‘It would be a clear colonial act’ if Governor is given additional powers- Premier

Governor Rankin stated in his Fifth Quarterly Review published today, January 5, 2024, that he was disappointed at the rate of reform ahead of an already revised May 2024 CoI reform implementation deadline, and has reached the conclusion that he must request additional powers to help ensure the Framework Agreement proposed by the VI Government is delivered.
‘Our commitment to reform is unquestionable’- Premier
Premier Wheatley in a statement this evening said the Government of the Virgin Islands has been working diligently on reforms since May 2022 and good progress has been made. He cited the Procurement Process and the Provision of Assistance Grants as areas of already strengthened internal processes.
“We remain firmly committed to good governance and our commitment to reform is unquestionable,” Dr Wheatley stated, adding that there are challenges but things are going in the right direction despite the deadline that was “agreed under duress”.
The Premier reminded that the Government has had to simultaneously balance the implementation of reforms and the delivery of public services and hurricane recovery. He said this is not to even mention the pause in work after the House of Assembly was dissolved for the general elections in April 2023.
Even the Governor has challenges!
And according to the Premier, a number of the reforms still in progress actually falls under the responsibility of the Governor.
“Like my administration, he has also had the challenge of balancing reform implementation and overseeing his own constitutional responsibilities in areas such as security, especially as it concerns the police and prison, where there are internal problems that must be addressed.”
Premier Wheatley said his administration has tried to support the governor “as best we can”, with additional resources, so he can improve these areas, while progressing the reforms he is responsible for.
“Clearly, a reform exercise of the scale we are undertaking cannot be completed in its entirety in two years. In the UK, Brexit was not completed in 2 years, and there are still outstanding issues.”
Governor seeking powers to bypass democracy?
The Premier highlighted that in a short space of time, the VI has done well to implement reforms despite the Governor’s wish to have certain reforms in place before his tenure ends.
He disclosed too that all of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle “are highly disappointed” with the Governor’s request for additional powers.
“It appears he wishes to act in areas of constitutional responsibilities devolved to the elected arm of government.
“The Governor should not be seeking powers to bypass democracy and the people of the Virgin Islands so that he can implement measures as he sees fit, without any democratic accountability. It would be a clear colonial act.”
‘An insult to the voters’
According to Dr Wheatley, one must remember an election was held in the Virgin Islands in April 2023.
“It would be an insult to the voters and the people of the Virgin Islands for additional powers to be granted to the governor to empower him to push his agenda in devolved areas of responsibility.
“Subjects such as Immigration and Crown Lands fall under the responsibly of the elected government and there is no justification for powers being transferred or given to the governor to undermine the democratic will and democratic rights of the people of the Virgin Islands.”
Premier Wheatley emphasised that decision-making should be underpinned by democratic governance and “we must stay true to this principle, not only in the UK but also right here in the Virgin Islands.”

54 Responses to “‘It would be a clear colonial act’ if Governor is given additional powers- Premier”
Normally I do not agree with this Premier but this time he has my full support especially when I see how the Governor handling the alleged wrongdoings of the present UK Commissioner of police.
Human rights & the rule of law need to be defended.
The UK needs to step in. It’s way past time.
You lie if you claim to see anything even approaching that amount being spent on infrastructure and education.
As much as it would clearly like to, The UK can’t jettison us into independence while most of it’s VIslander subjects are being robbed.
Great Britain came into her territory; executed a review and was dissatisfied thereafter asked those elected to make certain changes
did you not expect United Kingdom to kick up a storm if the recommendations were not implemented
we can do them ourselves or London will simply show up in Road Harbour and implement the CoI system themselves
Dam if you do dam if you don’t however our people may end up suffering(all that our people have accomplished since 1834 might just be wash down the drain
he committed to the UK to undertake these commitments of reform so he could take the top job and prevent UK from taking control......he is failing in these responsabilities and doesnt like to be held responsible/ accountable..( which is what in general terms these recommendations are there to instil in our government...responsibility and accountability.
Mark my words...he opposes the govenor in public.....but is working with him to keep uk from taking over...cant publically support the governor because that will loose him votes.
Premier playing the long game
The civil service is where everyone from the government claims the governor is in charge and now he wants to be and they are bitching about it. The 3rd part i forget as it a non starter and everything the Premier said about crown land the governor never mentioned anything about that , its just to stir up trouble. They agreed on a time frame, the government that is in now was not voted in by the people as there is a NDP member who would not of been voted in as a VIP, thats the facts. Now do what you agreed or let the dice roll