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'Job creation in Anegada will require innovative thinking' - Hon Fraser

- said a Police Academy or medical school on Anegada will attract the necessary support for businesses & keep people gainfully occupied
Job opportunities will not come to Anegada through conventional means, is the belief of Virgin Islands Party Chairman, Hon Julian Fraser RA. 'You can’t rely on Public Works, you will not be able to rely on Fire and Rescue nor will you be able to rely on Health Services Authority for jobs for the people of Anegada. So I am proposing it is high time that we resort to unconventional means to produce work for Anegadians and people who wish to immigrate there to live,' he said during a meeting on the sister island on May 27, 2015. Photo: VINO/File
Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Honourable Julian Fraser RA, (R3) believes that Anegada has the potential for many of the activities that would take place as a result of the new maritime academy that the VIP plans to introduce once elected to office. Photo: VINO
Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Honourable Julian Fraser RA, (R3) believes that Anegada has the potential for many of the activities that would take place as a result of the new maritime academy that the VIP plans to introduce once elected to office. Photo: VINO
A section of the audience last night. Photo: VINO
A section of the audience last night. Photo: VINO
Another view of the meeting site at Setting Point in Anegada. Photo: VINO
Another view of the meeting site at Setting Point in Anegada. Photo: VINO
SETTING POINT, Anegada, VI – Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Honourable Julian Fraser RA, (R3) believes Anegada has the potential for many of the activities that would take place as a result of the new maritime academy that the VIP plans to introduce once elected to office.

He was speaking yesterday evening, May 28, 2015 at the party’s meeting held at Lil Bit Restaurant and Bar in Setting Point, Anegada, as the party continued its campaign in the countdown to the June 8, 2015 elections.

Months before the commencement of the elections campaign, Honourable Fraser has been touting his plan for the establishment of a comprehensive maritime sector curriculum for the schools to that young persons would be able to compete in the industry while the territory earn much needed revenue from it, given the prominence of sailing and other maritime matters to the territory.

He submitted that the absence of marinas and other amenities in Anegada is associated with the absence of opportunities.

“We have a series of marinas in Tortola and they keep growing, which is good. But I think the time must come when those who have permits and rights to develop marinas in Anegada to proceed with them. And if it means that Government must make the opportunity available for them to thrive and prosper then we need to get involve,” he said.

The VIP Chairman said this is something he is prepared to commit to.

You must apply for land

Regarding the question of land, he said the last time he was on the island he was told that someone was trying to acquire land and was waiting some 12 years. He said what was explained at the end of that meeting was that the person had never made an application.

He urged residents interested in acquiring land to ensure that they put in an application or else there is no way to deal with it. “Put in your application now so that when we take office it would be there,” said Honourable Fraser.

He said that while he was Minister for Communications and Works there had been a land committee on Anegada which has since become defunct. He said this is a recipe for disaster.

“We have to make sure that your concerns are at the forefront at all times and I want to commit myself to assuring you that won’t be the case under a Virgin Islands Party Government.”

Jobs jobs jobs

Honourable Fraser said job opportunities will not come to Anegada through conventional means. “You can’t rely on Public Works, you will not be able to rely on Fire and Rescue nor will you be able to rely on Health Services Authority for jobs for the people of Anegada. So I am proposing it is high time that we resort to unconventional means to produce work for Anegadians and people who wish to immigrate there to live,” he said.

He noted that one idea might be to establish an academy such as a police academy where it will become a base to attract other businesses and keep the people of Anegada gainfully occupied.

“They are talking about all these medical schools they want to bring to Tortola. Why Tortola? Why not Anegada?” asked Honourable Fraser.

19 Responses to “'Job creation in Anegada will require innovative thinking' - Hon Fraser”

  • Schups (28/05/2015, 16:05) Like (22) Dislike (17) Reply
    For god sake Fraser you been there since the glory days, since 1999. That is 16 years as an elected official in the BVI. What have you done innovative during that time? Biwater, Digicel, Concrete SCBay and a Basketball League? That's being innovative? Our record matters sir.
    • @ schups (28/05/2015, 17:25) Like (8) Dislike (13) Reply
      funny man you still can't stop what will happen on Juen 8, eat your heart out yall!
  • SHAME (28/05/2015, 16:07) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
    Regarding the question of land, he said the last time he was on the island he was told that someone was trying to acquire land and was waiting some 12 years. He said what was explained at the end of that meeting was that the person had never made an application.

