Is FCO throwing dirt on VI Gov't to justify costly CoI?

Sources told our newsroom that the FCO has deployed a communications officer on the ground in the VI to ensure that negative public relations are guaranteed for the Government of the Virgin Islands, even as the CoI is ongoing.
VINO previously reported that, as part of this strategy, the office is working closely with a local online news website to spread propaganda aimed at creating negativity and outrage in the territory.
CoI cost being asked in UK
Inside sources also informed that key officials in the UK, which is facing its own financial pressures from the disastrous handling of its COVID-19 pandemic, are now asking for a justification as the why the UK is funding a CoI on allegations and rumours during this global pandemic.
The CoI is reportedly now costing the UK Government millions of dollars and that cost must be justified.
The CoI was also sponsored by the UK even as its Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson aka ‘Boris’ had said a CoI into his own handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and spending would be a strain on the UK's resources.
Global Britain agenda!
VINO was told that part of the reasoning for the CoI came as a result of previous Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert failing in a mission to carry out the UK’s Global Britain agenda to integrate the VI into the UK.
The Global Britain proposed agenda includes legalisation of same-sex marriages, get UK residents to take up residence and vote in the VI, make UK nationals eligible to run for office in the VI, and the removal of Belongership status, along with more integration into the UK.
An alleged scheme of the Global Britain agenda is to also deliver the blue economy (marine industry) into the hands of the FCO.
The blue economy is reportedly seen as critical to the UK now that it has left the European Union and needs to find new revenue streams and resources.
VI's path is to self-determination- Premier Fahie
Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has repeatedly said the VI’s future is more of a self-determined path and, as such, it would be seeking greater autonomy from the UK.
Efforts to get a response to the allegations from the Governor's Office were futile up to time of publication.

22 Responses to “Is FCO throwing dirt on VI Gov't to justify costly CoI?”
We the people done see right through the commission of inquiry a conclusion already written sad sad how these **** people got no respect for democracy
Black people get together and vote. They don’t care. Babylon is the name, you think they are with you when it’s them causing the confusion.
Jaspert himself was a spitting image of 007, was quite adversarial & seemed obliviously racist at best.
They don’t support changing names of places named after human traffickers. No compromise.
When they seized coke someone went and leaked pictures to U.K. media to whip up sensational headlines, before local media.
Instead of celebrating Martin Luther king Jr day & what that represents, Jaspert called the COI on the very same day.
Could it be any more obvious? What will wake y’all up a slap in the face?
Stay strong mentally & stop pulling each other down with foolish excitement over the drama they stir up on the ground & in the headlines. Ignore it.
If it’s even partly true then that’s exactly what they would want, to have you all be the ones to fight each other... while they stay clean.
This is very courageous reporting.
Neocolonialism is about holding on to how it used to be. It’s shameful & has nothing to do with equality, transparency or good governance.
Hypocritical to the max.
Go use those propaganda powers for something positive & fix your home instead of trying to smear others. The BBC gets lamer and lamer with nonsense articles everyday.