Jealous wife fined $4,500 for attacking another woman
Figueroa allegedly felt that the woman was texting her husband too often so she had attacked the woman and caused her actual bodily harm.
In the initial stages of the trial, the accused had pleaded not guilty; however, it was not until close to the conclusion of the trial that she changed her plea to guilty to the offences of damaging property and assault causing actual bodily harm.
On the count of damaging property, she was fined $1,000 or two months in prison and for the assault matter, $1,500 or four months in prison. In addition, she was ordered pay a compensation of $2,000 to the woman she had attacked or spend four months in prison.
This was not imposed without Senior Magistrate Richards chiding the defendant. Figueroa was told that she had no right attacking the woman because of her suspicions but needed to approach her husband instead. “Your husband is the only one that is obligated to be faithful to you,” said Ms Richards.
She also told the woman that of the 11 times she had appeared in court for the trial not once was her husband present. “In my mind he may be a mere phantom,” Magistrate Richards commented.
When the fine was passed down the woman told the court that she only had $500 on her person and was prepared to pay off the balance with $500 fortnightly. “That’s going to take way too long,” the magistrate said and ordered the defendant to pay the $500 she had immediately and the balance in full no later than December 27, 2013 or spend four months in prison.

38 Responses to “Jealous wife fined $4,500 for attacking another woman”
It don't make sense to fight any woman who's allegedly with your man/husband because if he intend to cheat he's going to cheat no matter what you do, so this on, this one may walk away but then here comes another woman, who knows he may have another woman with you and the other woman, what you're going to do fight them all? Come on ladies think, for God sake fighting over man is not cute and/or cool so quit it. And too you may go and end up dead or living handicapped or paralyzed.
For a man to be a dog a woman got to be a bitch. So if men are dogs who are the cheating with?? IF women aren't willing to lie down with married men how can they cheat? Do the math. There are still good men out there who respect their woman and takes good care of their family.
The problem is she attacked the mistress and caused bodily harm, that is why the sentence was handed down. No it is not fair the mistress and husband get away but I would not put my hands on any of them. I would curse them out, pack my bags and leave those two miserable people to themselves because the dirt they dealt her will surely come back on them when they each tire of each other. Now she in court paying out her hard earned money and those two are still together and the sorry @$$ husband not even going to court to back her in any way.. Who is the loser here? NOT ME! Too many fish in the sea...NEXT!
bet she r@$$ yes why she messing with the people husband
the woman agreed to pay , but said she can fornightly and the magistrate saying its gonna take to long , this is rediculous what's been going on with this our homeland , She think money is sitting , why no one don't speak to this woman, someone in authority, my GOD
Even the local woman them doing it too.
His highest level of social education is [Coal-pit-school-graduate]
I join the other bloggers exercising their freedom to blogg freely on VINO's free and democratic news site in Her Majesty's free and democratic BVI,pursuant to section 23 of the V.I Constitution,a section of [freedom of expression] in support of Fundamental Rights and freedoms for the BVI people:
A Queen's Counsel [attorney-at-law] legal lecturer of the UK also sent his regards,as he read your news.
Her Majesty the Queen will be pleased to know that Her Citizens are blogging peacefully,without inciting violence or crime. In any case, VINO would not allow such level of blogging:
As I read your news,I commented on the offences,created under the bvi law,and the social effect of the lady's actions and the magistrate's handling of the matter,as you reported it quite professionally for her majesty's citizens and residents to read,and to blogg and to give their comments without being VEX!
The accused was tried in a court of law,and from all indications her rights were respected under section 16 of the V.I Constitution,and according to your informative reporting,she received and lawful trial and was afforded a fair hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial court established by bvi laws,as prescribed in section 16 of the V.I Constitution:
She eventually pleaded guilty to the offences,hence,the magistrate proceeded to convict her and sentence her according to law:
Section 184(a) of the Criminal Code(Amendment)Act,2006 states that a person convicted summarily for ""Assault occasioning actual bodily harm"" can be sentenced to 3 years imprisonment, and
Section 265 (b) of the said Amended Code,states that a person convicted summarily for ""damaging property ""can be sentenced to 5 yrs in prison:
Note: There is no provision in the law for a "Fine". The law declared; "Direct imprisonment!"
The magistrate however,is guided under the magistrate's code of procedure Act,Cap 44-laws of the V.I,and based on sentencing guidelines,the magistrate can use her discretion and impose a "fine" instead:
There is no law in BVI,which gives a spouse the authority to verbally abuse or physically attack/assault another person,whom a spouse suspect is having a private affair with his/her spouse.
In my view,the sentence imposed by the Magistrate, is appropriate according to law,under the circumstances:
It is not for the magistrate to take into consideration,the emotional state of the the accused,because there are legal remedies to address social matters of unfaithfulness in matrimonial relationships and other intimate relationships.
The BVI law prohibits damaging property and the law also prohibits assaulting persons unlawfully.
Good reporting VINO,keep up the high level of professional journalism:
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