    Now you see how ignorance spreads? They didnt apply but will tell people they waiting 12 years for land. Hmmmm
  • not joking (28/05/2015, 17:06) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    One thing we can be certain about, job creation for sure---Cease all work permit--Higher BV Islanders only. WoW!
    • Yep (28/05/2015, 18:21) Like (12) Dislike (17) Reply
      Their lies the problem for Julian Fraser. The masses are afraid he will "Cease all work permits and employ BVIslanders only". I don't understand how much more they think this country can take before it crumbles. On June 8 let us move in one direction and take back our country. VIP all the way.
      • wow (28/05/2015, 23:34) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
        Why would you scare our sisters and brothers from other caribbean islands into thinking fraser will cease work permits. Will he then be closing the labour Department? Hello!!! Tha mek sense?
  • cat (28/05/2015, 17:25) Like (14) Dislike (14) Reply
  • I'm reporting for duty (28/05/2015, 18:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    But a'll u seeing is them third district committee where are the people
  • Yep (28/05/2015, 20:20) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Every country and leader worth anything protect their native people why should the bvi be any different
  • Mr. VI (28/05/2015, 20:48) Like (22) Dislike (4) Reply
    People seem to think it’s only Fraser that made costly mistakes in government. Shortly after being elected NDP passed the Customs Management and Duties Amendment Act 2012 on February 14, 2012 in the HOA. The bill was amended to make way for duties to be relieved from the cost of Freight and Insurance of imports by businesses, which would cost Government some 3.7 Million dollars per year. The “expectation” was for lowered prices territory wide since the merchants were saving substantially. A few months earlier the Premier announced that the VIP left the country broke so why would he risk losing almost $4 million dollars annually to pass the customs bill at such a fragile time. The NDP then increased departure taxes to deter consumers from shopping overseas and increase local shopping. Anyway fast forward to November 2014 in the budget address the Premier announced that he intends to “reverse the policy” which was enacted 2 years earlier due to its failure for the intended purpose if the true intentions were for the benefit of the consumers.
    • Sipping Tea (29/05/2015, 08:39) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      They make bigger mistakes than that. After telling voters that the Government "bruk" they had a territory wide bush cleaning exercise 1 month after so they cash in -Chi Ching. On top of that they hire consultants right after so they cash in -Chi Ching. Then the brother do a wall so they cash in -Chi Ching. Moving along they find money to buy old chinese equipment what they put old parts on and they keep "brukking" down so another cash in -chi Ching. Our treasury taking it left right front and back while common and some well to do people suffering. Only heaven and hell open and we in a hand basket going down quick. Then they going tell civil servants who worked for their hard earned increments that they hold off on paying increments to do "other things". What other things? Paying consultants or buying chines equipment? What? You think the taxes done. NHI on the way even though people bawling about it so they hoping to win to cash in on all the people -Chi Ching.
  • xxxxxxxx (28/05/2015, 21:10) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    VIP talking good...
  • Peter Crumble (28/05/2015, 21:21) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Proof that the NDP loves Andrew Fahie. Look at Shaina ad Mitch smile. Now why didn't Shaina tell Fahie he doing such a terrible job then
  • NDP attack dog (28/05/2015, 22:21) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Dont worry RA, NDP will get it sorted in the next term!
  • got to got (28/05/2015, 23:13) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    Something I cannot understand about the VIP. U guys came to Anegada to campaign and for the life of me why u stop setting point where just 4 people live. U mean u guys are so cheap that u cannot afford to pay for taxi. U were to go in the Settlement where 95% of the folks live.
    • gotya (29/05/2015, 06:57) Like (0) Dislike (24) Reply
      only those four matters.. v.i.p. style
    • Point taken (29/05/2015, 07:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      That Wheatley guy mess up but he's forgiven. Don't worry Settlement the hearts beating together. Now on this cheap note. We are ordinary people and don't have rich friends but one day at a time our goal is becoming a reality. We Still Together!!!
  • lord-o (29/05/2015, 07:21) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am so tired-6hrs with no electricity----so hot couldn`t sleep---1 am to 7am. lord have mercy on we
  • Proper grammar (29/05/2015, 19:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Even very young school children is smart enough to know that you can't us "Innovative,thinking and Fraser" in the same paragraph, much less the same sentence.

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