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‘It would be a clear colonial act’ if Governor is given additional powers- Premier

- said Governor should not be seeking powers to bypass democracy & VI people so he can implement measures as he sees fit, without any democratic accountability
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has disclosed that all of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle 'are highly disappointed' with the Governor’s request for additional powers. Photo: Facebook
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG stated in his Fifth Quarterly Review published today, January 5, 2024, that he was disappointed at the rate of reform ahead of an already revised May 2024 CoI reform implementation deadline, and has reached the conclusion that he must request additional powers to help ensure the Framework Agreement proposed by the VI Government is delivered. Photo: Facebook
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG stated in his Fifth Quarterly Review published today, January 5, 2024, that he was disappointed at the rate of reform ahead of an already revised May 2024 CoI reform implementation deadline, and has reached the conclusion that he must request additional powers to help ensure the Framework Agreement proposed by the VI Government is delivered. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said both his government and Members of the Opposition are “highly disappointed” with Governor John J. Rankin, CMG requesting additional powers from the United Kingdom to further force the Virgin Islands to hastily implement reforms “recommended” by a retired judge following a Commission of Inquiry held during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Governor Rankin stated in his Fifth Quarterly Review published today, January 5, 2024, that he was disappointed at the rate of reform ahead of an already revised May 2024 CoI reform implementation deadline, and has reached the conclusion that he must request additional powers to help ensure the Framework Agreement proposed by the VI Government is delivered.

‘Our commitment to reform is unquestionable’- Premier

Premier Wheatley in a statement this evening said the Government of the Virgin Islands has been working diligently on reforms since May 2022 and good progress has been made. He cited the Procurement Process and the Provision of Assistance Grants as areas of already strengthened internal processes.

“We remain firmly committed to good governance and our commitment to reform is unquestionable,” Dr Wheatley stated, adding that there are challenges but things are going in the right direction despite the deadline that was “agreed under duress”.

The Premier reminded that the Government has had to simultaneously balance the implementation of reforms and the delivery of public services and hurricane recovery. He said this is not to even mention the pause in work after the House of Assembly was dissolved for the general elections in April 2023.

Even the Governor has challenges!

And according to the Premier, a number of the reforms still in progress actually falls under the responsibility of the Governor.

“Like my administration, he has also had the challenge of balancing reform implementation and overseeing his own constitutional responsibilities in areas such as security, especially as it concerns the police and prison, where there are internal problems that must be addressed.”

Premier Wheatley said his administration has tried to support the governor “as best we can”, with additional resources, so he can improve these areas, while progressing the reforms he is responsible for.

“Clearly, a reform exercise of the scale we are undertaking cannot be completed in its entirety in two years. In the UK, Brexit was not completed in 2 years, and there are still outstanding issues.”

Governor seeking powers to bypass democracy?

The Premier highlighted that in a short space of time, the VI has done well to implement reforms despite the Governor’s wish to have certain reforms in place before his tenure ends.

He disclosed too that all of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle “are highly disappointed” with the Governor’s request for additional powers.

“It appears he wishes to act in areas of constitutional responsibilities devolved to the elected arm of government.

“The Governor should not be seeking powers to bypass democracy and the people of the Virgin Islands so that he can implement measures as he sees fit, without any democratic accountability. It would be a clear colonial act.”

‘An insult to the voters’

According to Dr Wheatley, one must remember an election was held in the Virgin Islands in April 2023.   

“It would be an insult to the voters and the people of the Virgin Islands for additional powers to be granted to the governor to empower him to push his agenda in devolved areas of responsibility.

“Subjects such as Immigration and Crown Lands fall under the responsibly of the elected government and there is no justification for powers being transferred or given to the governor to undermine the democratic will and democratic rights of the people of the Virgin Islands.”

Premier Wheatley emphasised that decision-making should be underpinned by democratic governance and “we must stay true to this principle, not only in the UK but also right here in the Virgin Islands.”

54 Responses to “‘It would be a clear colonial act’ if Governor is given additional powers- Premier”

  • One word (05/01/2024, 19:40) Like (25) Dislike (64) Reply
    • @One word (05/01/2024, 20:35) Like (6) Dislike (20) Reply
      I agree. There is an online news site start with BVI who only post comments in favor of the Governor and UK and their wicked plots. It makes no sense posting comments once it is not in favor of the UK. Thanks vino for being balanced.
    • Repost (06/01/2024, 14:11) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      Premier, like you exercised your powers even when the majority of our territory was telling you not to waste $250,000 on a music fun day or whatever you labeled it. You went ahead anyway when that money could have helped so many of us in need. Is that how you exercise power? You do what you want at the detriment of your people? Secretly working on independent rule for our country that has nothing to sustain us? You can’t even give us decent roads and running water? Come on! Stop having us for a fool.
  • vg youth (05/01/2024, 19:42) Like (16) Dislike (47) Reply

    Normally I do not agree with this Premier but this time he has my full support especially when I see how the Governor handling the alleged wrongdoings of the present UK Commissioner of police.

