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'It has to move now!'- Havers residents blast new site for derelict vehicles

- says dumping is being done under the cover of night
The derelict vehicles site in Havers. Photo: VINO
Former Speaker Ingrid A. Moses gives her input at thea meeting to discuss the relocation of the derelict vehicle dump site to Havers. Photo: Facebook
Former Speaker Ingrid A. Moses gives her input at thea meeting to discuss the relocation of the derelict vehicle dump site to Havers. Photo: Facebook
According to District Three residents dumping of derelict vehicles in the area is happening under the cover of night as they were not informed that their community was selected as the new derelict site. Photo: Facebook
According to District Three residents dumping of derelict vehicles in the area is happening under the cover of night as they were not informed that their community was selected as the new derelict site. Photo: Facebook
District Three residents say photos being used to show the derelict site is not an accurate depiction of the site today as there are a lot more cars than photographed. Photo: Facebook
District Three residents say photos being used to show the derelict site is not an accurate depiction of the site today as there are a lot more cars than photographed. Photo: Facebook
District Three Representative and Deputy Premier Julian Fraser, RA (left) and Minister for Health and Development Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) (right) held a meeting with District Three residents on January 23, 2025. Photo: Facebook
District Three Representative and Deputy Premier Julian Fraser, RA (left) and Minister for Health and Development Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) (right) held a meeting with District Three residents on January 23, 2025. Photo: Facebook
District Three residents have asked for the derelict vehicles now being dumped there to be removed. Photo: Facebook
District Three residents have asked for the derelict vehicles now being dumped there to be removed. Photo: Facebook
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI- District Three residents, particularly residents of Havers, have expressed their extreme disappointment in their community being selected as the new site for the storing of derelict vehicles.

Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) reported in October 2024, that the owner of the property being leased by government for the dumping of derelict vehicles in Pockwood Pond, M. Ashley Ritter, had blocked access to it over a land lease dispute. 

VINO again reported in December 2024, that a new site had been located in Upper Pockwood Pond owned by JXS Ltd. 

During a community meeting at Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay last evening, Thursday, January 23, 2025, District Three Representative and Deputy Premier Julian Fraser, RA along with Minister for Health and Development Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), encouraged residents to share their views on the very concerning matter. 

Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) and Hon Stacy M. Mather (AL) were also in attendance. 

‘Things no one else wants’ comes to D3- Havers Resident

Following brief remarks from both Hon Fraser and Hon Wheatley, the floor was opened for comments from those present. 

Mr Ken Hodge was the first resident to speak and said, “It seems to me that things that no one else wants, all things that no one else wants come to the Third District as if we are a district for rejects and that's not the case.”

He said it is one thing to have the garbage there but to now move in the derelict vehicles “right in front our house” without being informed is another. The residents he said are not accepting the excuse that this is a temporary situation because it means it will become permanent. 

“We ain’t settling for that, it don’t belong here,” he warned. 

Another resident questioned the ownership of the property where the vehicles are being stored and after a significant pause, Hon Wheatley informed that it was owned by a company called Jabber XS Limited. 

The panel was also called out by one resident who informed that the pictures being used to show what the site looks like are not an accurate depiction of the site today as there are “much more cars there now”. 

Dumping occurs under the cover of night- Havers Residents 

Residents also expressed their frustration with not only being previously consulted about this current situation but argued that the dumping occurs “in the cloak of night”. 

According to accounts from them, it seems to have happened overnight and came as a complete surprise to them. 

One resident informed that she figured out the new site would be in Havers from a VINO article which did not mention the community by name but the description of the location as “Upper Pockwood Pond” gave it away as such a place does not exist. 

‘It has to move now’- Havers Resident

Residents also questioned the effect the dumping of derelict vehicles in their community will have on the value of their properties. 

Someone else said due to previous experiences she was not surprised that people showed up in the “dead of night” and dumped cars there in front of their properties because “that’s how things are done in the West”. 

One woman stood to simply say, “People going past on the ferries, tourists coming in and the first thing they see is this mountain of cars and it doesn’t look very good for Tortola.” 

Another resident spoke up saying he bought his property because of the view and tranquillity, and now he has a clear view of the dump. 

“I love where I live, peaceful, somewhat gated, but this has to go. We just need to say this this is gonna move tomorrow and then that’s it…that cannot stay there,” he told the panel. 

He continued saying he was appalled this even happened during Christmas and without residents being informed calling it “disrespectful”. 

“It just has to move and move now, that’s the only reasonable answer I can accept,” he stated.

15 Responses to “'It has to move now!'- Havers residents blast new site for derelict vehicles”

  • ... (24/01/2025, 10:18) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    what happened to the other sites that looks like garbage?
  • O positive (24/01/2025, 10:38) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well what's the purpose of having Count Dracula representing the 3rd??
  • WTF (24/01/2025, 10:44) Like (10) Dislike (28) Reply
    white folks upset
    • HAHA (24/01/2025, 11:15) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's all we need to know about you!! You like garbage!! You can sign off of the internet now!!
    • @W@TF (24/01/2025, 11:17) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
      While there certainly were "white" folks there, the demands were being made by "black" folks. They were the ones that spearheaded the protest, and sad to say if it were the "white" folks who had complained there would not have been a meeting. Check the video on JTV so you can see for yourself where all the "upset" you speak of came from.
    • havers (24/01/2025, 11:56) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    • @wtf (24/01/2025, 12:22) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
      How did race come in here ??? Some of you are so bitter all I can do it pity you. Eat a d!
    • @wtf (24/01/2025, 14:47) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Citizen (24/01/2025, 11:09) Like (0) Dislike (15) Reply
    Free the drew leave Sharn alone
    • Plain and damn mean it (24/01/2025, 12:23) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
      We in Havers will not accept any derelict vehicles graveyard in our backyards.We are basically a gated Community. Simply come up with a different solution to the problem that YOU created and allow to get out of control.
  • taxpayer (24/01/2025, 11:52) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Get them derelict vehicles off the Island and fix the damn incinerator!
    Fix the roars too!
  • Pillow Talk (24/01/2025, 14:20) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Whose bright idea was it to put it to close to the water shoreline? What about the ecosystem? Is Tortola even a real place?
  • Not Happening (24/01/2025, 14:37) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    We already have to tolerate a darn open garbage dump that no one have the knowledge to fix, now we are being forced to accept and tolerate a vehicle grave site in our neighborhood/backyards?
  • Hmph (24/01/2025, 15:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    All the unwanted stuff is in D3 the dump, the smoke from the dump and the derelicts! We can't take no more!

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