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‘It is still urgent that we extend the [airport] runway’- Hon Rymer

Despite American Airlines (AA) announcing uninterrupted service to the [British] Virgin Islands, including through August to October, Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) has made it clear that extending the runway at Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport is still a matter of urgency. Photo: VINO/File
Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) said the momentum to extend the airport runway continued with a visioning meeting with stakeholders, and signed a contract to conduct a Green Book Business Case. Photo: GIS
Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) said the momentum to extend the airport runway continued with a visioning meeting with stakeholders, and signed a contract to conduct a Green Book Business Case. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Despite American Airlines (AA) announcing uninterrupted service to the [British] Virgin Islands, including through August to October, Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) has made it clear that extending the runway at Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport is still a matter of urgency.

“But let me be the first to tell you that, American Airlines will land every day at Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport runway, even up to five times a day on certain Saturdays in the upcoming season.

“Nevertheless, it is still urgent that we extend the runway of the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport,” Hon Rymer stated during brief remarks at the Territorial Address by the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government on the occasion of their one-year anniversary in office at Maria’s by the Sea on May 16, 2024.

‘Firm commitment’

Hon Rymer said that momentum to extend the airport runway continued with a visioning meeting with stakeholders, and signed a contract to conduct a Green Book Business Case.

“These actions demonstrate our firm commitment to improving our airport facilities,” the Works Minister stated.

American Airlines, from June 1, 2023, commenced flying from Miami to the [British] Virgin Islands (VI) daily, making it the only carrier to offer daily nonstop service from the Continental United States to VI and the first nonstop flight from Miami in more than 25 years.

However, to facilitate larger aircraft, the runway needs to be extended.

33 Responses to “‘It is still urgent that we extend the [airport] runway’- Hon Rymer”

  • WHY? (19/05/2024, 12:17) Like (36) Dislike (5) Reply
    You say it over and over again but no one explains why it is urgent that we extend the runway?
    Is it urgent that the BVI moves wholesale into a different form of tourism? Mass tourism? That is, high numbers of visitors? This usually means a lower quality tourism product - cheaper accommodation which means we need more, cheap hotels; more crowded offerings like beaches packed out with people on sun loungers, instead of empty and natural, etc. And always it is shackled to the ups and downs of the international economy, especially the
    US economy and the value of its dollar. And always it will be staffed by imported labour because BVI people already don't like tourists. What you think, that we will like them more just because there's more of them?
    Overall low-quality, high-numbers tourism seems to be the goal. But have you looked at what this means? It means undermining the existing tourism image of the BVI that began in the 1960s - a place of pure natural beauty for untroubled enjoyment of the beauty of our nature. Goodbye nature, if you do this to our islands.
    It means we need a lot more infrastructure like roads that have capacity for a lot more traffic; and sewage systems that can handle the increased amount of human waste that has to go ... where? Into the sea, of course, killing natural eco systems; a solid waste department that can handle all the increased garbage they create that gets ... what? Burned, and poisons our people and nature with toxic air.
    Even after all these governments have tried to do it, this expanded airport does not sound like a plan that comes with any vision for our islands. It sounds like ministers want big numbers of arrivals on paper to make it look like they are the saviours of the BVI and big contracts to hand out which could mean big rewards from local contractors who get the sweet candy that comes with this kind of project. Meanwhile the tourism industry is turned on its head, the little guy from the BVI gets nothing more than maybe a job on the apron or in the car park, the foreign workers get to send money home and the big man just gets bigger and bigger. And we destroy the nature that makes this place attractive to people from outside and that SHOULD be a legacy that feeds and nurtures us for generations to come.
    • Blindman (19/05/2024, 21:37) Like (7) Dislike (13) Reply
      @Why its people like you that would keep the BVI from growing , everything that involves development you have something negative to say.The government any government job is to develop its country every other caribbean country doing so in order to be competitive so why should'nt the BVI not because you dont have intrest in tourism this our product and we need the airport you think anyone will invest in a 5 star hotel and they dont know how their guest going to there. Look at St vincent new hotel its because of the airport access for guest. Stop knocking progress and development that will benifit the majority.
      • @ Blindman (20/05/2024, 07:55) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
        I’m not opposed to tourism expansion, but like everywhere and everyone, BVI has financial limitations. We won’t go into the fact that no public works project has ever been completed within budget and timetable in the BVIs. The last set of costs (some 7 years ago) was in the $ 200 million range to fill in Trellis. Today, that cost is prob twice as much, in other words comparable to the Territory’s annual GDP. So, it’s a big investment that requires careful thought to avoid building an expensive white elephant. Consider what has already been expended at the airport, and its current usage. But leave that aside also. As we saw post Irma, the Territory does not have much in the way of cash reserves (why the roads are terrible), so it would have to borrow the money to build the airport. Not necessarily a deal killer, but going with a $250 million price tag over 20 years at 7%, the monthly note would be $ 2 million/month. Where is that coming from? Passing it on to visitors would make the cost of getting here pricier than it already is. If you went with one flight a day with 200 people, 5 flights a week, 4 weeks per month, year around (which would not happen), it works out to $ 500 more per ticket ($2 k for a family of four!), on top of all the other fees visitors pay. You can fly round trip to Miami from St. Thomas for less that. Keep in mind that just because it was built, there is no guarantee of passenger numbers.

