Joe Neil-another UK consultant! This time @ HMP
Why is he @ Balsam Ghut Prison?
UK national Mr Joe Neil has been assigned as a consultant with Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) at Balsam Ghut, the territory’s only penitentiary.
Mr Neil, according to our understanding, will be on assignment for about five months with the right to return after his first five months have expired.
He is believed to be working on prison operational matters like needs of inmates, addressing prisoner complaints, building relationship between the inmates and the staff among other things, usually the role of the Prison Custodian Officer.
When asked a few weeks ago why so many UK nationals are taking jobs that locals could do Premier Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) claimed that locals were not “qualified” and need more time for succession planning “to fill positions for which they are not now prepared for.”
It is unclear who is paying this consultant, who invited him to the Virgin Islands (VI) and what are the new needs of HMP with another UK national David Foot at the helm.
Superintendent of Prisons David Foot, Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) as well as his Permanent Secretary Dr Marcia Potter could not be reached for comments up to time of publication.
Mr Foot’s track record
Under Mr Foot’s tenure, the Prison Service has been rocked by fights among inmates, allegations of sexual misconduct, prison escapes, allegations of unfair treatment of prison officers and some prisoners, lack of funds to provide support for the day to day operations and overcrowding.
Major portions of the Prison Service portfolio are under the controversial Minister Walwyn.
26 Responses to “Joe Neil-another UK consultant! This time @ HMP”
The company was initially hired to produce a five-year strategic plan for the local prison system. In August of last year, the contract was extended to enable Edwards Consulting to implement the plan." Is this plan now out of date, we need answers too much wasteful spending it seems!!!!!!!!!
All who asking for UK to come in, take a look at the pages of history and see the real way these UK nations treated our ancestors? It in them; they can't overcome the fact that the global warning sun going to kill their tail and we will get blacker and survive because melanin cannot die; they can't get over the fact like Ronnie said, our ancestors built this place with less than a percent help from UK. Come on, people, let us rise up to these no-good, scheming, krakers and tell them govern their Brexit, for as sure as the sun rose this morning, according to Barack, we going VIexit. We are not laughing this time. So bring your pig to this market and hear him go oink, oink. Enough is enough.