Jamal Freeman gets stern warning from HC Judge Nicole Byer
The case against Freeman was not read out in the court when he appeared at that time but he was called primarily to be informed that the court was not comfortable with him choosing to represent himself in his trial.
Justice Byer told the man that Attorney at Law Mr Dave Marshall has opted to assist with his defense as the court was not comfortable that he was capable of doing so on his own. “Do not give Mr Marshall a hard time... I said do not give Mr Marshall a hard time, Mr Freeman. Do you hear me?” said Justice Byer very sternly to Mr Freeman.
He was advised that the lawyer will be visiting him at Her Majesty's Prison, Balsam Ghut where he is currently an inmate.
Freeman is a resident of Fat Hogs Bay, Tortola and was charged for an incident involving the discharging of a firearm at the owner of a Yacht near Penn’s Landing and Marina during the first half of 2014. He was taken into custody during the East End/Long Look Rise and Shine Tramp the Police Public Relations Department had stated and was also charged for aggravated burglary. On August 1, 2014 Freeman had escaped police custody.

14 Responses to “Jamal Freeman gets stern warning from HC Judge Nicole Byer”
I'm sure the Judge is not just basing her decision to allow him proper represenation simply for that fact, "the right to representation" but she may be siting an opportunity for rehabilitation.
Ultimately your take on the matter may prove relevant, but at least let us try to rehabilitate our fallen ones and live knowing we tried, we put up a good fight.......
I understand your point, but the issue is deeper than just that.
Why would someone want to change their ways (rehabilitate) to rejoin a society which condemned them without due process, without a truthfulness to that willingness to offer a "second chance"??
I'm in no way saying lets exhaust all our options on this dude, but to say the judge should just sit there and know to herself "if this fool think I will allow him to have victory in a process that I expended an awful lot of my time and personal money on and just allow him to walk in my court and call himself lawyer ........." It would be like she will be rendering a decision before hearing the matter. That could never be right or even fair in a world where you want to lock up persons for committing actions we term as illegal or wrongful; what then makes the judge better than this young man in this instance if she opens up herself to doing what some wish she would do?? Would that not be wrongful on her behalf?