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‘It is the hardest task’ getting businesses to interview locals for jobs- Hon Wheatley

- Minister says hiring of locals for local jobs not happening @ a rate 'he is comfortable with'
Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Honorable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) says it remains a challenge to get local businesses to interview Virgin Islanders from a local job pool, for locally available jobs. Photo: Facebook/JTV
Speaking on JTV’s The Big Story with host Cathy O. Richards, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley on Monday, September 13, 2021, indicated that contrary to the perception that locals are not applying for jobs, persons are indeed flooding job vacancies. Photo: JTV/Facebook
Speaking on JTV’s The Big Story with host Cathy O. Richards, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley on Monday, September 13, 2021, indicated that contrary to the perception that locals are not applying for jobs, persons are indeed flooding job vacancies. Photo: JTV/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Honorable Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) says it remains a challenge to get local businesses to interview Virgin Islanders from a local job pool for locally available jobs.

This is said is ‘hard to believe’ given so many persons are out of jobs, and companies have indicated a willingness to hire more locals.

Speaking on JTV’s the Big Story with host Cathy O. Richards, Hon Wheatley on Monday, September 13, 2021, indicated that contrary to the perception that locals are not applying for jobs, persons are indeed flooding job vacancies. 

Locals applying for jobs - Hon Wheatley 

“I know of one job they advertised 8 positions about 2 weeks ago, they had 50 applicants for 8 positions, so personas are applying for the jobs,” he said.

The Minister said; however, it is the hardest task to get persons to interview individuals from the local job pool.

“I would call company A and say look, I see you’re trying to find a cleaner, I have a pool of 5 cleaners here, at least interview them,” he said.

“They’ll all come back and say 'well I interview all five of them, none are suitable', which I find hard to believe,” he said.

Hon Wheatley said his ambition is to localise the workforce as much as possible, given it is more sustainable and efficient, compared to having to import persons for work. 

For companies, he said to pay for the travel, process work permits and to find accommodations for expats, the cost is great compared to just hiring a local.

Companies prefer to hire local - Hon Wheatley 

“The companies themselves they say they prefer to hire locals,” he said.

According to the Minister, the hiring of locals for local jobs is just not happening at a rate that he is comfortable with, given many persons are still out of jobs.

The Minister’s revelation comes following a newly enacted work permit exemption policy that makes it difficult for expats to exploit the local work permit exemptions and treat it like belongership status.

50 Responses to “‘It is the hardest task’ getting businesses to interview locals for jobs- Hon Wheatley”

  • Why do you think that is? (16/09/2021, 18:28) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Are they missing out on the best workers for the job?
    • Abused (18/09/2021, 20:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      They can work expats and don't pay them and nothing one's out of it but they have to pay "I from here"
  • @ Mr VG (16/09/2021, 18:34) Like (32) Dislike (5) Reply
    IF you going to do something constructive for once , can you just do it without your negative racist mentality ( PLEASE ) thank you
  • Rubber Duck (16/09/2021, 19:03) Like (36) Dislike (3) Reply
    He is clueless. Advertise a lot of jobs and see how many applicants you get. Unless it’s sitting in a government office playing on the internet no one, belongers or not , wants to know.

