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Indigenous Virgin Islander is misnomer – Umoja host, Smith

says blacks in western hemisphere are misplaced
August 24th, 2012 | Tags: Umoja cromwell smith DNA
Host of the Umoja Talk show host, Cromwell Smith, said blacks are misplaced as Virgin Islanders. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Touching on a sore point for many locals last evening, August 23, 2012, on the Umoja radio show, aired on a local radio station, host Cromwell Smith aka Edju En Ka, said blacks are not indigenous to the Virgin Islands (VI).

“We are not characteristic of the western hemisphere, we are not characteristic of the BVI.” Smith said, “…so we need to just dispel that whole misnomer nonsense about BV Islanders.”

He believed that looking at the word indigenous suggested that one originates from a place, “we did not originate [from] the Virgin Islands, as a matter of fact we did not originate from the western hemisphere.” Smith proclaimed. 

Regardless of our beliefs and attempts to prove otherwise by using cosmetic agents to cover this up, he felt that African heritage lies deep within. “Africa is in your DNA,” he said, “you [will] never get rid of them broad noses and you’d never get rid of those thick lips and those dark eyes and that curly hair.” 

Smith believed that having a mother from another island did not make one any less loyal or more patriotic to the VI and did not give someone who could trace their heritage back a few generations locally an edge either. “Does that mean that I am going to contribute more to the BVI than you, that I am going to love the BVI better than you or more than you?” 

That kind of reasoning, Smith felt was “divisive”. “Those are the facts!” Smith stated, “we need to start uniting, and stop all these divisive ideas, and respect and embrace our brothers and sisters from all over the world who have come to the BVI and who love the BVI, invest in the BVI, make the BVI their home, make significant contributions” and continue to do so, more so than many locals. 

“We need to embrace each other as BV Islanders and move forward and have a dialogue, have a meaningful conversation in unity and peace and harmony…” he said. 

In order to move ourselves and our country forward “we have to show love and respect for each other, so that the best ideas and true reasoning and logic will come to the front” the host concluded by saying.