        There is also the question where these 200 people arriving 5 times a week are going to stay. It’s easy to say that other islands have done it, but they are larger places, and many had subsidies for airport expansions. Grenada for example had help from Cuba. It also bears considering that direct long haul flights to and from them occur a few times a week during tourist season. That’s an airline decision based on load factors, so if fewer people come, the greater the surcharge to pay for the airport. So, before we compare ourselves to places that have expanded their airports, we should inform ourselves as to how they paid for these expansions.

        Would it perhaps be better to use available/accessible monies to develop the Territory as a tourist destination (i.e. clean up the place, fix the roads, have nice places/resorts to go) and then consider expanding the airport after we make the place popular (assuming that is a good thing)? It’d be a lot cheaper and less risky financially to invest in reliable high speed ferries to match StT arrival times from the mainland and collect passengers from St. Thomas than being stuck with a $ 2 million+ note per month for 20 years for airport expansion with no guarantee that it would pay for itself. Customs and immigration paperwork could be done in transit.
      • Roger Burnett (20/05/2024, 07:55) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ Blindman. The BVI's 5 star hotels never lacked guests in the 1970's and 80's, and neither did the island's 4, 3, 2 and 1 star hotels. For the most part, they were staffed by Virgin Islanders and crime was a rarity. I never locked my vehicle or my studio. Those that regularly visited the island were regarded as guests rather than tourists. and they were committed to preserving the island's unique environment and heritage.

        In those days the BVI's attraction hinged on the catch phrases, "One of Nature's Little Secrets" and "Yes, We're Different". My book "Virgin Island Sketches" recorded the island's uniqueness and never lacked buyers. The government's pride in that uniqueness was such that they gave copies of the book to visiting officials.

