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Is it the Opposition that should face a Vote of No Confidence?

The Opposition has always been harping about a Vote of No Confidence against the sitting government; however, it seems its is the one that should be facing a Vote of No Confidence. Photo: Facebook/File
The latest episode of Opposition chaos comes in the form of a glaring coup spearheaded by Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (R6), Deputy Speaker Honourable Stacy R. Mather (AL), and Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2), who have declared themselves an 'alliance'. Photo: Facebook
The latest episode of Opposition chaos comes in the form of a glaring coup spearheaded by Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (R6), Deputy Speaker Honourable Stacy R. Mather (AL), and Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2), who have declared themselves an 'alliance'. Photo: Facebook
They were supposed to be the most formidable Opposition in Virgin Islands history, a united force standing against the government, ready to hold the administration accountable and fight for the people. Instead, they have become a house of cards—weak, chaotic, and consumed by egos and personal ambitions. Photo: YouTube
They were supposed to be the most formidable Opposition in Virgin Islands history, a united force standing against the government, ready to hold the administration accountable and fight for the people. Instead, they have become a house of cards—weak, chaotic, and consumed by egos and personal ambitions. Photo: YouTube
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI— They were supposed to be the most formidable Opposition in Virgin Islands history, a united force standing against the government, ready to hold the administration accountable and fight for the people. Instead, they have become a house of cards—weak, chaotic, and consumed by egos and personal ambitions.

The Opposition in the Virgin Islands, despite initially holding a majority in the House following the 2023 General Elections, has been nothing short of a disaster, proving incapable of even executing the most basic parliamentary function—filing a Motion of No Confidence. Now, with reports of palace coups, backstabbing, and internal betrayals, the real question is: Should it be the Government facing a vote of no confidence, or the Opposition itself?

Masterclass Dysfunction

From the outset, the Opposition- comprising the National Democratic Party, the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM), and Progressives United (PU)- was poised to be a force to be reckoned with. Seven seats to the Virgin Islands Party's six should have made them a dominant political force. But what did they do with that power? Squandered it!

Firstly, Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (NDP) crossed the floor to help form the government with the Virgin Islands Party (VIP). 

Secondly, the Opposition botched their attempt to file a motion of no confidence—an embarrassing display of incompetence. Then, when things got tough, they didn’t fight. They didn’t strategise. They walked out of the House in protest, abandoning their post like petulant schoolchildren (granted, the government has done the same before).

Hon Smith, who has now declared herself an Independent, was subsequently fired from the government; however, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) of Progressives United crossed over to help the government maintain power. 

And now, in the most damning display of political self-destruction, they are turning on each other.

Palace Coup with No Crown in Sight

The latest episode of Opposition chaos comes in the form of a glaring coup spearheaded by Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (R6), Deputy Speaker Honourable Stacy R. Mather (AL), and Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2), who have declared themselves an “alliance.” Many in the public; however, are calling it a desperate power grab.

The problem? They don’t even have the backing of their own party leaders. Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton, (AL- PVIM), Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8-NDP), and Honourable Lorna G. Smith (AL- Independent) were noticeably absent when this so-called alliance was announced. If this was meant to be a show of strength, it failed spectacularly.

Hon Walwyn insists this move is about unity and that "the alliance is born out of what we've heard from the people; The people of the country did their utmost. They supported the Opposition and not the Virgin Islands Party. They did their part, and we didn’t do ours because we were divided."

Yet, as the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. How does one preach unity while simultaneously staging a coup?
Hon Turnbull, trying to spin the chaos into something noble, remarked, "A house divided amongst itself cannot stand." He is right—this house is crumbling, and they are the ones swinging the sledgehammers.

Public Accounts Committee: MIA

Meanwhile, as Opposition members fight among themselves for control, critical work remains undone. The Public Accounts Committee—one of the most important parliamentary bodies responsible for scrutinising government spending—is reportedly yet to meet.

The Opposition was elected to serve as a check and balance, to demand transparency, to hold the government accountable. Instead, they have become consumed with their own infighting, rendering themselves useless to the people they swore to represent.

2 Failed Coups, Zero Leadership

If the failed alliance wasn’t proof enough of the Opposition’s dysfunction, reports indicate there have already been two separate attempts to oust the Opposition Leader, but neither succeeded because—surprise—no one could agree on who should take over.

Think about that. Even when they agree that they want to remove their own leader, they can’t agree on who should replace him. It is the ultimate testament to their disarray.

With their repeated failures, lack of unity, and blatant disregard for their duty, the Opposition has become a national embarrassment. They were given the numbers, the power, and the mandate to challenge the government—and they have squandered it all.

Maybe it’s time the people ask: Does this Opposition even deserve to exist in its current form? If anyone should be facing a vote of no confidence, it’s them.