50 Responses to “Indigenous Virgin Islander is misnomer – Umoja host, Smith”

  • MYPEOPLE (24/08/2012, 07:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The notion of the disunity among people of African descent in the Virgin Islands is the mental message passed on through Colonialism to keep blacks separated. The minute we recognize that we are one people, that it is a clandenstine plan to keep us this way so that other agendas will be pushed, and unity among all Caribbean nations take place, then and only then will we be able to build a better Virgin Islands. Wake up, my people. It is time for the unification or else the slavery will be imposed all over again.
  • facts man (24/08/2012, 07:56) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Smith you are full of crap. You are coming from it from a “black power point of view” yes there are indigenous Virgin Islanders. What it simply means is that you can trace your mother and father and grandparents to being bon in the BVI. And yes many of us can do that! The spirit of our very own constitution speaks to that on what is a virgin islander… Yes Cromwell we know that all black people from the Caribbean islands and where ever they are in the world are Africans, but when we speak of indigenous BV Islander we speak of our heritage our nationality our ancestry and you know that. Stop trying to protect, Archie, Mark, Myron, Ingrid, Sandra and the likes, who cannot trace any parents to the Virgin Islands, therefore have no deep roots in the BVI, now that is a fact!!!!
    • mother earth (24/08/2012, 10:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      well said and most if not all agree with facts man!!!
      • Locally made (24/08/2012, 10:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Facts man: I realise that people like you can only see as far as your big toe. I do not usually tend to agree with everything Cromwell says but he is making a valid and very important point. While we sit here and waste time talking about who is indigenous from who is not, other people are progressing and becoming successful. We need to work together as caribbean nationals to make this place a better BVI. Look at St. Thomas and St. Croix. They embrace each other there, that's why they are way ahead of us because nobody have time there to be concentrating on who from there or not. You have to work hard for what u want and that should be the lesson taught to all of us. Election is over boss. Just get with the program.
        • jtv (24/08/2012, 12:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          You must be crazy st. Thomas is a mess all the island people took over and the locals people from the USVI are in nothing and all on welfare. Now they trying to do that here….people, locals rise up and do not let that happen to the BVI
          • Sick of your crapp (28/08/2012, 23:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Now who the hell are you calling Island people? Is the BVI a damn continent? You folks need to open up your hard coconut heads and stop your crap. I have been to Ghana and Nigeria and see where they took us from. And see the the big boulders that was actually shit next to the damn cage where they keep slaves before the Atlantic trip. You need to stop it mannnnn
        • Disinterested (25/08/2012, 19:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          @ Locally made. I was feeling you until you went off the rail and used our neigbours St. Thomas and St.Croix as a model to emulate. They are the model that we should avoid;they are our friends and neighbours but they are a basket case. Yes, friends can and should tell friends the truth; the truth hurts yet lies hurt more. Like the BVI, all roads use to lead to the USVI. But like us they are small and failed to effectively plan for longterm economic growth and economic development. They had temporary economic growth but that economic growth was not transformed into economic development. Specifically they failed to investment in human capital, infrastructure......etc that typically comprises economic development. The BVI made identical mistakes;look as if they copied off the USVI's paper. The USVI's social, political or economic model is not worthy of emulation. The condition in these islands are terrible and would have been worse if they were not US citizens with an escape valve to the US mainland. When was the last time you heard some local or indigenous Virgin Islander proclaimed that he/she is going Rock to look for work. Locally Made, what you are seeing is a mirage.
      • Facts (25/08/2012, 22:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Anthropology and Cultural Studies do inform us sufficiently enough to make unbiased judgements in these matters. Notably, most of the comments for and against, in this blog reveal a need for increased efforts at improving language argument and even conflict resolution. A Cultural Studies elective, for example, may be help tp defuse the steam of confusion arising from a boiling pot of multiculturalism present in today' VI. We can have this course of study added to the HLSCC curricula. Hopefully, though we would research and share comments based on facts in blogs such as these, as we seek to lift the bar of public scrutiny and debate. Take the following as an example, and ask your self how many of the comments posted here in this dialectic, magnetic blog, thanks to Cromwell, display an awareness of the universal definition of indigenous! The United Nations defines indigenous peoples as follows: "Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing in those territories, or parts of them."
        • HLSCC history dept (26/08/2012, 07:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          In the BVI Indigenous means: An indigenous Virgin Islander is one who can trace their parents, and grandparents to being born in the Virgin Islands (UK). Also if one can trace at least on one side whether mother or father to being born in the BVI and can trade that one parent, parents and grandparents to being born in the BVI then they are also considered and indigenous Virgin Islander! Now this should put the explanation to rest...NEXT!!!!