    The country is in a labour shortage crisis.
  • Secret Bear (16/09/2021, 19:13) Like (47) Dislike (5) Reply
    No BVIslander would be caught dead working as a cleaner for the wages that companies here pay. That’s why they need to hire expats who will work for pennies. Don’t play dumb, minister. You know this.
    • Caribbean Girl (18/09/2021, 13:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      But is us who taking the small money still and making it work for us and send for our family He want to penalize
  • ABC (16/09/2021, 19:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thing to talk
  • …… (16/09/2021, 19:18) Like (35) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am a local! I am going to say!! Some of us are very hard working!!! N then it those that are very lazy!……………..
  • Wtf ever (16/09/2021, 19:42) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
  • ras (16/09/2021, 19:46) Like (3) Dislike (52) Reply
    Keep them out.let them go back where they came from we do not need them here
    • @ras (17/09/2021, 17:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Well i hope all who want them gone can clean their house and bathroom properly. When them gone lots will have to cook their own food.
  • Crs (16/09/2021, 19:56) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    I wish they would just stay off their cell phones. The younger ones can’t make it through day two.
  • K (16/09/2021, 20:03) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    With due respect Mr minister you want to know why thay are lazy and disrespectful mind you don't get me wrong there are a few but the magdruthy are like that sad to say
  • But (16/09/2021, 20:12) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    As you said 50 apñlucations were received to fill the 8 vacant position. Hon. Wheatley a small child would tell you that not all 50 applicants are out of a job. Some of them just want to chsnge jobs. Now with that being said if they do get the new job as that will be an easy process no wp needed their former boss will now be left with a vacant position which he might not now wanted to be filled by a local by fearing thst person might leave too. So the best person he might think is an expat who is bonded to work there for certain amount of years.
  • But (16/09/2021, 20:36) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    As you said 50 applications were received to fill the 8 vacant position. Noted not all 50 applicants are out of a job. Some of them just want to change jobs. Now with that being said if they do get the new job as that will be an easy process no wp needed their former boss will now be left with a vacant position which he might not now wanted to be filled by a local by fearing that person might leave too. So the best person he might think is an expat who is bonded to work there for certain amount of years.
  • Lazy (16/09/2021, 20:48) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    How much locals see passing thru one company all them same that’s why companies don’t want hire locals cause is a set back to train a new person all over some just want be on phone an speak to them they tell you they from here so who will want them
    • @Lazy (18/09/2021, 05:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      W I your country i. Quite sure you will tell others you from there!
  • bvi born (16/09/2021, 21:12) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    the locals are lazy. want to get paid but dont want to work this has been the same way for years. they expect more money than their qualifications. They want enough to vuy weed for a week and dont show up for work.

    the feel entitled which is bull. We employers dont have time and energy for the BS. Wheatley who has been carrying VG and Anegada for years. EXPATS why are you pretending that this has bot been the way forever and a day. you think you can change that now? I love my people but they dont want to waork hard for waht they need. they want to tell you the hiurs they want to work days they want to work? you know better.

    Stop your nonsense and let us get the peoplenwe need to ensure our businesses operate consistently and efficiently. local or not.

    GO SIT DOWN VINCENT YOU DONT HAVE A CLUE. Ask your significant other how it happened when she had her business.

    stop the pretence!!!!!!!!
  • Local (16/09/2021, 21:21) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Am not lazy.... i just think them could do better with the pay that the locals are gettin with this type of cost of living we have..... like dam wukin 2 weeks for 700 and end of month rent is 1200..... taxs and nhi gone with thier share.... aint talk bur food nuh light bill nothin yet well saa....
  • y (16/09/2021, 21:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ ras it'sa crime to go back where some come from weather that commet a crime or not so I don't see your point so let's keep it real ok
  • Local (16/09/2021, 22:20) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    I starting a new business to compete in a challenging market and yall not just sending me locals to interview, yall sending me a bunch of charity cases......a set of them locals come on the job stink of weed, others with 2 and 3 kids and need all kind of assistance, others change jobs 5 times in a year showing a lack of comittment or inability to perform. WE NOT READY TO COMPETE!! Yall helping locals find jobs but want to kill the spirit of the young local entrepreneur by giving them the lowest of the lows to work AFTER yall done grant favors to the big shots and others with big money to bring in their teams of foreigners who.willing to work for that $43 a day and bring down the value of our dollar. Now that the country is saturated with dirt cheap labor, the local man can't get what he is worth to cover his basic needs and isn't willing to compete because our ancestors already bore that burden for us to start higher up the economic ladder. Now I don't think my business will ever thrive because of what yall doing and wish there was a nice way to tell yall to go u know what yall self..... I use my last saved dollar to start my business n avoid the bank and yall completely F ME!!! Alotta we local business man and woman getting strangle and is time we expose yall duty departments! Is only the drug man dem and their cronies seem to get their stuff fast track. I know a man put in for 10 DR nationals just under 3 weeks ago and deliver his applications BY HAND to the head for approval! I need start pull receipts and call name cause ayo full a F.
    • Thank you Local (17/09/2021, 14:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I empathise with you. Same thing here, I used all my money (no bank loan) to get my business running and labour department was my biggest problem and the contributory to set backs. It's OneBVI if it's your cousin. I keep telling family that to thrive in BVI I must deal drugs or have front row seat in politics
  • exploitation (16/09/2021, 23:23) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Expat can be manipulated and exploited easily.
  • Bottom line... (16/09/2021, 23:55) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Companies are looking for assets not that again
  • Government (17/09/2021, 03:16) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    i thought government made the rules they issue the permission for persons to enter the island
  • Popo (17/09/2021, 06:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Minister even if it cost more to hire a expat the work is done above and beyond without a hassle tale of im from here lol why complain when u making more money in workpermit plus taxt. Locals just need be more serious its all good and well they have high position jobs but the little man work they do t want. Even to police cause everyone is family.
  • tola (17/09/2021, 06:59) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
    Make certain jobs mandatory that a local must be interviewed and hired for
    • TORTOLIAN (17/09/2021, 17:02) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      They need to start in the schools. Young people attitudes stinks, they have no training for the working world, they feel entitled. If they start in the schools then they could turn into productive employees. Just look at Govt employees, most of them are in positions because of their last name and oh yes their born here degree. Now because they tasted a little shut down time at home during the upsurge they feel they are entitled to work at home permanently. We business people have to go through hell with the poor attitude, non productivity and constant whining. We are into business for a profit not charity. I am a business owner and my most productive workers are from abroad, I said it and I am an indigenous Tortolian.
  • Hmm (17/09/2021, 07:14) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you take people on a trip over seas and encounter some trouble they will stick it out.

