‘It is the hardest task’ getting businesses to interview locals for jobs- Hon Wheatley

This is said is ‘hard to believe’ given so many persons are out of jobs, and companies have indicated a willingness to hire more locals.
Speaking on JTV’s the Big Story with host Cathy O. Richards, Hon Wheatley on Monday, September 13, 2021, indicated that contrary to the perception that locals are not applying for jobs, persons are indeed flooding job vacancies.
Locals applying for jobs - Hon Wheatley
“I know of one job they advertised 8 positions about 2 weeks ago, they had 50 applicants for 8 positions, so personas are applying for the jobs,” he said.
The Minister said; however, it is the hardest task to get persons to interview individuals from the local job pool.
“I would call company A and say look, I see you’re trying to find a cleaner, I have a pool of 5 cleaners here, at least interview them,” he said.
“They’ll all come back and say 'well I interview all five of them, none are suitable', which I find hard to believe,” he said.
Hon Wheatley said his ambition is to localise the workforce as much as possible, given it is more sustainable and efficient, compared to having to import persons for work.
For companies, he said to pay for the travel, process work permits and to find accommodations for expats, the cost is great compared to just hiring a local.
Companies prefer to hire local - Hon Wheatley
“The companies themselves they say they prefer to hire locals,” he said.
According to the Minister, the hiring of locals for local jobs is just not happening at a rate that he is comfortable with, given many persons are still out of jobs.
The Minister’s revelation comes following a newly enacted work permit exemption policy that makes it difficult for expats to exploit the local work permit exemptions and treat it like belongership status.

50 Responses to “‘It is the hardest task’ getting businesses to interview locals for jobs- Hon Wheatley”
The country is in a labour shortage crisis.
Is MAJORITY a word? If so, how or who says it is ...
the feel entitled which is bull. We employers dont have time and energy for the BS. Wheatley who has been carrying VG and Anegada for years. EXPATS why are you pretending that this has bot been the way forever and a day. you think you can change that now? I love my people but they dont want to waork hard for waht they need. they want to tell you the hiurs they want to work days they want to work? you know better.
Stop your nonsense and let us get the peoplenwe need to ensure our businesses operate consistently and efficiently. local or not.
GO SIT DOWN VINCENT YOU DONT HAVE A CLUE. Ask your significant other how it happened when she had her business.
stop the pretence!!!!!!!!
If you take people on a trip close to home and they encounter trouble they may well decide to go home.
We want to hire locals because your work permit system is abysmal, but have had zero luck in almost three decades of advertising and going to your job fairs finding a local who wants to learn a trade!
If the majority of local employees were any good, why would any sane employer want to jump through the hurdles of labor and immigration to hire expats?
Well Said, Mehson,
I could not believe a conversation I heard at a christmas family get together was true, you bring a lot of confirmation in your post. You see here, I believe the parents are to be blame. Twice I heard two conversation that blow my mind. It had this man who son have a child by a local girl who father is a Guyanese and local mother. When his son could not get what he want with the girl, the father told him, leave her alone, let she go. He did not even encourage the son to talk with the parents , work something out with the girl. He forbid the son to ever see her again, then tell the son to fight for custody of the child, he did not stop there, he went on to allow the son to lie about the child mother so he could get the child. Its unfortunate that people are not first certified before becoming parents.
Another incident, where a mother tell her son, never take no other job , but a trust company job, and if you see them hiring expat call you uncle to stop it, they must not get anything, its hard to see this type a behaviour that send a message to children of how to solve problems, it is really set the children up to a huge fall, as all they will know is the evil that comes in sheep clothing. And the entitlement they are expecting. Furthermore, no locals would want a clearner's job, but the expat would take that job and save from that little 9$ Per hour, and send their money home to build in their country. Its mesmerizing to see how some people were taught to hussle in their young days , so that they reap in their old days. When young people approach you for a job , and any assistant don't shrug you shoulder and say, I only look out for my district people. Try to networking with the business people to help, ask these business people how many locals pass through their office per year.
I could recall five young men came to my office after been trained as engineers and other field work in the marine industry. In less than a week, one show up smell a weed, I had to pretend that I did not smell , him, another went on vacation never told anyone came back three week later saying, he had to help his father with some work in another island. They others went to Miami for training and we never see them again. Teach your people the ethics of life, respect for others, responsibilities and accountability. Where are all the church spiritual leaders, take those young people out of their comfort zone and work with them. When good men do nothing evil prevails.
-when the majority of ‘locals’ getting best jobs are imports by marriage or because the came with work permit children
-when the trained, hard working locals don’t get a second look because other locals (crabs) and the imports above put every which lying backstabbing obstacle in their way
-when the children of expats and cronies are the only ones getting scholarships
-when discrimination against locals is rife especially in private sector
-when the more x’s of whatever country in management, the more of only their countrymen they bringing in
-when we going til Asia for the very accountants and paralegals now
It is time that our people take responsibility and change some of the old culture and behavior.