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John J. Rankin Out! Daniel Pruce In! as Governor of VI

- Mr Pruce's appointment to take effect from January 2024
The Virgin Islands (VI) will get a new Governor effective January 2024 where Mr Daniel Pruce has been appointed Governor of the VI as current Governor John. J. Rankin, CMG is said to be retiring from service. Photo: Internet Source/FCDO
In a short ceremony on Friday, January 29, 2021, His Excellency John J. Rankin, CMG was sworn in as the 14th United Kingdom (UK) appointed Governor of the [British] Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS/File
In a short ceremony on Friday, January 29, 2021, His Excellency John J. Rankin, CMG was sworn in as the 14th United Kingdom (UK) appointed Governor of the [British] Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS/File
 Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R2) had again slammed the Governor, Mr John J. Rankin CMG for statements made that following the release of the Commission of Inquiry report, the Virgin Islands Government had the option of calling fresh elections. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R2) had again slammed the Governor, Mr John J. Rankin CMG for statements made that following the release of the Commission of Inquiry report, the Virgin Islands Government had the option of calling fresh elections. Photo: VINO/File
LONDON, UK- The Virgin Islands (VI) will get a new Governor effective January 2024. Mr Daniel Pruce has been appointed Governor of the VI, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development (FCDO) office detailed today, June 30, 2023.

This comes as current Governor H.E Mr John J. Rankin CMG is said to be retiring from diplomatic Service, paving the way for Mr Pruce to take up the appointment in January.

The FCDO said Mr Pruce has years of experience as a diplomat the most recent being FCDO, Interim Director of Communication from 2021 to 2022, Her Majesty’s Ambassador in Manila from 2017 to 2021and Deputy Head of Mission, Madrid from 2012 to 2016.

Mr Pruce was in 2008 to 2012 the Deputy Head of Mission in Bangkok and served as the FCO, Head of Strategic Communications, Europe & Globalisation Directorate from 2007 to 2008.

Rankin is 14th Governor 

In a short ceremony on Friday, January 29, 2021, His Excellency John J. Rankin, CMG was sworn in as the 14th United Kingdom (UK) appointed Governor of the [British] Virgin Islands.

During the ceremony, it was revealed by Deputy Governor David D. Archer Jr, while reading the Royal Commission of Appointment, that Governor Rankin’s appointment had took effect from the previous Ex-Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert departed the territory on Saturday, January 23, 2021.

Mr Rankin then took the Oath of Allegiance and the Oath for due Execution of Office, administered by Madam Justice Vicki Ann Elis before the Governor and Justice Vicki Ellis signed the Oath.

Controversy in office 

During his tenure, Mr Rankin has been accused of lying to the people of the VI regarding a statement made on February 14, 2023, where he said it would have been possible for a dissolution of the House of Assembly and a new election called following the release of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report, however, members of the House of Assembly chose to form a Government of National Unity and committed to the implementation of the CoI recommendations.

Then Unity Government Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) had slammed the Governor over the statement after labeling it false, while reiterating that the VI Government had wanted to maintain a good relationship in the best interest of the people of the Virgin Islands because he believes collaboration is better than conflict.

According to the Premier, the statement from the Governor was, therefore, one that was trying to bamboozle the people of the VI, "I'm not going allow the governor or anybody else to bamboozle the people of the Virgin Islands,” he had said.

Gov Rankin was caught in another lie?

Mr Rankin had also been caught in a scandal over whether he knew in advance of the United States (US) sting operation that led to the arrest of ex-Premier of the Virgin Islands, Andrew A. Fahie in Miami on April 28, 2022.

The Governor has repeatedly denied having prior knowledge of the arrest of Mr Fahie and had said it was not a joint UK/US operation.

Tortoise Media on September 22, 2022, said, despite the claims of the Governor, that a recording sent ‘inadvertently’ by the Governor’s Office suggested that the Governor does in fact sign off on US DEA operations in the VI and that he generally knows of investigations that are underway. 

The Governor in a short clip said, “I do give the authorisation for DEA operations.”

