7 should be fired up about what a full four years would look like with Dr Wheatley as Premier and Minister of Finance.
“I pledge to all residents of this community that I will work hand-in-hand with Premier Wheatley to ensure District 7 gets its fair share,” Mr Lettsome stated.
The young businessman noted that the Seventh District is proud to have a first Premier in Dr Wheatley, “and I know this means something to all of us and we must cherish opportunities like these forever.
“I am fully supporting the Premier, and I need all of you to throw your full support behind Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley and let's move District 7 forward together!” Mr Lettsome stated.
Dr Wheatley’s challenger in the Seventh District is former Director of Water and Sewerage Department Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard, who the National Democratic Party (NDP) has been wooing to join the party.

26 Responses to “Kevon S. Lettsome endorses Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley for D7 re-election”
I coming!!!
Bam !!