    If you take people on a trip close to home and they encounter trouble they may well decide to go home.
  • Be honest (17/09/2021, 07:18) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Tell the people the real truth that no more exemptions get a work permit if you want to work
  • Norris Turnbull (17/09/2021, 07:49) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Vincent your pants is on fire and your nose is growing long Sir. U r d er boid of facts. Life is real.
  • o (17/09/2021, 08:24) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Enjoy the ride minister. 25th Feb 2019. 25th feb 2020.25 feb 2021 .25 feb 2022 and 25th feb 2023 ELECTIONS ARE COMING.
  • Reality check (17/09/2021, 08:37) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    You need to start with locking classroom doors at the start of class; late you go the office to be sent home. Start teaching real life skills like timeliness, respectfulness. Didn't complete homework? Off to the office to be sent home. Stop free tuition at the college; without a cost to whomever is paying there is no value, hence no compulsion to complete their courses.
    We want to hire locals because your work permit system is abysmal, but have had zero luck in almost three decades of advertising and going to your job fairs finding a local who wants to learn a trade!
  • Local (17/09/2021, 08:37) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    In addition to my comment above, the "Hire a Local" program needs to be aimed at the businesses who have been established for let's say 5 to 10 years minimum. Give the established businesses incentives, recognition or something for hiring locals in need of a job and let the beginners hire the cheap hard working expats who can increase likelihood of SUCCESS until we have raised our own generation of skilled workers.
  • Lucifer (17/09/2021, 09:14) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Work ethic is a big issue. Expats generally have come here with the intention of working and so they will work hard to make sure they stay employed. Locals think they are entitled to a job but not that they necessarily have to to do the work that comes with it. It is a point of fact that a lot of local employees are last to turn up in the morning and first ones to leave at night, and that is before taking account of extended lunch breaks.

    If the majority of local employees were any good, why would any sane employer want to jump through the hurdles of labor and immigration to hire expats?
  • jamgirl. (17/09/2021, 09:41) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am a belonger by marriage, and I am qualified, in the wellness industry, with years of experience and qualifications .I applied to several places and the reply are always the same,sometimes they do not reply at all.yet you will see them put in permits for the same job.
  • trrefdrfds (17/09/2021, 11:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    As a local I will simply say that any local that has good work ethic, good attitude, hard worker, team player would only be looking for a job if they're trying to improve themselves, they won't be 'out of a job' so to speak so I don't buy the nonsense. Is there unfairness towards even hard working locals? Of course! But show me where there are lots of hard working, qualified locals out here that are willing to work but can't find work.
  • AHEM (17/09/2021, 11:37) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know at least one local contractor who was faced with labor shortages. When I suggested he consider hiring and training local folks, he looked at me incredulously, and replied that local people don’t want to work. In essence, it boiled down to work ethic more than skill.
  • home boy (17/09/2021, 11:42) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is all POLITICAL, Hon Minister you got a job to do I agree. I am a born Virgin Islander 60 years plus. Have worked in Government for 30 years plus, retired and now in the private sector. It is the hardest thing to find locals to work in most fields. I personally interviewed about 20 plus locals to fill about 26 vacancies, of that number I barely was able to hire 3 from the lot. To begin with, during the interview process their physical appearance was the first turn off. Then their attitude, like I am from here and I want a job and the other thing I am not working for that kind of money. We are in serious trouble as it relates to employment and hiring Virgin Islands, especially young males. I am not knocking my own people, but the truth is the younger people today just want fast money and don't want to work for it if you ask me. I tried my best to work and help who want to help themselves, some Virgin Islands are in the habit of pulling down our Caribbean brothers and sisters. But those are the ones who work hard and the ones unfortunately you have to rely on. Of 30 plus staff on my work team 8 are locals, of the 8, 4 are 50 years plus and 4 20 years plus. The younger ones are the real trouble on the job, while their caribbean counterpart their age are serious and very reliable and dedicated. Locals have a mindset and bad attitude towards their job, supervisor and expat coworkers. I can go on and on with this very serious issue, but will end here for now, will end by saying Mr Minister this issue is much bigger tan you and me to be honest I don't know how we will ever change our people attitude.
    • RedStorm (17/09/2021, 16:00) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Home Boy,
      Well Said, Mehson,
      I could not believe a conversation I heard at a christmas family get together was true, you bring a lot of confirmation in your post. You see here, I believe the parents are to be blame. Twice I heard two conversation that blow my mind. It had this man who son have a child by a local girl who father is a Guyanese and local mother. When his son could not get what he want with the girl, the father told him, leave her alone, let she go. He did not even encourage the son to talk with the parents , work something out with the girl. He forbid the son to ever see her again, then tell the son to fight for custody of the child, he did not stop there, he went on to allow the son to lie about the child mother so he could get the child. Its unfortunate that people are not first certified before becoming parents.