57 Responses to “John J. Rankin Out! Daniel Pruce In! as Governor of VI”

  • Interested (30/06/2023, 09:41) Like (48) Dislike (7) Reply
    Governors May change. The UK agenda does not
    • NezRez (30/06/2023, 10:45) Like (15) Dislike (19) Reply
      Same thing I was thinking. They are all here to screw us over. Maybe they feel Rankin isn't tough enough on us, so they are playing bad cop, badder cop.
      • lodger (30/06/2023, 11:44) Like (20) Dislike (7) Reply
        To Nezrez. Cant you read. Governor Rankin is reaching retirement age, and probably heaving a huge sigh of relief.
        • sample (01/07/2023, 07:29) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
          I hope he an't retired and live in the BVI like the previous Popo comm********* and take up work.........
          but anyways feel free to come live between us and enjoy the beach and spend some of those money you collected for Messing up we country.
  • action (30/06/2023, 09:41) Like (17) Dislike (25) Reply
    Welcome to our incoming governor. Like California ex governor may you function like a governator. From day one hit to ground running let slowman and the slowetts know who is in charge. Let them know that tola belongs to UK. Let them know you are large and in charge. You must like will not have to institute the order in council most definitely it would be in place when you arrive.
  • Racist set of people (30/06/2023, 09:53) Like (10) Dislike (15) Reply
    What about a black governor?
    • Arrion (30/06/2023, 10:50) Like (16) Dislike (14) Reply
      A Black Governor is the same as a White Governor. They are all here to screw us over. They are only loyal to the U.K. and do whatever they deem fit, so stop looking for Black to have your back! Wake up!
  • time (30/06/2023, 09:57) Like (9) Dislike (28) Reply
    They will all pay for their evil deeds to the BVI. Time will tell.
  • Josiahsbay (30/06/2023, 09:58) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    The same governance with a different personality.
  • hold on (30/06/2023, 09:58) Like (7) Dislike (23) Reply
    These people think we are stupid. All of a sudden Rankin retiring. This is what they do to hide the truth.
  • Racism remains (30/06/2023, 10:01) Like (5) Dislike (15) Reply
    Some of you do not want to admit it but the UK Officials are mostly still racists and anti female. Never a black Governor in the 21st century. Imagine the first female Governor was in 2020 in Bermuda and they had the heart to feel proud of this and celebrate it. If this does not show all of you who they really are then nothing will.
    • @Racism remains (30/06/2023, 14:19) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Turks and Caicos had a new governor appointed this week: she is a British-Asian. She was previously Governor in Anguilla.
    • @Racism remains (30/06/2023, 15:11) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      Funny, I don't see too many ethnicities in the HOA.
      • hello (01/07/2023, 09:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        Maybe because the leaders elected reflect the demographics of this country. You may not like to face reality but this is a majority black nation.
  • Rubber Duck (30/06/2023, 10:03) Like (2) Dislike (20) Reply
    It will be good to see the back of Rankin, the weakest most vacillating and non achieving Governor of recent times.
    • action (30/06/2023, 13:49) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
      @rubber ducky you might just be true, it simply means he and slowman are twins.
  • Clearly (30/06/2023, 10:03) Like (12) Dislike (7) Reply
    Clearly from the UK news it is abundantly clear the UK cannot and is not handling their own affairs well. Four Prime Ministers in two years. Five Minister of Overseas Territory in four years. They are in shambles but putting up a good front trying to fool some of you.
  • Translation (30/06/2023, 10:06) Like (8) Dislike (19) Reply
    The reall truth: Rankin has messed up and the UK asked him to resign but do it through retirement to save embarrassment. The usual cover up using PR and the retirement gimmick. A set of deceivers.
  • Ok now (30/06/2023, 10:08) Like (7) Dislike (14) Reply
    Now we see why Rankin was traveling back and forth so much to the UK and other meeting spots in the last year. He was sacked.
  • youth man (30/06/2023, 10:10) Like (15) Dislike (14) Reply
    The UK needs to stop their colonialistict conduct. Slavery has been abolished but they still practice it with modern techniques such as order in council. This is wrong and needs to be revoked immediately.
  • An issue (30/06/2023, 10:13) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
    The set up the UK has for its Overseas Territories shows disrespect and is arcade. The leader of any country should never be made to report to any senior public servant as this is disrespectful to the leader, to the people they serve, and to democracy as the people elect their leaders and not the Governor. This is what is happening now when the Premier reports to the Governor. This needs rectifying immediately.
  • Let's be real (30/06/2023, 10:15) Like (13) Dislike (15) Reply
    No Governor can ever work in the best interest of the BVI or any overseas territory. They will always work in the best interest of their boss which is the UK Officials. It is time for independence.
  • My Take (30/06/2023, 10:20) Like (5) Dislike (15) Reply
    I remain resolute the COI was predetermined and so was the report. It was a tool used to do a few things. One is to save embarrassment in the international world for the UK not assisting the BVI in any meaningful way during covid and after Irma. So they had to try to make the BVI government efforts look bad and corrupt. Second, the UK economy is failing and they need to get their hands on financial services and to create more jobs for their UK counterparts outside the UK so direct rule will ensure this will happen hence the COI and its preauthored report & recommendations and then the Order in Council. This was never about the people. It was always about POWER camouflaged as otherwise.
    • to my take (30/06/2023, 16:47) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      …not assisting the BVI in any meaningful way after Irma, and Covid?
      The Royal Marines were here within days, and kept this place from falling into further chaos (do you NOT remember the rampant looting?) and kept the peace. And they provided vaccines for Covid (yes, I know lots of folks don’t believe that was a help, but I do)
