Jones holds off Leroy to win Beef Island Race!
The course started at Trellis Bay, proceeded onto the airport road, around Long Bay beach with all the joys of the sand to navigate, then through the turn to Well Bay, up along the old airport road, through the swamp pond and bush back to Trellis Bay for 2 more laps for the full course.
There were many battles going on within the race, with a mixture of those trying to find fitness after a long winter break, to those newbies such as Gary Salter and Ian Walker trying to upset the balance of things with the old guard, to the old hands such as Andrew "Tubes" Thompson coming out of semi retirement in the UK to keep everyone honest at the front. There were mechanicals, crashes, and people going the wrong way and all the usual comings and goings that go with mountain bike racing.
The surprise winner on the day was young Ricardo Jones who put on an excellent display to beat the experienced Phillipe Leroy into 2nd place, with his winning time of 39 minutes 42 seconds. Leroy finished in 41.27 and Gareth Thomas came home 3rd in 43.39.
According to Thomas, “no doubt everyone will be keeping a close eye on this young protégé to see what he is capable of in the future.”
In the ladies section, Carolina Pettigrew swept up the honours and finished 12th overall with a time of 49.33 whilst Dara Smith came 2nd in 51.29.
The cadet races also saw some great racing too. Despite a few spills, all the cadets finished their races and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves, as did the parents cheering them on! The winners on the day being Jandon Joseph (5 to 7 years), Tai Thomas (7-9 years) and Dereck Pettigrew (9-11 years).
The next race is on Sunday March 31 and will be an adult’s only race due to the location of the course. The start and finish will be at Sebastian's in Apple Bay and the course will mainly be on the road so slick tires are suggested. This race is called the Carrot Bay double and is anticipated to be a tough course.
Full race results as follows:
Overall-1. Ricardo Jones 39.42, 2. Phillipe Leroy 41.27, 3. Gareth Thomas 43.39, 4. Staitius Talam 44.11, 5. Andrew Thompson 44.54, 6. Anthony Spencer 46.14 7. Ian Walker 46.27, 8. Jude kinkead 46.55, 9. Alistair Abrehart 47.12, 10. Dave Kinkeid 47.15
Women – 1. (12th overall). Caroline Pettigrew 49.33, 2. (16th overall). Dara Smith 51.29
Fun Novice- 1. John Pettigrew 47.03, 2. Thor Downing 47.50
Cadets, (5-7 years old). 1. Jandon Joseph, 2. Haley Ortiz, 3. J'nen Ortiz. (7-9 years old). 1. Tai Thomas, 2. Tay Shawn Williams, 3. Noah Cottreau, Alex Fountain. (9-11 years old). 1. Dereck Pettigrew, 2. John Cullimore, 3. Dominic Munro, 4. Nicole Munro

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