Jost van Dyke: The ‘step-sister’ island the NDP forgot

He will, however, be in for an ‘earful’ since those residing on sister island ‘Jost van Dyke’ are growing tired of the rhetoric and promises of the current National Democratic Party (NDP) Administration and its neglect of the island and its inhabitants and their domestic concerns.
Step-Sister Island
Some say, Jost van Dyke’ is in fact treated more like a “step sister” Island.
Virgin Islands News Online visited the smaller ‘sister island’ in the Virgin Islands (VI) ahead of the Opposition Leader’s visit tonight, and was greeted with a desolate, abysmal state of affairs—a situation this publication was told, was only compounded by the Hurricanes of 2017 since, Jost van Dyke, has long been neglected by the ruling administration.
Arriving on the still popular tourist destination, Customs and Immigration Officials continue to struggle with make-shift arrangements, tents included.
Among the first impressions, as a visitor or resident makes their way to the Ferry Terminal—as if providing a backdrop for the government officials, carrying out official duties under a tent—an array of discarded electrical transformers and other debris, strewn about the place.
No Shelter
As the Territory and residents brace for the peak of the 2018 hurricane season, those in Jost van Dyke are certain of one thing; the shelter is not an option, as this too is in dire need of repairs—already in a dilapidated state, even before the hurricanes of 2017.
Post Irma and Maria conditions on the ‘step-sister’ island of Jost van Dyke continue to resemble the immediate aftermath of the Category-5 hurricanes, a year later.
The Jost van Dyke Day Care Centre—one of the many critical ancillary services provided for particularly working parents of young children—remains shredded, now not even a shell of its former self.
There has been no indication from government on when any of these facilities would be restored or brought to a new splendor.
Compounding the situation, the children of Jost van Dyke’s are also faced with the fact, there are no doors and windows on their already extensively damaged school building and are made to face the elements that engulf the Caribbean.
Minister for Education and Culture, Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (AL), updated the House of Assembly members on July 19, 2018, on the works to be done on schools across the Territory.
Reconstruction of the Jost van Dyke Primary School was not listed.
Health Services are also at a standstill on the ‘step sister’ island of Jost Van Dyke.
Deaf Ears
One brave resident speaking with Virgin Islands News Online, spoke to some of the failed promises by the NDP administration and the District Representatives in the HoA.
Speaking from his White Bay home, in Jost van Dyke, 55-year-old, Gregory A. Callwood, told this publication, “from 2015 till this day the second and ninth district has been neglected big time by the NDP and it’s such a shameful thing cause Anegada and Virgin Gorda, Cane Garden Bay, Jost van dyke are the biggest tourist places and nothing has been done to enhance.”
Mr Callwood told this publication Second District Representative, the Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull, known across the Territory as ‘Mitch, “beg and plead for assistance in the House on many occasions it all fell on deaf ears.”
Just Talk
Citing a practical example, Mr Callwood recalled, “we in Jost van Dyke were promised our Hilltop Road from the onset.”
He said, elections has since come and gone and “nothing, we calling for help cause it’s a terrible thing cause they say they gonna improve tourism but just talk.”
Basic infrastructure in what was once one of the more pristine of the islands in the sailing capital of the world, is all but crumbling.
Getting off the ferry, visitors are greeted with some of the most dangerous roadways in the territory and according to Mr Callwood, they have not been rehabilitated in ages.
Public Security on the Jost van Dyke is a daily worry for residents.
This, since the Police Station on the island was ripped apart by the Hurricanes in September last and to date has not been cleared out, much less rebuilt.
The Police in Jost van Dyke, in addition to their accommodation worries, are also without a working vehicle to respond to any emergencies.
Traversing the once pristine vacation destination, roads transition into trails at some points, a result of the erosion and deterioration over the years.
Derelict vehicles and abandoned boats, garbage and debris is now a commonplace scene in Jost van Dyke, a situation compounded by failed electoral promises to the Jost van Dyke electorate.

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