John Lewis slams lack of safety @ Poker Run

He was sharing a panel with Mr Bevin S. George on the television talk show ‘Speak Your Mind’ aired on Saturday June 4, 2016 on JTV Live Channel 55.
“Somebody will get hurt eventually,” said Lewis of the Poker Run.
He noted that while the event was going on there was a squal, “and just imagine what would have happened if one had to make a sharp deviation to the right or to the left, and you got thrown off that boat and you are not a swimmer and there are other boats coming at you. What happens?”
He said persons need to be seriously concerned about the enforcement of safety.
Noting that the event is getting bigger and bigger every year, Mr Lewis argued that with the increase in participants comes the increase in the chances of something bad happening.
According to Lewis, he has observed persons not wearing the requisite personal safety devices or floatation devices.
He said accidents happen where these safety precautions are not observed and there is alcohol involved.
Painting a scenario, Mr Lewis explained that if perchance a boat has to make a sudden swerve to the left or right and persons inside that boat are standing and holding on to absolutely nothing, it will be likely that they are thrown from the boat into the water.
Safety talk upsets caller
At this point a member of the public called in to the programme and was seemingly upset with the information that Mr Lewis was seeking to give members of the public regarding safety at Poker Run.
The man asked why the need for seat belts in powerboats when the same is not required for party boats.
Lewis then informed him that the party boats are not likely to be travelling at 50 knots.
“Partner if ayo ain't got nothing to talk come off the f--king radio!” the caller said angrily.
Apologising for the caller's use of foul language, Lewis said that all that the show was trying to do was to ensure that the Poker Run is done in a safe manner given the dangers.
Lewis said that as the event gets bigger there should be more enforcement of the simple safety rules governing the activity.
“I'm hoping that the general public appreciates that safety comes first. If you get into your car you have to put on your seat belt. You may not like it but it is safety,” he said.
While these observations were made by Lewis, there has been no report of mishaps for this year's Leverick Bay Poker Run.

16 Responses to “John Lewis slams lack of safety @ Poker Run”
Not saying the persons on the sea dont need to follow safety rules but dont single out the poker run as if it only occurs at this event. This is not fair to the many patrons or sponsors who look forward to enjoying this day with friends and family in our BVI waters.
the Poker Run that are operating wreckless endangering the lives of others.
The Poker Run has no control over any one who put their boat in the water that
day and follow the participating boats.
Police Marine Units are responsible saftey in our waters, NOT the Poker Run Organization.
If Police marine Unit see a 12 feet boat out there with 20 people onboard, do you want them to
contact the Poker Run Organization? Mr. Lewis needs to get his facts straight before making a fool
of him self.
It is a responsibility of each boat operator to ensure the safety of all those aboard, but the onus is on the organizers of such events to stress the importance of safety at all times. Tight clusters of boats traveling at high speeds present a major danger to anyone who may be bounced overboard by a wave. In the scenario he described, a person would not have a very good chance of survival.
Perhaps Mr. Lewis could put together a list of suggestions for the committee in charge of the Poker Run as to how they might beef up the safety aspects of this very fun event?
Wearing PFD's throughout the race is not likely to go over well with adults, particularly for those on larger yachts with high freeboard. I do agree it should be a requirement for the "go fast" type boats. Seat belts, however, are a really bad idea. If a boat hit a wave the wrong way and capsized, the chance of drowning would increase drastically. If anyone was knocked unconscious when the boat flipped, that would the end.
Nobody should be standing in any boat traveling at a high rate of speed.
Rules needs to be enforced because I can tell you an accident at those speeds will not result in a break hand or leg it is usually bodies you will be pulling out of the water, trust me I have seen it right in front of my eyes. This event will only get bigger and they are getting more popular around the world because it is a way to bring in more tourist dollars. But something needs to be done fast before something seriously happen because that alone will put a dark cloud over this event if we want to attract those big spenders from Florida who has now show interest in coming down with their boats and families for this event.