‘It is not my intention to resign’ as BVIHSA Board Chairman- Ron R. Potter

Mr Potter in a press release on September 15, 2024, said: “it is not my intention to resign my position as Chairman as there are no grounds, or reasons for me to do so.”
It is believed Mr Potter was asked to resign as a result of a fallout over the state of the Health Care Services in the Territory and reports that Mr Potter is allegedly blocking the proposed medical school.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when Revovion A. Sprauve aka ‘Bucky’ died on August 31, 2024, after going to the Nurse Iris O’Neal Clinic in the Valley with an emergency but the clinic was closed and no one was answering any of the call numbers.
"I did quietly ask him to resign, yes," Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) confirmed to our News Centre on September 12, 2024.
‘No grounds exist for my removal’- Potter
Mr Potter, in the same press release, argued that the BVI Health Services Authority Act, 2004 (the “Act”) governs his appointment, and removal.
“The Act created a body corporate with perpetual succession independent of central Government. The roles of the BVIHSA’s Board versus that of the Minister are clearly demarcated. While appointment to the Board is made by Cabinet on the recommendation of the Minister, the Act requires grounds for the removal of an office holder. Having reviewed the Act, I am confident that no grounds exist for my removal if the laws of the Territory are to be followed and fairly applied,” Mr Potter stated.
"I have nothing to say on this matter," Minister Wheatley responded when asked to respond to Mr Potter's position.

40 Responses to “‘It is not my intention to resign’ as BVIHSA Board Chairman- Ron R. Potter”
The BVIHSA is an independent entity responsible for making its own money and developing effective strategies that will contribute to the advanced development of the Healthcare institution. Even if the Minister tries to let his voice be heard, BASED ON THE ACT, THE MINISTER HAS NO SAY IN WHAT HAPPENS AT THE BVIHSA, it can be completely overridden, by the Chairman and the board, this is in the Act. THE MINISTER CAN NOT SIT ON THE BOARD AT ANY TIME, HE CAN NOT MAKE ANY COMMENTS AS TO WHAT DIRECTION THE BVIHSA SHOULD GO. HE CANNOT DISCIPLINE OR DICTATE ANY MEMBER OF THE BOARD. THE MINISTER HAS ABSOLUTELY NO SAY. HOW NAIVE FOR A GROUP OF DEGREED PEOPLE TO DEVELOP AN OPERATIONAL DOCUMENT SO DYSFUNCTIONAL AND VAGUE?
But one thing the Chairman seems to forget is that there are instances based on the Act, where provisions are made for the Minister to terminate members of the Board, especially in this case, when the Chairman just made it clear that the Minister has absolutely nothing to do with the inefficiencies that have been happening at the BVIHSA. He has just given the minister the upper hand to now put forward a claim of no-confidence and explain that the Chairman as leader of the board "or as a combined body" based on observation is not properly aligned with the operational and projected goals to be achieved as outlined by the Ministry of Health, and in this regard, the Minister can also claim observations of incompetency and say that based on his observation and interactions with the Chairman, it has been proven that the Chairman will not be able to meet the immediate demands for the future success of the BVIHSA as expected. Also based on what has transpired, the Minister can also make claims of insubordination and inappropriate and untruthful dissemination of information to the public on private operational affairs between BVIHSA and the Ministry.
Grow balls Vincent fire his r@$$
Woman Government and an all woman opposition. We need a Woman Premier but not Lorna. Look at how Barbados is striving under the leadership of a woman.
He should have stepped down long time what an overrated fo**
Fire his *@## hon Vincent o it's about time