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Jr Tourism Minister deems inaugural Tourism Summit as ‘very successful’

The inaugural Tourism Summit in the Virgin Islands was held on January 16 and 17, 2025, at the Peter Island Resort. Photo: Facebook
Junior Minister for Culture and Tourism Hon Luce D. Hodge-Smith described the inaugural Tourism Summit in the Virgin Islands as very successful. Photo: Facebook
Junior Minister for Culture and Tourism Hon Luce D. Hodge-Smith described the inaugural Tourism Summit in the Virgin Islands as very successful. Photo: Facebook
The inaugural Tourism Summit in the Virgin Islands included panel discussions with panelists from different areas in the tourism sector in the Virgin Islands and the region. Photo: Gvovernment of the Virgin Islands
The inaugural Tourism Summit in the Virgin Islands included panel discussions with panelists from different areas in the tourism sector in the Virgin Islands and the region. Photo: Gvovernment of the Virgin Islands
PETER ISLAND, VI- The recently concluded Tourism Summit has been dubbed a success.

The inaugural Virgin Islands (VI) Tourism Summit was held at the Peter Island Resort on January 16 and 17, 2025, with attendees both in person and virtually. 

Junior Minister for Culture and Tourism Hon Luce D. Hodge-Smith (R4) described feeling “ecstatic” and said, “I think that we had a very, very successful [summit], to me it was excellent. The speakers really set the pace in terms of what they talked about, the topics that they talked about.”

She was speaking with Acting Director of Communications Mrs Karia J. Christopher following the final day of the summit.

Hon Smith was encouraged by the number of attendees and the interest they maintained returning on day two. 

“That to me was a really good thing and it showed that there’s lots of interest in our tourism industry, our tourism product itself,” she stated. 

Request made for more collaboration & consultation

One of the key points coming out of the two-day tourism summit was the need for more consultation and collaboration with industry stakeholders and partners. 

“Those are the things that we are going to be doing,” Hon Smith assured. 

A report detailing the events of the Tourism Summit is expected and Hon Smith said an action plan is going to be mapped out. 

This plan will include “things we need to do, when they need to be done, who will do them so that we maintain the momentum”. 

The future of VI’s tourism

Hon Smith said the Tourism Ministry will continue this process with community consultations. 

“So if persons did not have an opportunity to be here on Peter Island or even to be online for whatever reason we will be going out in the public, in the communities, from Jost van Dyke to Anegada to hear more. Because we still need to hear from as many people as we can so that we can finalise our Tourism Policy and our Tourism Plan,” she explained. 

Hon Smith also encouraged everyone to continue giving the the support in whatever way they can as the Tourism Policy is updated.

6 Responses to “Jr Tourism Minister deems inaugural Tourism Summit as ‘very successful’”

  • pat (21/01/2025, 09:06) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    It was indeed no credit to shrun
  • stfu (21/01/2025, 09:17) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    List the outcomes please. Is it successful because a bunch of people showed up and our economy was deprived of their productivity? What else has been achieved?
  • BuzzBvi (21/01/2025, 09:23) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Talk is not going to get the job done.
  • huh (21/01/2025, 09:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tourism the least in wealth should make money from the tourist but they put this summit on peter island. I hope the ferry was free.
  • LOL (21/01/2025, 10:37) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    When yuh doh know better….
  • Doubt (21/01/2025, 10:39) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    how a 2 day meeting on an out island during the working week in high season where many of the 'stakeholders' in BVI tourism were absent could be a success

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