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Jamaican & Venezuelan ordered deported from VI

- Jillany C.E. Mullings & Arolde Jose Bohorques Marin ordered deported by Governor
Jamaican Jillany C.E. Mullings and Venezuelan Arolde Jose Bohorques Marin have been ordered deported from the Virgin Islands by Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert. Photo: VINO
Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert signed the Deportation Order on June 24, 2020, according to the Virgin Islands Official Gazette on June 26, 2020. Photo: Facebook/File
Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert signed the Deportation Order on June 24, 2020, according to the Virgin Islands Official Gazette on June 26, 2020. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A Jamaican convicted of a drug offence and a Venezuelan convicted of firearm and ammunition offences have been ordered deported from the Territory by Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, who signed the order on June 24, 2020, according to the Virgin Islands Official Gazette on June 26, 2020.

Jillany C.E. Mullings

Jillany Ciconny Earl Mullings of Jamaica was convicted in 2018 of offences of importation of a controlled drug and supplying or offering to supply a control drug.

Mullings was held trying to smuggle more than 15 kilograms of cocaine, with a street value of $1,590,000, through the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island in April 2018.

Arolde Jose Bohorques Marin

Arolde J.B. Marin was one of three Venezuelans found in a Tortola apartment in August 2017 with nearly US$60,000 and a loaded gun.

Marin accepted blame for the firearm and was subsequently sentenced to five-years in prison, four months in prison for seven bullets found in the gun, and fined $1,000 for overstaying in the Territory.

The illegal weapon and majority of the cash were found inside two toilet tanks at apartments where the men were staying in Cox Heath.

Undesirable & not conducive to public good

According to the deportation orders, the men’s presence in the Territory would, in the opinion of the Governor, acting after consultation with the Chief Immigration Officer, be undesirable and not conducive to the public good.

Governor Jaspert acting on sections 40(1)(b) and (c) of the Immigration and Passport Ordinance (Cap. 130) ordered the men to leave the Territory on or before the expiration of seven days from the date on which a copy of the Order is served by an immigration officer or a police officer, and thereafter to remain out of the Territory.

The Order also stated that the men be placed on board the first available ship or aircraft about to leave the Territory and that they be detained until placed on a ship or an aircraft.

21 Responses to “Jamaican & Venezuelan ordered deported from VI”

  • Mbviga (07/07/2020, 08:48) Like (28) Dislike (3) Reply
    2 down countless more to go
    • yess (07/07/2020, 13:45) Like (8) Dislike (18) Reply
      Send them island people home yess
      • island man (07/07/2020, 14:48) Like (13) Dislike (8) Reply

        Yeah we can go home anytime you want to deport you tolians to #%%&&** jealous cuz some of we doing way better than all you when we get send home all you will be the same

  • Bohannon (07/07/2020, 08:51) Like (3) Dislike (20) Reply
    How vome Vincent wheatley not arguing with the governor to have them stay here?
  • Thank you Governor (07/07/2020, 08:51) Like (37) Dislike (18) Reply
    Yes please continue to clean up our country. There are so many more undesirable subjects eating and living at our expenses
  • NIKEY (07/07/2020, 08:58) Like (22) Dislike (22) Reply
    Some of them Dominican,Vincentian, Jamaican and Dominican Republic also need to be on that list, when they come in people country they don't know how to humble themselves, they have to be seen and heard !
  • good riddance (07/07/2020, 09:05) Like (7) Dislike (9) Reply
    nice! clean up! it got plenty more
  • 2 CENT (07/07/2020, 09:08) Like (10) Dislike (11) Reply
    well since we don't have ships or planes leaving thru our ports regularly this is perfect time for the government to arrange a charter flight and full it of who ever needs to leave thru by will or force ie deportation and not just waste money sending out 2 people.
  • Windy (07/07/2020, 09:26) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
    Need more of this. A whole lot more. Simple, you break the laws (even minor ones) your out. Have a family here ? Oh well you screwed up - BYE BYE
  • Jacob (07/07/2020, 09:30) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Too bad them can’t deport the deplorable politicians cause them one ah we. Especially the cockfighting scammer and million dollar wall thief.
  • MISS BVI (07/07/2020, 11:17) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    too bad Donald Trump not giving you no more free tax money
    so your ass has to work now so confused now island people work for there money money.
    you too bright by.
  • Ghost (07/07/2020, 14:05) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with this.. I believe that when one comes to another’s country (no matter where it is) if they can’t behave themselves and abide by the Law and “willfully” commit crimes they need to be deported.. I would rather see them deported from the start and imprisoned in their own country and not our government spending our hard earned taxpayers monies providing for them..
  • dirty system (07/07/2020, 14:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Check the conviction records of so many island man in the bvi,but in some cases,politicians beg for them to stay,because of who dem connected to.
    Double standard in bvi immigration,double standard.what about S.P who use to drive miss P,after so much convictions in court,he still in bvi because miss P and dem beg for he.
    double standard..
  • Deport Governor (07/07/2020, 15:40) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Deport The governor immediately
  • Racism (07/07/2020, 16:29) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    I ain't hearing about no white people getting deported or the police don't check them.
  • Citizens (07/07/2020, 17:47) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Immigration need to check these bars and construction sites. Especially those bars parry and East end. Miss the days of Walters .
  • Interesting (08/07/2020, 06:35) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I was thinking BVI stop deporting persons. Immigration have to lobby to change the law, when someone is hiding someone that overstay they too should be deported.
  • hi (08/07/2020, 14:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    So why all those prisoners such as rattle not been deported yet still up there living life in luxury eating tax payers money (why?
    • Gia (08/07/2020, 17:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      He got life for the crime. You are deported when you service your time. THey will send the body home when his term is over.
  • Mandatory Law (08/07/2020, 23:58) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why do we have mandatory Laws and we don't use them? Maybe a politician can answer that question ! Inquiring citizens minds will like to know.

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