  • ... (30/06/2023, 10:22) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    why yall always have a problem with the UK Governors, but let these local money hungry , endangering the public politicians to run around free every year doing the same things ! every time there's a new Governor ohh he this and that . Like yall ain accustomed to the same shxt from your very own! If wasn't for the UK , MORE of yall family and friends lives could be endangered due to the people in power gallivanting around smiling in yall face while running drugs and don't get me started on all the corrupt practices around this place!
  • What a ting (30/06/2023, 10:25) Like (4) Dislike (10) Reply
    The roosters coming home to roost. God is balancing things out. They continue to rule dictatorship style to suppress us but they are falling apart daily in the UK. This is a firing not a retirement and any fool can see this for what it is. The new one is coming to try to do more dirty work but God will stop him also. Their wicked plot is not in the best interest of the people of the BVI. We must remain vigilant.
  • Give time (30/06/2023, 10:25) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    The truth will come out no matter how hard they try to hide it.
  • UK resident (30/06/2023, 10:29) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    Until some of the BVI people who believe in some of these questionable UK official characters as their saviors understand they are people just like us in the BVI and are no better than us then they will continue to fool some. The BVI is more than competent to run their own affairs. For sure they are doing better than what is taking place in the UK.
  • The bloodless takeover (30/06/2023, 10:35) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    When the history is written about what the Governor, past and present, & their UK bosses did to the BVI it will show they pretended to care for us but only was interested in taking us over by making us always believe we were inferior to them and cannot handle our own affairs. They set up our leaders downfall who fought against their colonialistict agenda. They did not help in any significant way during covid instead they gave the BVI a preauthored and predetermined COI during covid while we were trying to keep our people alive. They brought a ship full of body bags rather than aid after Irma. They do not believe in black people or there would be black Governors by now. All these wicked deeds will catch up to anyone.
  • But (30/06/2023, 10:57) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    What about what your own BVIsland did and still doing to this Country.
  • Hmm (30/06/2023, 10:58) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The ting start now look for the music to begin and I dont mean no concert big arrest going to be made as the Governor goes out that is how they do it.
  • UK news (30/06/2023, 11:01) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    The news in the UK is not good. Their leaders are in chaos and so is the economy and don't talk about crime. Check the news for yourself.
    • @UK news (30/06/2023, 14:22) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are quite right, the UK government are a total disaster BUT the governor is a civil servant, not a politician. The civil service functions even if the political leaders flounder.
  • Modern times (30/06/2023, 11:03) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    The post of Governor must be an elected office so the people can chose their Governor. This would be transparency and good governance in the 21st century.
  • for sure (30/06/2023, 11:05) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
    No matter who is Governor the same evil UK official plot is at hand. We must fight against these colonial masters bad intent for the BVI cloaked as good governance.
  • x (30/06/2023, 11:08) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is a old saying "don't cry for those going, cry for who is coming"
  • My lill two cente (30/06/2023, 11:12) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
  • It's the ears for me! (30/06/2023, 11:22) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Unusually big ears, the size of flying saucers! I wonder if they know we do get hurricanes. They will have to bolt him down dread.
  • lodger (30/06/2023, 11:54) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    To all you demanding independence, try and get your politicians to hold a referendum and see where that gets you. And when the results are in no crying like Trump that we were robbed.
    • Manjack (30/06/2023, 17:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Lodger, indeed, a referendum on political status should be held; the referendum should be on more than one option, ie, integration, independence, free association, etc.However, before the referendum is held, a public education and outreach programme should be launched to educate the public on the pros and cons of the options. It is the democratic process so let the chips fall where they fall. Many of us belly ache about independence so it decision time; time to put up or shut up. Issue settled, the territory can get on with whatever decision is made by a supermajority. It should not be by a simple majority. That is the mistake the Brexit referendum made. Now they are having buyers remorse. Whatever happen about the same sex-marriage referendum that was promise or that was just an election promise?
  • Manjack (30/06/2023, 12:56) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    Good riddance!!! John Rankin, CMG, was a disappointing snake in the grass. Who was worst Administrator JAC Cruikshank ( 1946-1954) or Gov John Rankin , CMG( 1921-).? The good life coming to an end . The BVI taxpayers pay the bill to be rule; the taxpayers pay for housing, utilities,,entertainment, transportation, communications, food, etc. Is this crusading? Is the crown rep an ideal gig? The Governor is a big fish in a small pond. He is responsible for functions , ie, civil service, RVIPF , which the UK don’t contribute a penny towards their operating costs. Further, the UK-appointed governor wields tremendous unilateral power, ie, reserved powers, retained powers, special assigned powers, assent, etc. Yet , the BVI supposedly is partially self-governing. That is a mirage. Moreover, Mr. Daniel Pruce is the Gov- designee for the VI yet the people of VI had NO say in his appointment. Should not the VI people have a say in who is representing them? Is this another example of a democratic-deficit? Is this process wreaks of Colonialism, ie, unilateral power? Does it seem like the crown rep is a good ole boy White men club? The VI has been under UK control since 1672. And since 1889 till now (2023) there have been approximately 30 commissioners, administrators, and governors but none has been either black, woman or anyone other than White men. Is this a coincidence or deliberate action?

