Incoming package of cannabis intercepted @ TB Lettsome Airport
Our newsroom was informed by well-placed sources that the package weighed 1304 grams.
According to reports, airport authorities became very suspicious of the package after a scent of cannabis was detected.
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) was reportedly called in and the suspicion was confirmed.
The package was reportedly addressed to a female known to police and sent by an unidentified male using a fake mobile phone number.

20 Responses to “Incoming package of cannabis intercepted @ TB Lettsome Airport”
The actual passage is Genesis 1:29 that reads, “And God said, ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.’”
Herbs are for food.
Secondly, if marijuana is good for us, then what about thornbushes, poison ivy, poison berries, and the like?
Remember, Satan also used the Scriptures deceptively when he came to Eve and said ... “Did not God say...” Let’s not make the same mistake!
The package was reportedly addressed to a female known to police and sent by an unidentified male using a fake mobile phone number.