      • @blindman (20/05/2024, 08:51) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
        That’s the problem - you just automatically think ‘development’ like you have been programmed to for decades. Develop to what? How much? Forever? More and more people and concrete? Until what?
        Government’s job is NOT to develop our territory into oblivion. It is to manage our territory’s wellbeing, wealth and happiness. None of this means they have to do nothing. It just means you have to think a little and not auto-revert to a 1960/70s mindset of thoughtless development.
        I want my great-grandchildren to be healthy and happy in their homeland, not looking at empty shells of old hotels that made some fat cat money for a short time before the bush grew over and the walls fall down.
      • @ blind man (20/05/2024, 15:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        U are really blinl to see what the rain did to the road and gutters and hill sides the airport don't need fixing the people come here on the ship that bring money and they have to drive pot hold and shit. It Kay was smart he would of bill his house down round hill on his grandfather land these guys are making stupid decision
  • YES... (19/05/2024, 13:04) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thank you @WHY for asking the obvious. Of course the real reason this govt (and the next one, and the one after) want this is because big construction projects reap bigger theft. There are some excellent exhibits in Road Town... And @WHY also states the obvious- AA is committing to the BVI with our current runway. Why not invest in our terminal as opposed to their runway. its seems the runway is fine as is...
  • Steve (19/05/2024, 13:36) Like (24) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where are you going to put all the people needed to fund this airport? The water is fulll! 70% of our beds are on the water. You would need about 5 times the number of hotels, villas, and guesthouses to make this work. What does that leave for the BVI? They aren’t going to pay to come to a concrete jungle. This might make some money in the short term until the bubble bursts, but it destroys what the BVI is, and has fought to maintain, in the long term.
  • Tvip (19/05/2024, 13:40) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
    AA adding flights..
    Proof we DONT NEED thr runway extended. Also rumors going around the when its expanded they plan to fill in Trellis Bay for tarmac space. Use the lot where you just moved the septic tanks to for tarmac. Move the road, build a bridge or use the land acrosd from airport but leave Trellis Bay ALONE!!!
  • East Side (19/05/2024, 14:48) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its urgent all the road the island need to be fix
    • @ east side (19/05/2024, 20:34) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Well said!!!! He need to focus on fixing thr blasted roads and water issues before he air his mouth about expanding thr airport!!!!
  • Roger Burnett (19/05/2024, 14:51) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    From the comments it seems that at least some Virgin Islanders are beginning to see the light.

    Virgin Island poet Sheila Hyndman (1958-1991) prophesied the future 60 years ago:

    They will come with tools and machines.
    They will bring to light your secret places,
    They will demand your mysteries.
    They will destroy, build up.
    They will dilute your treasures,
    And rob you of your chastity.
    They will adorn you like ancient Jezebel.
    ‘Till all that’s left of your true self
    Will be an old and forgotten poem
    Like mine.
  • Styles. (19/05/2024, 16:48) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Urgent in this territory:

    - infrastructure (roads)
    - ports service (airport is the worst in the world, ferry terminal is piss poor)
    - education
    - healthcare
    - fighting corruption