    Moreover, does assignment as an OT governor seems a reward on average to live the good life at local taxpayers expense before heading into retirement? Crown rep come and go but they all read from the same script, sing from the same hymnal, etc. The VI must be vigilant, staying focus, steadfast, united, keeping its eyes on the prize. The focus from UK and crown rep will stay constant.
    • Time to watch (30/06/2023, 22:49) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Rankin is leaving but it is not time to let your guard down. Two things he is leaving and retiring. He has nothing to worry about and this is where and when he can be the most disruptive . Keep an eye on him.
  • @your Lil 2 cents (30/06/2023, 13:02) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    • ALL CAPS BANDIT (30/06/2023, 17:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      The all caps bandit at it an again. Wonder, if he/she has an original thought of their own he/she wants to share or the MO is just to criticize?
  • All gone (30/06/2023, 13:43) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    I am not a fan of UK governors, but I dont recall any of them being jailed for selling cocaine and putting childrens lives at risk.
    • @All gone (30/06/2023, 15:41) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      That is because they hide their wrong doing and call it transfer or retirement. History has shown many wrong doings in different OTs but it is always covered up. They try to plot others downfall and cover up theirs. Time will soon tell.
    • To All gone (30/06/2023, 15:46) Like (80) Dislike (3) Reply
      Oh please. Anyone with sense know it was a set up to get rid of those who was fighting for the best for the people. They cover up their sins because they are in charge of the police. There were those who embezzled funds, sexual molested female staff, and the list goes on. It was all swept under the rug and all they did is ship them back to the colonial headquarters and let them roam free. Do some proper research before you post next time.
  • Real (30/06/2023, 14:07) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Who Mitch and Marlon going to carry new to now
  • street reporter. (30/06/2023, 15:39) Like (14) Dislike (34) Reply
    Ranking is a good friend of the BVI. He fended off Britain attempt to take over.. Gave the Govt, opportunity after opportunity to make things right in spite of all their failures..So, dont rejoice over who is going but be concern with who is coming..We have done enough shisst for Britain to take over, but Rankin always defended us.. Know that.
    • Josiahsbay (01/07/2023, 09:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Four hundred-plus years and our naivety and gullibility are still evident. Arrested development!
  • fromafar (30/06/2023, 15:40) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ Action.
    You must not be from the Virgin Islands, find a better and productive way to spend your time
  • Hmm (30/06/2023, 16:19) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not sure why but I am liking this new one already.

    They send in a new one every time the script up north changes, get ready for a new chapter. This was the COI gov, before that we had the Austin Powers looking governor (childish)

    When will we get a governor who will speak out about the challenges and progressive moves to be made on our behalf from a VI perspective?

    The governor role should be a 2 way conversation with a mind to benevolence & atonement for a barbaric practice that led us to this current situation of extinct Native Americans, a displaced Afro population & minority local-caucasian circles. This mess didnt make itself.

    I mean seriously how can one come down to govern without regularly interacting with the common people & knowing their concerns?

    Its a bit weird for the governor to mandate reforms *cough* lgbtq, yet before the Austin Powers gov and the ex-premier got to their childish fighting at our expense, before that you could not hear one good recommendation come from the governor's role, now he wants things done.

    What changed?
  • @ ALL GORNE (30/06/2023, 20:10) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
  • vi (01/07/2023, 06:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don't cry for those who going cry for those who coming

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