        • ??? (27/08/2012, 11:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          This is the UN's definition of indigneous. But Virgin Islanders have the right to define themselves and enact policies to protect that definition.
    • janet Williams (24/08/2012, 10:12) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Facts man got it right…tek that Cromwell you just do not want to admit we have lost the BVI and indigenous virgin islander people are oppress and a minority in their home land!!!!
      • Enough (24/08/2012, 10:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        As an Indigenous Virgin Islander (yes I did the trace) I am tired of all the lies. As a first generation he cannot hold a Government seat. The Governor continue to sleep on these important issues. If the NDP want to twist the constitution to suit them the Governor should have stepped in. I guess another letter needs to be written to educate the people.
      • dog (24/08/2012, 10:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        unfortunately, there is a bit of truth in everyone's comments. But this particular type of thinking (oppression and minority) will keep everyone down if you don't rise above it. it is not what happens to you but your additude towards each happening.
    • and not forgetting (24/08/2012, 10:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • pat (24/08/2012, 10:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      with all due respect, even Premier's wife L... is not born in VI.
  • Beautiful (24/08/2012, 09:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with your comments Mr. Smith, as the population continues to worry about who from here, who not from here, then let me ask some of you a question, did you ever think what would happen if we take up everyone who was not born here, or where born here but to parents not from here, WHO WOULD BE LEFT HERE???? and some of the jobs VIslanders frown upon who will take them up. LETS STOP FIGHTING ONE ANOTHER WHICH WAS created from Slavery as being sold and lets Unite as VIslanders, thats the only way we are going to see these islands propsper again! Where there is no LOVE or UNITY, there breaths corruption, strive, wars and ill wills. Our country needs a massive change, what will it take a Natural Disaster, God forbid to get us to LOVE AND UNITY AGAIN? I Love my BVI but we as a people have to get back to whats important, Love your neighbour as yourself!!
  • Not Buying It (24/08/2012, 10:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sorry Cromwell but not swallowing this sour pill! Yes we know all slaves come fom Africa. How come you have not mentioned the Arawaks or Caribs. Everyone seems to forget about the Indians. Columbus then discovers places that already have inhabitants?! How do you discover a place and claim it as yours and want to be KING/QUEEN that already have inhabitants. Same goes for the VI, VIslanders here from generations back (first settlers) then you have a wave of people generations WAAAYY after that want the same rights as those who were here and struggled. Absolutely amazing I tell you!! What Cromwell is pertaining to is demographics of Black People and should be concentrating on the MENTALITY of us as Black People. The mentality of us has/is being erroded by the practices of the Willie Lynch Letter; when we break that spell then we can move forward!
  • same on Edju En Ka (24/08/2012, 10:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just because they have girlfriend from Guyana they come on here now denying that locals can’t claim their right of being indigenous. You see how they have sold out. Many of them have wives and man from Jamaica, Angulla, St. Vincent, Nevis and the likes so they now trying to deny the rights of others. I am an indigenous Virgin Islander my both parents and grandparents and great grand father are all born in the BVI. I am 4th generation and damm proud of it. Mr. Smith while I am also an African my rights and status shall not be deny, so go Guyana with that piss.
    • wow (25/08/2012, 17:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I heard and feel the hate coming from your words, you make it easy for people to know what lies in your heart a feeling and mind set that will no doubt be passed on to the 5th generation.
  • jan (24/08/2012, 11:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Smith, you have spoken like a sensible man! We need as a people to put country above self, pool our ideas on the best way forward for the country. I can't imagine what the BVI would be like 20 years from now the way it is going.
    • Mr. Insult (24/08/2012, 23:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      any man who tells you to deny your birth right and reject your ancestry and your rightful name as an indigenous person after some of us were landed off the ship some 50 to 60 to plus years ago and can trace it, is nothing but a big fat fool and should be ignored. First of all he is denying the local history of the country, second, he has not a clue as to who can really trace their roots to Africa as that is just a general statement , yes we are black so we must be African, and three, this is the home land for many of us going back to four and five generations, so he has insulted us by disrespectfully saying; forget about that! you are just another African who came in on a slave ship. this ideology and philosophy is dangerous for nation building and if we are to have a discussion about Independence. you have put the true full blood BVI people back in the dark ages and you have continue to encourage the poor treatment and discrimination of the rightful owners of this land. I will never ever listen to your show again!!!