    This prestige project is just another way to get money in cronies pockets.
  • Hmm (19/05/2024, 16:49) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    But fix the roads and finish the 30 year sewage project that needs to be done ..... Extend the ramp and build hangers an we going be fine....
  • BYF.C (19/05/2024, 17:28) Like (10) Dislike (8) Reply
    Anegada is the second largest island , with lots of land that isn’t doing anything. Expand airport there, giving the ferry man them cheaper wuk instead of going rock, they go anegada. Give the small pilot them wuk, instead of flying til Antigua etc. Keeping all that money within the economy with cutting out the small fries.if Tortola expand them small plane and ferry shell. Making anegada a lay over hub for the Caribbean accepting flights from Europe as well. Tortola airport expansion been in the talk for decades but let’s be real, expanding that is hell because you have obstructions on both sides. Set of old people that live east end going can’t rest because of nonstop 737 Max and A320 touching down. #visionboard
    • bffr (19/05/2024, 20:38) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Bffr! First of alll what are you even saying?! So the people on anegada won’t be affected by noise pollution? And then anegada possesses one of the biggest natural attractions - THE CORAL REEF and you are suggesting we interfere with that wildlife- lobsters and conch delicacies tourist look forward to! Anegada is not the answer, please come again.
    • Hey BYF.C (20/05/2024, 07:14) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Have you traveled to Anegada by sea much? Often not a smooth ride that takes more than an hour. Won’t be any more popular than the ferry between St. Thomas and St. Croix. And, have you considered the logistics of building an airport on porous limestone rock?
  • Hmm (19/05/2024, 17:55) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    We going extend the airport for visitors to drive on what roads?? Clearly yall ain’t understood playing dodgeballs with potholes takes away from the beauty of the country.. yall like embarrassment papa… yall ain’t doing it for us who lives here and clearly don’t give a damn about who doesn’t
  • Rofl (19/05/2024, 19:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It never stopped.
  • Eldread (19/05/2024, 19:51) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please stop making it look like you are responsible for the AA airlines coming to BVI because it's a Caribbean wide marketing strategy by AA board of directors.
    • hmm (19/05/2024, 22:46) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you. Air connections into the region have rebounded with increased demand for travel post Covid. These simpletons think they can fool the populace that it was due to their actions.
  • rattie (19/05/2024, 21:14) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    Fraser said it let the Chinese build it
  • Extend the runway…. (19/05/2024, 22:02) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just enough so that the same or similar planes that AA currently uses can comfortably land and take off safely at Beef when it’s windy, rainy or temperate is very hot. That’s all we need…maybe 600-800 feet?
  • pop (19/05/2024, 23:00) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lower the taxes on the airline and others might want to come fly here but all u so Damm greedy and wicked so that's why st.thomas go always be a better place to travel through
  • what???? (20/05/2024, 02:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who is responsible for the potholes plague? Why is the potholes pandemic not the headline news every single day? Why are we not doing a daily count of existing and new cases? Why is there not a mandatory lockdown to keep people safe from these death traps roads until we can get the all clear to come out again when the pandemic eases up? Why? and how? And while at it ...what???
  • @ WHY (20/05/2024, 07:12) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    you come strong , one QUESTION ( Y ) is it when the human beings that come here and work hard and HONESTLY to make a living habe to go through this mentality of dictated to how and what they do with what they earned lawfully , and it Comes With XENOPHOBIA / SACARSAM LIKE - ISLAND. PEOPLE ? ? ? And. MEANWHILE, those EMPLOYERS gets away with MURDER , like being amALLOWED to taking out taxes and not paying it in to the GOVERNMENT ? ?? AND THE SAME GOVERNMENT NAMELY ( VINNY & ANDY ) CAME UP WITH A BRILLIANT SCHEM BY USING MONEY GRAM TO BDOUBLE TAX THE SAME ( ISLAND PEOPLE ) , YOU LEFT OUT THOSE , AND WE ARE STILL WONDERING. * WHY * ❓️ ????
    • @@Why (20/05/2024, 17:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I think I understand you. Did not mean to sound like I have a problem with people coming here to work and sending money home. And, boy, I feel for all you the way our immigration mistreat you. No respect.
      It was not many years ago all the BVI men had to go out to find work in DR and other places. Now look. Shocking!
  • Norris Turnbull (20/05/2024, 07:24) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    The airport does not need to be extended at this point. More immediate pressing issues needs to be dealt with.
  • Not true (20/05/2024, 07:31) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    The same plane AA is using can fly to NY! Eventually with fewer passengers (to have more fuel) but it can. Extending the runaway will cost us a lot and will not pay back. Let's concentrate in fixing the infrastructure and train our people to provide better service so tourists will feel welcome
    Look at St. Barth. It is a premium location and is difficult to get there but lots of ppl want to go there. We don't need mass tourism!
  • @ RATTIE (20/05/2024, 07:45) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everybody should know by now , that the Chinese is the masters of MANIPULATION , so that will a recipe for disaster / might as well we let these jokers that cannot even fix our roads properly do it , plus we know the 3rd district representative is busy cannot even get the horse race track settled , but has decided to go chasing down the COI , YET not a WORD on the CORRUPTION that caused it OR about his X buddy , who now resides in Miami / KINDA MAKES YOU WONDER , IF THEM GOT SECRETS ON EACHOTHER ? ? ? •¿• ONLY HEAVEN KNOWS , the wigged one is making some waves , but with all the knowledge he possesses ,he is unpredictable , his overgrown EGO , might get in the way , asusual , sadly ????
  • just wrong (20/05/2024, 08:35) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Certainly AA has proven that extending Airport is no an "urgency" thing. Why don't we take the money and fix the damn roads.
  • resident (20/05/2024, 10:34) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Airport expansion not needed. way too costly will never give a return. the cheap way is to have a Good Ferry that runs to St Thomas AIRPORT, not Charlotte Amalie!!! 3 times a day . it will cost a fraction of a airport expansion and will bring tourists from all over US , not only Miami. St thomas can also facilitate overseas flights. YES you are correct big projects will give lots of money to a few people easy to loose 20% , just like some other big projects of the past.
  • boy (20/05/2024, 14:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Key u coming out. U want to give all your friends big job. #1 it doesn't have the land and it will cost too much why u not fixing the road

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