It’s hard to be born in sadness & die in madness
Beware, lest we attend Funerals & Weddings without knowing the People:
A major reason why we failed ourselves for generations, and still remain the Victims of Everyone, is because ‘we want to hear what we want to hear, rather than what we need to hear’… I will not be your enabler because this is ‘Truth for the Youth’; and not ‘Fool You to Rule You’... I welcome all opinions, but I avoid arguments with persons who seem more comfortable hiding their criticisms behind fake names.
For too long we have been fooled into doing nothing while dangers surround us, all because we make the excuse that the influence of one can never make a difference... That is ironic, since we claim to believe in one God, one Spouse, and one Life to live, although, we know that there can never be two or more without first having one, and ninety-nine cents will never make a dollar without that one penny more.
They also teach us that repetition with the expectation of different results is a sign of Madness, but they are wrong, because, Repetition is the best means of learning, and the greatest method for having things change to meet our expectations... The only thing that we have no chance of repeating is our Life; that is why it is crucial for us to do the best we can while we can, which may be my main reason for repeating.
At the same time, they succeeded in brainwashing us to the point where we join with those who seek to hurt, harm or hinder us, locally and internationally... Even after Centuries of Slavery and Racism that spawn the KKK, Windrush and Brexit, we claim to be ‘Blacks for Trump’, and the UK’s Sunak and Suella, who are regarded by racists as being ‘Brown People’, have joined forces with them against their own interests.
Whether Prey or Predator, Plant or Animal, we are all part of a Biological Chain of interdependency, but in our own Social Conceit, we over populate our portion, and deplete the habitat and food sources of others... Some become extinct as we destroy the Chain, but that doesn’t seem to matter since it happens slowly enough to ignore, until it becomes a crisis, and we turn to drastic measures for quick-fix solutions.
The World is now literarily on fire, but as Self-righteous Christians, Republicans, and others who choose to operate in ignorance, we sell this as the will of God, and oppose such solutions as Climate Control, Birth Control and Abortions... It doesn’t matter that helping to slow down the ‘Acts of God and Population Explosion’, are crucial factors in preserving Civilization... Maybe we are over anxious to get to Heaven.
Both Elections & Selections come with Consequences:
It seems like forever since the passing of the UK Elections with Sunak, Suella and Farage as prominent UK Supporters of Trump’s Racist Policies... That Election was based on their complaint that the UK was having too much immigrants from the same Countries that she had colonised, enslaved their People, and stole their Resources... Maybe these Immigrants are simply trying to find their lost Family and Resources.
At least UK’s new Prime Minister scrapped the Rwanda Plan, but even as UK’s Citizens complain about Persons invading their Country, they continue to migrate to the same Countries they malign... Fact is, whether by choice or force, residents of most Countries are Immigrants who call themselves locals, but if they want to keep their identity, then they should educate their people, rather than hold down others.
It is unfortunate when Locals preach their ‘born here mentality’ while ignoring the ‘strive to survive reality’, then when Immigrants surpass locals, rather than blaming ourselves for failing, we chastise them for succeeding… We see it as a Right to choose the easy way, without realising that Trees planted in mud, may be well nourished but still topple over, while those planted in solid soil will grow tall and strong.
Letting Emotions override Wisdom by claiming to love our Country just because it is Home, will not secure the Children’s Future... We may be full speed ahead to our 70th Celebration of Emancipation, but we are still a Colony, and pretending otherwise by demands for Independence and a New Constitutions, fail to realize that they are incompatible, and it is more sensible to focus on becoming Self-sufficient.
Memories are short, and no one sees all, but for years I warned that Trump would destroy America, and it would be harder to get him out than it was to put him in… Many doubters are now forced to acknowledge this, as US Court Systems change from Fountains of Law and Order, to Pinnacles of Corruption, in order to save Trump from Justice… It will now require a Voters’ Revolution to save America from Destruction.
It’s not just a question of who has the Ball to rescue the People, but open Warfare between Evil and Feeble... Biden is under attack by his own Viruses, and now that Trump escaped being assassinated by his own People, the Republicans may see this as a sign to encourage and implement their ‘Project 2025’; which is designed to turn the USA into a Dictatorship that will make Russia and China look like Heavens.
Consequences will always follow Actions:
Here at home, our problems, like Holidays and Minimum Wage, are flying under the radar, but the more we fail to recognise the dangers, the more likely we are to face our own demise... A little research would show that these were never intended to benefit the Poor, and have always been Smokescreens and Gimmicks for the Rich and Powerful, who count on our short-term greed to feed their long-term profit.
No one can justify a System that forces Employers to give Employees holidays from their Jobs, while paying them double or triple their Wages for doing nothing... Countries have found these practices to be self-defeating and detrimental to their Economies, and to make bad matters worse, this not only affects the Private Sector, but also Governmental Services, which means that we will pay twice for their mistake.
Of course, Leaders benefit from this so they love it and see us as mere fools who will never suspect the hidden Agendas and Ramifications of Holidays and Minimum Wage Increases... Fact is, we produce nothing, so we are totally dependent on Imports and Trickledown, yet, although we have no Price Control, practically none of our Workers are on Minimum Wage, without a ‘Service Charge’ to boost their Income.
Meanwhile, Public Holidays, and Political Minimum Wage Increases, always come with Hidden Price Increases in Food, Apparel, Transportation, Rent, etc… For example; for every $1 increase received by the Poor, they face Price increases of around $2 - $4, and for every $1 added to the lowest Salary, those above may receive 100 times more to ensure they never feel the increased Pain and Poverty of the Poor.
The choice of being fooled is ours, but it is important to realize that, without Price Control, the Minimum Wage carries the special danger of increases in Prices, Taxes, Social Security and NHI… Generations will feel like Strangers in their own Countries, as Bad Systems cause the loss of Jobs and Income, when Employers are forced to outsource their Services, and use AI, Robots, and other forms of Automation.
History shows the Social Costs of these Minimum Wage Games have caused severe damage to fragile Industries like our Tourism; bearing in mind that we are classified as being one of the most expensive Caribbean Countries to visit… Leaders may sing of record-breaking numbers of Tourists, and that may be true, but we are still not seeing the evidence of any such Financial Advances or Spin-off Benefits.
We are about to celebrate our Emancipation or Freedom from Slavery, and some are anxious for a Local Government that will demand Independence, New Constitutions, and Minimum Wage Increases, but when Government is broke; how long will it take before they sell our Birthrights, Lands, and Passports?.. Ooops! Time to drop the mic; You have just been given a dose of reality, and you can take it or leave it.
PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

6 Responses to “It’s hard to be born in sadness & die in madness”
$6.00 is the appallingly low minimum wage.
Please save us from your expressions of your deep concern for the poor:
“For example; for every $1 increase received by the Poor, they face Price increases of around $2 - $4…”.