‘It is not an easy road’, ESHS graduates told
Ms Penn, the Director of Communications for the Government of the Virgin Islands, graduated from the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) in 1993 and this year she was on the stage as an inspiration to the ESHS Graduating Class of 2013.
It was one of the defining moments in the lives of 186 students who graduated from the secondary school stage of their lives and are boldly moving on to the Tertiary level. To take them along in a positive stead, one who had trotted the class rooms of the ESHS, Ms Arliene T.Penn challenged them to go placidly amidst the noisy haste and pestilence, not exactly in those words, but she pointed out three key channels that they must pay attention to in the continuation of their journey through life.
“Graduates, it is not so much about where you are now. It is about the process and experiences that got you to where you are today. You must work hard for what you want in life. Each of you are running a different race. A race where all of you are required to work hard, I must say sometimes you may find that you are working hard, but not moving as fast as you want to or as fast as the other person.
Please do not look at those you think are ahead of you. Do not measure your success based on where others are. Instead, measure your success on where you were yesterday and where you are now,” Ms Penn stressed.
Throughout her address, Ms Penn highlighted her personal experiences that have gotten her to were she is today and to hear a penny drop gave the indication that every last person in the auditorium at the time were taking copious mental notes of what was being said.
“When people are experiencing success I want you to be happy for them. Rejoice with them, for they are fulfilling their purpose. The moment is for them, it is their time, not yours, do not grudge them, and do not be jealous of them, wishing it were you. You would want them to be happy for you in your success. So support each other, help each other in this quest for success because when they shine, you shine, and remember work hard,” Ms Penn implored.
She also had an inspiring message on recognising one’s purpose. The audience heard of the touching story of her being a cancer survivor as they were reminded of the importance of trusting God.
Valedictorian Rea Sprauve, being the student respondent, supported the messages given by Ms Penn as she highlighted their journey through secondary school.“Our last year in high school had been the test of faith,” she said. “We were tried and tested to really see if we were ready for life after high school. The teachers gave us skills, our parents loved and nurtured us, God gave some of us common sense and granted us miracles and you can see by the number of graduates, we are ready to face our future.”
Sprauve took the second position among the Territoryfor this year at the National School Leaving Examinations, making her one of the seven from Elmore Stoutt High School to place in the top ten for the Territory. Tejpattie Churaman was the ESHS Salutatorian.
Students who maintained an “A” average in every subject, every term and every year from Form One to the first term in Form Five were Joshua Ragnauth and Rea Sprauve. Students who maintained an “A” average every term and every year from Form One to the first term in Form Five were Anson Benjamin, Tejpattie Churaman, Gabrielle Creque and Paul Mourillon.
On hand to join the team of congratulators were Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith and Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn.
Hon. Walwyn took time out to encourage those who failed the examinations this year to not give up hope as he feels they can still play a positive role in society. He urged them to make good of options available.
“To the 27 who are not sitting in this graduating class, I take this time to also encourage you. Do not give up. You have options to attend the Alternative Secondary Education Programme or seek permission to attend high school for another year. Do not let this momentary set back determine who you will be and what your contribution to your community will be. You too have the opportunity to help our islands advance and we want to cheer you on as well,” Hon Walwyn said.
Meanwhile, Valedictorian Rhea Sprauve received the Ilma O’Neal Traditional National Scholarship and an iPad, compliments of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Salutatorian Tejpattie Churaman was awarded the Dr. Pearl Varlack Traditional National Scholarship and an iPad, compliments of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Anson Benjamin was awarded the H. Lavity Stoutt Traditional National Medical Scholarship for his strong interest in pursuing a career in the medical field.
In addition, the seven graduates will receive Named National Scholarships for attaining grade point averages of 7.0 and above. Gabrielle Creque will receive the Althea Scatliffe National Scholarship, Melissa Dennis will receive the Dr. Charles Wheatley National Scholarship, Shashamae Pickering will receive the Inez V. Turnbull National Scholarship, Javia Fahie will receive the Enid Scatliffe National Scholarship, Creightlyn Brewley will receive the Obed Malone National Scholarship, Melina Stoutt will receive the Norwell Harrigan National Scholarship, While Marciel Clyne will receive the Stanley Nibbs National Scholarship.
Additionally, for this the 2012 – 2013 school year, 8 students will also receive National Scholarships for attaining a grade point average of 7.0 and above. They are Deondra Wisdom, Joash Victor, Chenaé Walters, McKay Andrew, Djanné Varlack, Kenisha Henry, Akeen Merry and Aaliyah Norman.

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