Kareem-Nelson Hull to co-host Grammy event in Beverly Hills

This news comes less than two months after BET producer Kelly 'G' Griffin had expressed how serious he was about exploring all possibilities to have Hull touch some big stages with a microphone in his hand to unleash the Caribbean accent and flare as a co-host to events in the United States of America.
It is also the commitment of the man at the helm of Follow the Movement (FTM) which produces the annual talent programme Top 7@7, Mr Craig A. Lake aka DJ Push Pop. Mr Lake had said he would jump at every positive move to see youths of the VI climb the ladder in whatever field they show the aptitude to elevate themselves professionally.
On February 6, 2015 in Beverly Hills, California, USA, Kareem-Nelson Hull will be on stage at a Grammy event. “As I said before, we [will] continue our relationship with Follow the Movement and Craig A. Lake. I love what he is doing down in the BVI … We had a conversation over the holidays and I was telling him that we were planning to do a special showcase, a Music Matters showcase that celebrates all of our Music Matters artistes who have been Grammy nominated,” said Mr Kelly ‘G’ Griffin during a phone conference press briefing yesterday January 14, 2015.
Some of those Grammy nominated artistes to be celebrated and that had their careers birthed through BET Music Matters include Molly Music, DJ the Chicago Kid, Luke James, Antonique Smith, among some other big names in the industry. “And a couple of other guest surprises, and this is going to be happening at an event called ‘HOME’ House of Music and Entertainment and it’s exclusively at Beverly Hills. We would love for Kareem to be a part of it like he did our December showcase and we find it exciting,”said Mr Griffin.
Griffin said this is going to be a much bigger event than December’s as they anticipate a lot of press and big celebrities being present. “This will be one of the very few events that go on around the Grammy’s,” he added.
Mr Lake said it even came as a surprise to him at the level that has been opened for Kareem as it surrounds the Grammy.“It’s a big surprise because I was expecting a next invitation at the Music Matters again in New York or another showcase someplace else but I wasn’t expecting this so we are thankful from our end to be a part of it.”
For Kareem it’s all praises to the God he serves and ties to the biblical saying of ‘Once the favour of the Lord is upon you there is no holding back’. “I believe what the Bible says, I have committed my ways to the Lord, I’ve asked and would normally pray that no opportunity that he hasn’t sanctioned come my way so when it happens and it comes it's clear and when the doors open I just walk through it,” said Mr Hull.
There is a saying and Hull is quite aware of it that VI residents are not very supportive of their own. However, this saying is not all together true as many Virgin Islanders continue to show him love and mountainous support as was experienced during his first run on the Music Matters showcase.
As he goes again being himself, humble and open to learning, Hull is confident that while most persons from the VI would not be present to support him in person he is comforted by the many calls, texts and other forms of communication that go his way while in the USA.
A team, which includes Ms Patty Romney, Percy Rhoden, JBY Fashion’s Sabrina Evans along with Craig A. Lake, will be part of the VIP guest list. “Even better this time my wife is going to be there with me so I will be very comfortable and well supported,” said Hull.

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