It's abuse to charge seniors & children for medication– E. Maduro
Continuing his campaign against seniors being made to pay fees for medication at the Peebles Hospital, Maduro said on May 18, 2013, “I want to go back to these fees at the [Peebles] hospital where our senior citizens and our young children are being abused.”
“We cannot have a body who is supposed to be running the hospital, on their own, making this foolish mistake to charge our senior citizens for medical care when there is a law in force which says that that medical care is free,” Maduro claimed.
He suggested this was being done because the Territory did not have all the expertise in relation to medical care. “Obviously somebody wouldn’t mind going to a private doctor and getting treatment whether it’s here in the BVI, Puerto Rico or St Thomas,” he said.
“We do not have all the qualifications at our public hospital and because our senior people are not going to the hospital, our hospital board is saying that they have to pay for the medicine,” Maduro alleged.
He stated that this is nonsense.
“If we have to march again, rather than writing a letter to His Excellency the Governor or the Minister of Health, I will be foremost in bringing about a march and a petition for law, order and justice in this country of ours,” Maduro said.
Maduro reasoned, if Britain can respect the way the Territory has brought itself and led itself, residents cannot sit down and see a board lacking in understanding and wisdom or an elected representative lacking in understanding and wisdom turn, the Territory back in a wrong direction.
Maduro expressed that the Territory’s constitution gave elected officials the power to make all laws and felt if the hospital’s board was of the opinion something needed to be changed in any law that governs them, then they should make a representation or request to or of the Minister of Health to assist with the changing of the relevant legislation.
“The board does not have that power to take in their hands, the right to change a law; even if it is a regulation or a policy of the House of Representatives, they cannot supersede… the power of the House of Assembly,” Maduro said.
Maduro further stated that senior citizens have already paid their dues and taxes and he would not sit by and see them abused.
“I said already, I believe there is an ulterior motive behind this,” Maduro contended. “If we have to make another march like 1949, I would encourage us, every one of us to do that,” he added.
22 Responses to “It's abuse to charge seniors & children for medication– E. Maduro”
hush you silly a$$ deman
God bless this beautiful BVI
the minister placed the chairman to deal with these issues; so you need to find out from Cline why he dealing with the seniors like so; that Cline man always have m**$y on his mind!!!!!