  • New Yorker (24/08/2012, 11:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I just cannot understand what kind of place you all have down there. Whenever locals claim their heritage it becomes a problem. Jamaicans can have their organizations and be proud to be Jamaicans, Antiguan, Trinidadians, Vincentians, Guyanese, Europeans etc but BVI people dear not make a claim to anything. What a place?????. It’s a good thing I stayed in New York and did not return home as I find Mr. Smith statement offensive and disrespectful to my forefathers who have built the BVI.
    • lady rules (24/08/2012, 11:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      that's what happen when you sell out to a guyanies
    • jack be still (24/08/2012, 16:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      well 'new yorker' you better stay up in NY as nothing changing anytime soon me born!!
  • tell it like it is (24/08/2012, 11:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I totally agree with the "facts man'.. It seems to me that the "indigenous" people of the BVi have to always explain or clarify or pacify. Are there BVIslandsers in these other Caribbean Islands seeking explanation and clarification about the terms that they choose to use? And to Beautiful: if those persons that were not born here went where they were born then the BVIslanders that are in places where they were not born would probably come back to where they were born. You would be surprised who would be left here and even if not much was left here it would be okay. Sometimes we can't or we are unable to say much where we "born" but when we go in other people "place" we want to run things and all of a sudden we know how the people's country should be run. Run your own first.
  • mnail on the head (24/08/2012, 11:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    say it agin 'tell it like it is'!!!! you on the money
  • one eye roster (24/08/2012, 12:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Smith; if you want to admit it or not in our context an indigenous person is the BVI is one that can trace their parents at least to THREE generations on either father or mother side OR BOTH to being BORN HERE..EG; RALPH, FAHIE, FRASER, ALVIN, MALONE, DR. SMITH, RONNIE AND THE LIKES. You can deny all you want but that is a fact and we have always known this from growing up and it was even more brought to light after the 2007 constitution. I know you are always on the African and black power thing but keep it real deman.
  • Eagle & Buffalo (24/08/2012, 12:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The situation that the BVI is currently experiencing where expats outnumber locals stem from a myriad of reasons. These reasons include poor public policies execution by numerous governments, shortsightness, greed, local emigration, complacency, it can wait till tomorrow mehson attitude, a sense of comfortableness......etc. we suffered from the boil frog syndrome. It is anecdotal that if a frog is placed in warm water and the water in gradually heated the frog will die. Conversely, if a frog leaps into a pan of hot water it will jump out. The BVI situation is akin to the boil frog syndrome. We starting living a little better, making a little more money and we went hog wild, got drunk on success, got comfortable and failed to plan for and address the obvious squalls that were ahead. Well the situation is fait accompli. We cannot and should blame expatts for our demise if this is what it is, for we are totally responsible for condition that we are in. Our economy grew and the demand for labour grew also. The local population could not meet the growing demand. Consequently labour had to be imported. Many workers responded to the call, made invaluable contributions and established firm roots. And these expats are now an integral part of the BVI fabric. A cursory look around will clearly show this. They complexity of the BVI has changed and is changing. Though I feel the pain of my fellow Virgin Islanders, the situation is at a point of no return. And the best outcome is to tap into the synergy of all residents and position the BVI to grow and sustain its economy and improve the quality of life and standard of living. We have to huddle together for the good of all. This is the reality. As long as there are opportunities in the BVI most expats are here to stay and others will be attracted. However, if the situation takes a southernly turn things will change. All roads will no longer lead to the BVI. For evidence of this look across the way at our friends in the USVI. Lets put our egos aside and unite for divided we fall, United we stand. We need put our egos aside and unite for the common interest and survival of all, for divided we fall and u demand. Consequently, labour had to be imported to meet the demand.
    • LOL (24/08/2012, 21:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Let us unite when each country represented in the bvi is willing to reciprocate in hiring, training, giving crown lands, giving scholarships to the supposed Bvislander like we do for them. Whenever people like the host get options through spousal,passport,money they ready to talk crap like him. Being naturally arrogant along with being bushwacked makes the man worst of a runaway train.