  • HMMM (05/01/2024, 19:43) Like (19) Dislike (44) Reply
    The UK & their Governor has the people of the BVI and all other Caribbean OT as possession and not people.
  • The TRUTH (05/01/2024, 19:44) Like (75) Dislike (35) Reply
    The democratic will of the people of the Virgin Islands is for the UK to take control
    • @THE TRUTH (05/01/2024, 19:50) Like (17) Dislike (13) Reply
      You are in the minority with that foolishness. Any country who supports an Order in council to suspend another country's constitution in any era unless they do what that country wants done is supporting slavery and have no respect for democracy. This is how most see this action of the Governor and his UK bosses. It is dam wrong. It is a dictatorship.
    • Cudmore (05/01/2024, 21:36) Like (7) Dislike (30) Reply
      Lawd, for what our people went through, we do not need no F-ing UK to take control of our islands. Let them take control of the Muslims and Indians in UK. Them testing us. 1, 2, 3, 4, UK arse must go.
    • Another truth (05/01/2024, 22:21) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
      The democratic will of the people is for Lahna to put herself in the Kahna that the people told her to go. Lahna, the burden of the country in it's present state is on you. And if you have any conscience, you would do the right thing. Ronnie, Lahna do not want you as Premier. You are clearly not capable. Please take several seats so Lahna could do the right thing buddy. She said Marlon for Premier. He is better prepared than you. You all will wait until shid happens. Look at modern day slavery in the making. The race cannot seem to learn.
    • Citizen (06/01/2024, 00:07) Like (5) Dislike (20) Reply
      You are clearly not a Virgin Islander talking like that. The Democratic will of the People of the Virgin Islands is for the UK to stop ???? pushing to take over these islands in the name of correctness when they have no history of dealing with the their current and former colonies correctly. It’s sad that their plan is working as written. Take out a leader and prevent any real leader from becoming Premier.
  • My Issue (05/01/2024, 19:45) Like (22) Dislike (30) Reply
    The Governor is trying to portray himself and all from the UK as squeaky clean and the only people on God's earth with integrity and all other races as no good. Bob Marley said whenever one race thinks themselves more superior than another there will always be war.
  • ccc (05/01/2024, 19:48) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
    I told you all he was a un democratic racist
  • question (05/01/2024, 19:57) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
    When will the BVI see what these people are really up to with us? When last did any white person get investigated in the BVi under these colonial people? When last did any white person get arrested in the BVI? When last any white person was sent to HM Prison in BVI? When last a black person was allowed to be reviewed rather than be arrested for alleged wrong doing or alleged corruption? The answer to all these is NEVER! We are witnessing modern day colonial rule and slavery actions. This has no place in BVI.
  • Real Talk (05/01/2024, 19:57) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    • @Real Talk (06/01/2024, 21:22) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      How can you guys rise when you continue to pull each other down. Even your very own close neighbours, the ‘down island’ people who probably are your own blood, you tear them down. We are our own enemy smdh
  • Joe Camel (05/01/2024, 20:01) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well Slowande said they are working diligently but the Governor said the process has stalled. I’m not understanding this one…I personally think the government is stalling and in some cases just overwhelmed. They can barely run a country, even without this additional pressure.
  • Not at all... (05/01/2024, 20:06) Like (8) Dislike (14) Reply
    If the Governor wants more power then let him respect the BVI's democratic system and go run for office. Governor stop disrespecting our democracy. You pushing for a revolution.
  • INTRESTING (05/01/2024, 20:10) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    If the Premier wasn't completely incompetent I might listen to what he had to say. The fact remains that he is a poor inadequate, reactive and poor excuse of a leader and we won't get anywhere with him he can't see beyond his own selfish needs and he only jumps like the lap dog he is when he gets embarrassed. All now I waiting to "watch you work baby" all I got to say is we got what we voted for. But I ain't vote for you so I dose sleep good when night come.
  • Eyes Wide Open (05/01/2024, 20:11) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
    The white man rankin wants immigration to bring in white people to run everything
  • de silent one (05/01/2024, 20:17) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    The whole COI was just a formality, as they knew what they wanted to do from the onset. Make the country think that something was done in their best interest, but it was ultimately for their self interest. They are marching to take over weather we like itor not
  • too late shall be your cry (05/01/2024, 20:44) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr Premier tpu wait late and that shall be your cry.
  • cap (05/01/2024, 21:09) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
    Mr Premier what are you so scared of? Just do your job and implement the COI requirements. Why is it so hard to keep promises? Maybe what this country needs is colonial control to set our government back on the right path. Stop using history and your own racist rhetoric to stop this country from being fixed.
  • Truths (05/01/2024, 21:45) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    Truths, you're correct.. that ia a Speech written by Haile Selassie to the United Nations in 1963 and every word of that speech is true...don't ever believe NOTHING that comes from a white person's mouth... big mistake you will make... these parasites are dangerous everyone of them...even their unborn grandchildren are dangerous....that's a fact!!!
  • Outsider (05/01/2024, 21:59) Like (28) Dislike (6) Reply
    The local government has failed.
    Human rights & the rule of law need to be defended.
    The UK needs to step in. It’s way past time.
  • Your fault (05/01/2024, 22:16) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is your fault, Sowande. Sad but true. The NDP was right. If you were half capable, the country would not be in this predicament but you are not capable so here we are.
  • resident (05/01/2024, 22:18) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    the premier needs to stop using these empty buzz words and do what he promised them he would fix the corruption
  • Joker of Sevillle (05/01/2024, 22:23) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Maybe if slow one zipper would stay up he wouldn’t be in this debacle. 90% of the population would welcome the UK putting this charade out of their misery with a full take down.
  • Jimmy Smih (05/01/2024, 22:28) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    The chickens have come home to roost, the premier have no one but himself to blame for what is happening those folks are setting him up , Here is my point Igwe has no call being the person in charge of the Premiers Office , she neither has the competency or the qualifications, very disorganized love gossip, she is not in the premiers corner she was one of the first BVIanders to advocate that she was in favor of the UK suspending to constitution, you see the thinking , and to make bad matters worst she went out and recruited H. Ward as the person to lead the COI implementation unit, this is a person who is not well, and beside that has no real moral compass, got move from the London House for mismanaging government funds buying furniture for her African boy friend, they brought her and put by the tourist board had move her again for miss applying government funds, flying her lover and child father all over the world on government dime as a photographer with training or qualifications, She also does not have the mockcy to move anything, Please Premier make some changes before we all lost at sea.
  • Jokers in the pack (05/01/2024, 23:08) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    With an annual budget of “almost half a billion dollars a year “ ( to quote the Premier) and a population approaching 45,000, the VI government *technically* spends about $11,000 per year on every man, woman and child.

