Jehovah’s Witnesses invite VI residents to special events on ‘death & resurrection’

On Sunday, March 24, millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world will gather to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ, an observance Jesus himself instituted in the Gospels.
‘The Memorial’
“The Memorial is considered the most important day of the year for Jehovah’s Witnesses,” said Shawn N. Saunders, spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses, in a press release on March 5, 2024
“But around the world, including these Virgin Islands, millions of people who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses attend this special event. We hope that members of our local community will also join us as they normally do in remembering Jesus Christ,” Saunders added.
The annual observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal will feature a talk highlighting the significance of Jesus’ death and what it means for all of mankind.
Free and open to the public, the one-hour event will begin and conclude with prayer.
‘The Resurrection—Victory Over Death’
Before the Memorial, a special talk titled “The Resurrection—Victory Over Death!" will be delivered at local Kingdom Halls on the weekend of March 16 and 17, 2024.
The 30-minute, Bible-based public talk will focus on the scriptural hope of a resurrection of the dead in the near future.
For more information about these events and how to attend, persons can visit

9 Responses to “Jehovah’s Witnesses invite VI residents to special events on ‘death & resurrection’”
Was the stone there? Had it already been rolled away? Was Mary alone present? Was Mary with others? Was she even there? Friday night to Sunday morning, 3 days, what’s the name of the missing day or was 36 hours considered 3 days? There are different accounts according to different scripture, if the resurrection is so important why could they not even agree on the facts around it?
Please read your bibles, it’s full of contradictions (among other things)
Catholics and the Muslims are also claiming to be Gods' Vicgerents on (Esrth) When in Fact the only Vicegerent
Was the Messiah..That created the Bench mark from.. BCE to Our CE to ADC..???
Before Adam was, there was the Annunaki who had a factory and created man to do his work. The Sumarian Tablets were before the Torah, the Talmud, the Bible. Read it and you will find out. You must study history along with religion to find your position.
All that is required of an individual is to walk humbly, do what is right and serve whoever the individual considers God. Too much made up rules to control mankind. We are free now because the truth is wide open before the people, not the Truth proclaimed by the Organization of Jehovah Witnesses.