      Another incident, where a mother tell her son, never take no other job , but a trust company job, and if you see them hiring expat call you uncle to stop it, they must not get anything, its hard to see this type a behaviour that send a message to children of how to solve problems, it is really set the children up to a huge fall, as all they will know is the evil that comes in sheep clothing. And the entitlement they are expecting. Furthermore, no locals would want a clearner's job, but the expat would take that job and save from that little 9$ Per hour, and send their money home to build in their country. Its mesmerizing to see how some people were taught to hussle in their young days , so that they reap in their old days. When young people approach you for a job , and any assistant don't shrug you shoulder and say, I only look out for my district people. Try to networking with the business people to help, ask these business people how many locals pass through their office per year.

      I could recall five young men came to my office after been trained as engineers and other field work in the marine industry. In less than a week, one show up smell a weed, I had to pretend that I did not smell , him, another went on vacation never told anyone came back three week later saying, he had to help his father with some work in another island. They others went to Miami for training and we never see them again. Teach your people the ethics of life, respect for others, responsibilities and accountability. Where are all the church spiritual leaders, take those young people out of their comfort zone and work with them. When good men do nothing evil prevails.
  • hmmm (17/09/2021, 11:53) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    To the headline: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT
    -when the majority of ‘locals’ getting best jobs are imports by marriage or because the came with work permit children
    -when the trained, hard working locals don’t get a second look because other locals (crabs) and the imports above put every which lying backstabbing obstacle in their way
    -when the children of expats and cronies are the only ones getting scholarships
    -when discrimination against locals is rife especially in private sector
    -when the more x’s of whatever country in management, the more of only their countrymen they bringing in
    -when we going til Asia for the very accountants and paralegals now
  • missing the point (17/09/2021, 12:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Think the Minister is missing the point here. The present issue that he is talking about has more to do with local culture and education. he is trying to force employers to hire locals but this has to be dealt with from and education and cultural shift. unless the culture of the people change the situation will remain the same. Being available for a job and wanting a job does not qualify someone for a job, however if the person id trainable then they can obtain those job. I have tried to train several local young men but they just don't take the work seriously and as a result they drop off and disappear.
    It is time that our people take responsibility and change some of the old culture and behavior.
  • musa (17/09/2021, 14:28) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Don't worried Very soon you will have your own experience looking for your next job.
  • my point (17/09/2021, 18:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Locals know that they can change jobs easily so if the work is too hard for them they will want to quit. They might quit several jobs because its not up to their expectations I would so same if i have the opportunity. But please dont say they are out of jobs all of them who are not working is because they are lazy. Some pf them just have a mentality thst because they from here they are supposed to be in job that an expat have for over 10 years. They switching jobs too much that is why no one wants to hire them. They always feel the grass is greener on the otherside.
  • Jose (18/09/2021, 13:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yea but the labor Department still giving out work permits for all kind of position that locals can fill. It have some persons coming to the country to fill certain positions then when u look a position is created for their spouses within that same hotel or business when it could have been filled locally. So Mr Minister ur labor department isn't doing nothing for the people. All kind of work permits been giving out without giving the locals a chance. The culture has to change.

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