    You lie if you claim to see anything even approaching that amount being spent on infrastructure and education.

    As much as it would clearly like to, The UK can’t jettison us into independence while most of it’s VIslander subjects are being robbed.
  • ?? (05/01/2024, 23:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    talk 2 much
  • Schooltime (06/01/2024, 01:36) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Could someone please explain to the Premier that we are a monarchical democracy and that the key to governance is loyalty and allegiance. The voting system under a monarchy allows for suitable persons to be selected to assist the monarch, not to over rule him.
  • Interested (06/01/2024, 06:23) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    I don’t want to hear Natalio.he brought this on us, After agreeing to implementation of the COI reforms,it is clear he has no interest in doing so. Trotting around the globe and leaving the country in distress. As soon as I heard the governor’s statement yesterday,I knew he would come screaming and complaining. He will now run to Caricom and the UN shouting colonialism. Fool.
  • Hush (06/01/2024, 06:48) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    Premier, like you exercised your powers even when the majority of our territory was telling you not to waste $250,000 on a music fun day or whatever you labeled it. You went ahead anyway when that money could have helped so many of us in need. Is that how you exercise power? You do what you want at the detriment of your people? Secretly working on independent rule for our country that has nothing to sustain us? You can’t even give us decent roads and running water? Come on! Stop having us for a fool.
  • Hmm (06/01/2024, 06:56) Like (12) Dislike (34) Reply
    It’s time to fight people of the BVI. Start marching against the Governor and His UK cronies. Wake up people and stop being quiet. If you don’t fight they will takeover Tola. Stop being sleeping sheep! Unite as one and let your voice be heard loud and clear. United we stand! In Montserrat the governor basically runs the country because the people refuse to fight. They just complain but do nothing. Wake up people of the BVI
  • Vincentian (06/01/2024, 07:40) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    You aint paying civil servants them increments is a insult to voters too. the 150,000 you spend for one day could have gone towards increments now we have to wait till 2027 to get what rightfully belongs to us. all you no is your salary sure for life so why not make sure the ppl good too. 7 th district had one job to do and they drop the ball. you have the country stagnant with you lack of EVERYTHING to lead.
  • @my issue (06/01/2024, 08:25) Like (34) Dislike (3) Reply
    Lord help us. We’re at the fork in the road, the governor is sneaky we don’t know what he has in store. On the other hand, those set of greedy idiots ithats running the country right now is sinking us fast.
  • 2024 (06/01/2024, 08:25) Like (34) Dislike (1) Reply
    when you were growing up living in your mother house and said to you wash the dishes and when she came back home and you did not wash those you were given a proper cut A$&