18 Responses to “Is it the Opposition that should face a Vote of No Confidence?”

  • lodger (31/01/2025, 13:33) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    Love this article it’s on the money
  • YUP! (31/01/2025, 14:19) Like (15) Dislike (9) Reply
    MW is the root of the problem . Unless MW is rooted out there will always be a great divide with any political team he is on because the man will do anything to be premier( prime example seen here with this formation of a new political party) I say new political party because that’s exactly what it is( in due time you will see) . I’m hoping no one else is stupid enough to join him and commit political suicide like those two puppets did. MW is not a lawyer for no reason . He is a very smooth talker ! I’ve listened to him in the house and he speaks well .. I’m not saying he makes sense but he speak well and if you don’t have a brain of your own you will fall for his trickery ! I say to those who are considering joining him . Be WISE and do not FALTER!
  • The watchdog (31/01/2025, 14:25) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    Opposition not ready for prime time
  • local boy (31/01/2025, 14:26) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hell, YES
  • Ronnie Should. (31/01/2025, 15:16) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ain't no legal process to replace Ronnie since they deem him as ineffective.
  • Citizen (31/01/2025, 15:32) Like (12) Dislike (6) Reply
    Sorry I am voted for Mather. Next election he would not be getting my vote. Three blind mice.
  • Power hungry sons of a gun (31/01/2025, 15:46) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Cant get 3 and 3 together
  • asking for a friend (31/01/2025, 16:50) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply
    Myron even can’t get 5 opposition members behind him who country he going run?
  • So sad (31/01/2025, 17:10) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Three blind mice.
  • 2024 (31/01/2025, 17:41) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    shameful: I am old school and grew up in a unified BVI: U telling Me the 6 of them could not get a few bottles of Cane Rum from down the bay and sit around a table 2 wuck tings out(what will be the name of that New Group come election time)

    Remember Skeleton Jump Ship from NDP to form His PVIM: what goes around comes around

    Stop playing political games

    Great Britain probably all on the ground rolling laughing @ how does negroes in that British Overseas Territory Can not Unite(Live as One)
    • Lb (31/01/2025, 21:22) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
      Skelton did not jump ship! He helped build the NDP as a founding member and then moved on to build another party in the PVIM. That is not jumping ship in the political sense at all!
    • @2024 (02/02/2025, 17:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Many jumped but then stayed consistent where they were. No other country will allow any other country man or woman to enter their country to lead it. Myron will win but anyone else behind him will not.
  • Thim (31/01/2025, 18:29) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    I know mather wasn't no good........power hungry
  • LOL (31/01/2025, 19:21) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    100% these guys are campaigning for another VIP term by default. Waste of time.
  • and (31/01/2025, 19:56) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Cindy Need to shut up because no one will take you seriously . It’s expected that you will hold MW side .. you can’t bite the hand that feeds you . What a position to be in , you poor thing ????????????

    He had no call forming another party . It does more harm than good. It exposes a lot about him. He’s desperate for power and that can never be a good thing. In-fact it is a very dangerous thing .Not only is he desperate, he plays dirty . He divides .. that’s what he does. Imagine if this dude becomes premier .. hmmm we are DOOMED! He is pure evil.. not for the people but for his self ego and power .

    @2024.. you are right. The Uk certainly must be laughing at them .. because we were accusing them of causing division when the real division comes from within our own political leaders . All desperate for premiership.

    What is it about being premier that they all want to cut each other’s throat and undermine each other for the position.? I will never want to premier of the BVI because BVI people are the hardest people to please . So what is it ? Can someone give an insight please. Am I missing something ?
  • Local Brother (31/01/2025, 21:29) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    For once I agree with the wigged one! Myron has shown zero humility. If he was a humble servant then he would have no issue declaring Ronnie as the leader of the new party. But he will never admit that. He prefers to create division and disloyalty. It is his exact M.O since breaking up the NDP. Now he is using it to break up the opposition! He can never ever become the Premier. Mather is a disloyal waste of time who won on the youth ticket and as a fresh face that is not corrupted by politics and with a fresh party. But here he has shown that he is already corrupted and easily misled! He will not be voted back in next election! He has no youth this time, doesn’t ever socialize, is with corrupted Myron . One and done! And if Carnel starts now, he will beat Mitch this time! Mitch is handled by his conmen bro n dad and is disloyal to the core. This move will backfire even if Ronnie decides to support it and then says he is not running next election.
  • Norris Turnbull (01/02/2025, 14:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    These fellas are not loyal to the virgin islands. No they are not.
  • asking for a friend (01/02/2025, 16:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who remembered the days about the strongest opposition in history so dancia should be speaker?

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