  • BVILady (24/08/2012, 16:03) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Facts man, you said it clearly and I agree with you. Based on these statements by Cromwell, about “BVIslander” being a misnomer and “we did not originate [from] the Virgin Islands,” that line of reasoning is so flawed, misleading and biased against BVIslanders. Firstly, each country is made up of nationalities of peoples. The people of Antigua are called Antiguans, the Cubans hail from Cuba, Australians are from Australia. The people of the USVI are called Virgin Islanders or Crucians or St Tomians according to their island, and have USA status. In Canada, the nationality is Canadian, although the Aboriginal peoples are recognized by their ethnic names of Inuit, Metis, etc. Imagine that the Metis are actually a mixture between the native Inuit and Europeans, but they are a group of the First Nations peoples of Canada. Note also that the natives of Canada and the rest of the Americas crossed the Bering Strait from Eurasia, thousands of years ago. The Caribs and the Arawaks also moved throughout the area. What is so wrong about BVIslanders claiming the Virgin Islands known as the BVI to be their homeland, with certain entitlements to which nationals of a country have the innate rights. We are the unique product of the BVI and our ancestors, who for generations before us, were born and raised and toiled here, with our own culture that is different to what has been imported recently. Why are we to be denied the right of claiming to be BVIslanders, or Anegadians or Virgin Gordian, according to the island of one’s ancestry. Secondly, about the bias against BVIslanders, if we are not to claim the BVI as our ancestral land where else can we go to claim it. Certainly no bona fide BVIslander can go to Trinidad to claim the rights of a Trinidadian, nor can a BVIslander go to Anguilla to claim the entitlements of an Anguillian. We have nothing in Africa to go and look for. Bear in mind that Africa is a vast continent with many countries. Who knows which countries any particular set of people sold into slavery came from and remember most of us have mixed blood anyway. BVIslanders have every right to expect a fair share of whatever there is in the BVI to be claimed by BVIslanders. Others coming in always have their homelands to go back to unless they were exiled; hopefully that is not the case. As long as they are living here they need to live peaceably among those they have met here. Some of us go and further our educational qualifications, but everyone is always labeled as not being educated. We have a lot to offer this Territory and to the world, we just need to be allowed the opportunities which are being denied us. How can BVI progress to Independence when the Territory as an entity and its people are not to be recognized for who they are and what they have to contribute. The bias against BVIslanders in the British Virgin Islands MUST stop.
  • Brad Boynes (24/08/2012, 16:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    cromwell can't speak for me today nor tomorrow. All is for naught if you dont have Jesus christ in ur life.
  • critic (24/08/2012, 17:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ask him if his new name indigeneous?
  • Mitt Romney (24/08/2012, 17:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am a Valack from the east and I can trace my both parents five generations to the BVI. I am a proud indigenous B V Islander so tell him go suck an egg.
  • Confucius (24/08/2012, 18:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What ALL people (black, white, brown, white, red, purple or green) and people who originate from ALL countries need to realize is that we are ALL just PEOPLE. Who was born here or there makes no difference in the eyes of God. If we continue to foster the notion that any one of us is better than anyone else or more entitled than anyone else, all will be lost. We all bleed red blood, we are all emotional beings and we all feel badly when entitlement and prejudice rears it's ugly head. So many people CLAIM to be Christians ~ but when it comes right down to it, they are only "Christians" when it suits them. Prejudice and xenophobia will sink a nation. Just look to the nations of the Middle East for proof. No financial disaster can bring a country to it's knees faster than hatred of or jealousy towards others. Some of us need to take a good long look in the mirror and count our blessings ~ instead of concerning ourselves with the blessings of others. I hope it never happens again ~ but it wasn't long ago that many of our people had to leave the Virgin Islands to find work. Back then, we didn't concern ourselves with who was or wasn't an indigenous Virgin Islander ~ and oddly enough, we were all a LOT happier back then! This entire debate is nothing but divisive, self destructive and futile. We are ALL children of God and equal in HIS eyes. Mr. Smith (and other like him) should be ashamed of themselves for stirring up this nonsense. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!
    • Valley girl (24/08/2012, 22:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      then go to American being a Jamaican or Guyanese and see if you have rights because we are all human being or just people fool. It amazes me that B VI people can be proud of their roots and heritage and be happy to trace their fore parents? Conwell I have lost all respect for you...just move to Guyana and see if you have rights!!
  • Shara Parlin (25/08/2012, 08:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I disagree with you Edju En Ka!!!, Every country have their indigenous population added to the recently arrived immigrants. Brother, have you been living under a rock for the past 50 years? Your statement makes you come across like you do not read and you lack education which I know you do not! In the UK the monarchy under Queen Elizabeth II is alive and remains in power simply because they are able to trace their roots and hand down the crown from generation to generations within that family. But they are British and yes also European. How come when we in the BVI trace our own history and demand special rights for the real BVI peoples who originated here as citizens it becomes an issue for debate? For me my mother is from St. Kitts, but my father, grandfather and my recently pass great-grandfather are all from the BVI by birth. I can trace at least on one side and I am dam proud of that heritage and history and I do not see an issue for our people being able to trace and celebrate those roots and family history. I am indigenous and god dawn proud…no Johnny come lately!!!