    Great Britain came into her territory; executed a review and was dissatisfied thereafter asked those elected to make certain changes

    did you not expect United Kingdom to kick up a storm if the recommendations were not implemented

    we can do them ourselves or London will simply show up in Road Harbour and implement the CoI system themselves

    Dam if you do dam if you don’t however our people may end up suffering(all that our people have accomplished since 1834 might just be wash down the drain

  • Online Now (06/01/2024, 08:47) Like (33) Dislike (1) Reply
    Would it be a pure colonial act or would it be the help that the regular citizens and residents deserve? Those who have had social security and tax money stolen over the last countless years.
  • huh (06/01/2024, 08:48) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    maybe the premier needs to stop jetting all over the world on senseless "government" business and focus on matters at home that he has made a commitment to get instituted to save us from being taken over by the very people he/ we reject.


    he committed to the UK to undertake these commitments of reform so he could take the top job and prevent UK from taking control......he is failing in these responsabilities and doesnt like to be held responsible/ accountable..( which is what in general terms these recommendations are there to instil in our government...responsibility and accountability.
    Mark my words...he opposes the govenor in public.....but is working with him to keep uk from taking over...cant publically support the governor because that will loose him votes.
    Premier playing the long game
  • Funny (06/01/2024, 11:40) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    the legislation piece means nothing as it still has to be voted on in the house.
    The civil service is where everyone from the government claims the governor is in charge and now he wants to be and they are bitching about it. The 3rd part i forget as it a non starter and everything the Premier said about crown land the governor never mentioned anything about that , its just to stir up trouble. They agreed on a time frame, the government that is in now was not voted in by the people as there is a NDP member who would not of been voted in as a VIP, thats the facts. Now do what you agreed or let the dice roll
    • hmm (06/01/2024, 14:18) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Facts. Incompetence at its best on the part of the accidental Premier
  • Joker of Seville (06/01/2024, 11:48) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Should have kept the zipper up and stop fiddling while Rome was burning
    • Pay attention. (06/01/2024, 13:37) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Even to this serious story Vino has to get involved in and try to influence, push their against the Gov narrative by censoring certain blogs. Why not let the people speak freely Vino..Pls.
  • Well Suh (06/01/2024, 12:43) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well, we are a British Colony. Let's just go independent. oh wait, we can't... So then let's clean up our act. Really, it's in everyones interest, except the politicians.
  • Me (06/01/2024, 13:38) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    I dont care what anybody say we put ourselves in this shit.Electing incompent people who only concern about their greddy pockets.
  • Me (06/01/2024, 13:38) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    I dont care what anybody say we put ourselves in this shit.Electing incompent people who only concern about their greddy pockets.
  • Yes? (06/01/2024, 14:02) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    @@THE TRUTH you are speaking for yourself most people of the BVI will like to see the UK take over, are you on the Premiers pay roil?
  • Kum Quik (06/01/2024, 14:40) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    The mere fact that these Vi are now a wallowng migrant population if themost violent poverty and criminal locations is enough evidence that it has lost control or decided to be one of the worse, More than enough reason for the UK to step in and attempt to save its territory.
  • @ ON LINE NOW (06/01/2024, 15:35) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    those thieves needs to have their hands amputated and whatever they used our money to buy needs to be confiscated and sold to get our money back and be distributed to the rightful people who worked honestly for it
  • opposition (06/01/2024, 17:12) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Not a word from the Opposition but the Premier said he’s having a joint press conference with the leader of the opposition on Monday. Come on opposition do not get in bed with the government. They are failing us miserably. You will perpetuate this by joining them. Look what happened with the unity government.

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