    • OPEN WIDE (26/08/2012, 23:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • ausar (25/08/2012, 08:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think that this type of discussion and the other's with regard to Independence has just given the Wheatley/Smith and other alliances-party a death knell. If you Edju Enka are going to come on the radio talking about not being indigenous and why we should not consider ourselves as such, why shoud Virgin Islanders(British) who are indigenous consider you and any party/alliance that you represent to replace the NDP or the VIP? The people are not interested in independence and they are looking for persons in leadership that understands what it means to be a Virgin Islander(B). And since the the Wheatley/Smith party finds itself allied to anyone that does not understand those ideals, I guess it's safe to state that that party is "dead on arrival"!
  • DA VOICE (25/08/2012, 10:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i think we all need to understand that protecting the indigenous polulation become the primary roll of goverment, but on the other hand one have to realize the world is becoming diverse, for economic and development purposes we as bvi landers need to develop our selves to the extend were we can handle our owned affairs, to this point we fighting our where we born and come from, but ask the question 1) who is our head of state. 2) who is incharge of our security? 3) who control our budget. and the list goes on. are we missing something here? what do all you ppl on this site fighting about. please press the reset button. are we affaird to speak on the real issues/
    • long look me come from (25/08/2012, 12:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      But "DA VOICE" you are contradicted started out by saying it’s the roll of every government to protect the indigenous people then you ending with some other crap. Look no one in their right mind could get around the fact that what Edju En Ka said was nonsense. Government must be committed to protect its full blood population. In many constitutions around the world there are special clauses to protect the natural born and indigenous people of that country. That is what we need in the BVI. I for one believes that unless you are indigenous you should not hold certain positions in the BVI, e.g. be elected we have three who are not, hold top government jobs, and be the Chief Minister. Full blood people whose both parents and grandparents were born here wake up and take back your country.
  • Redneck (25/08/2012, 11:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm a white guy from liberia (born n raised) this isn't to say I"m indeginous to Africa but I was born and raised in Africa. I now live in STX. since (1975) does this mean I'm not a Cruzan..? or are just my mullato children Cruzan's..?
  • teacher john (25/08/2012, 18:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Edju En Ka you lost me on this off the mark my yute, waaaaay off. Tis not our fault if you can not trace your forefather and mother to this rock, some of us can are are proud of that!!!!
  • Disinterested (25/08/2012, 20:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Edju En Ka was probably well-intentioned in stating that Virgin Islanders who trace their heritage and ancestry back several generations and consider themselves indigneous as wrong and a misnomer. Edju En Ka knows that words are dynamic and typically have more than one meaning, especially English words. Some synonyms of indigenous are native, aboriginal, natural. Further anything or people that is liviing in a place is indigenous We were taught that the Caribs and Arawaks were indigenous to the region. But we were also taught they migrated from South America. Similarly, the forefathers and mothers of many Virgin Islanders were dropped here from Africa on the first leg of the Slave Trade Triangle. True came under different circumstances and for different reasons than the Carib and Arawaks. But if the Caribs and Arawaks can claim indigenousness why cannot the offspring of African slaves? Is it because others want yo define us and we are following them like sheep off the cliff? Do we know better but going along out of self interest to get along? A true leader does the right thing and look out for his or her followers and self last. Lets say it all together WE ARE INDIGENOUS VIRGIN ISLANDERS.
  • so it is (25/08/2012, 23:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am a 5th generation BVI lady and I weep for my country, the country of my forefathers...Smith you insulted the ancestors.
  • poor ayo (27/08/2012, 19:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Indigenous or not locals are catching hell and that needs to be addressed.
  • oleander (28/08/2012, 20:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with Cromwell 110%. Tracing my great grand parents is of no use if at the end of the day we don't learn to live together in peace and work together to move this little place forward. At the end of the day, we're all dead, and there will be no 'indigenous bvislander' section in heaven. So many churches and church goers, and so little love. "Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves." Phil 2:3
    • main point (29/08/2012, 08:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The point remain Mr. Smith has insulted our ancestors and roots and that is the only point.
  • why you all mad? (29/08/2012, 10:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am a Hodge on my father side and Smith on mother and I am proud to say i can trace my roots from my immediate parents, there parents and their parents on all sides to being born in the BVI.

    My grate grate grandmother was from St. John and I am damm proud and humble of that history and family roots. Them who mad with that could go get on the boat of plane and be out!!!!

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