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‘In every example’ clients were right in complaints against public officers- Archer Jr

- David D. Archer Jr says he now sees both commendations & complaints against public officers
Aiming to add more accountability to the public service, Deputy Governor David D. Archer Jr says systems are in place to commend and make complaints as it relates to public service performance, with finding that show the client is usually right. Photo: GIS
The Deputy Governor was at the time a guest of the November 28, 2022, edition of Talking Points a radio show aired at 5:00 pm ZBVI 780am, “So when the public service, for example, goes at that level... It's really to hold persons accountable as we transition to the new paradigm of how you live and work in the public service,” he told moderators. Photo: Facebook
The Deputy Governor was at the time a guest of the November 28, 2022, edition of Talking Points a radio show aired at 5:00 pm ZBVI 780am, “So when the public service, for example, goes at that level... It's really to hold persons accountable as we transition to the new paradigm of how you live and work in the public service,” he told moderators. Photo: Facebook
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI– Aiming to add more accountability to the public service, Deputy Governor David D. Archer Jr said systems are in place to both commend and make complaints as it relates to public service performance and that findings so far have shown the client is usually right.

“For public officers who do extremely well, we want persons to commend them. We're going to pat you on your back, you’re going to become part of a club. We're going to recognise you, but it's also saying is if you're not doing well, if you're not serving your clients well, you're going to be held accountable,” he said.


The Deputy Governor was at the time a guest of the November 28, 2022, edition of Talking Points on ZBVI 780 AM.

“So when the public service, for example, goes at that level... It's really to hold persons accountable as we transition to the new paradigm of how you live and work in the public service,” he told moderators. 

When questioned on whether there is any built-in mechanism to weed out personal attacks as it relates to complaints, Archer Jr said there are systems to prevent that kind of manipulation.

“How it works, before, if someone commended a department or complained against the department, that complaint normally went directly to the department. These commendations and praises and complaints, they now come centrally, and I see all of them.”

Mr Archer Jr said after seeing feedback the conversation becomes personal between him and the person the complaint is made against so that it could be properly dealt with.


The Deputy Governor said he allows persons to bring their side of a story to the table; however, “In every example, I've seen, the client has been right. The employee’s explanation, some of them were plausible, but what you saw happening was a change in the paradigm of accountability,” he said.

Mr Archer Jr added that he prides himself in being fair and "if I'm not the Deputy Governor, that's why there's a system. So it's not on the individuals. It's really the system saying you cannot just complain on someone and say you've done bad… that person has a chance to answer and to give their side of the story,” he added.

15 Responses to “‘In every example’ clients were right in complaints against public officers- Archer Jr”

  • Really (01/12/2022, 22:50) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    Wake Up people he's recruiting the sheep. The club is the lodge capoons bay. 2023 for skull and bones is going to be heartbreaking to watch as billions suffer. I control what I put in my body but the five billions will want to take what they put in out. The beast system is in place it's call digital beast system. The CBDC which will control how much you can spend
  • Me (02/12/2022, 01:05) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why can't public officers get pay respectable from have us living like dogs in the bvi we can't do anything but buy food to eat and beg like dogs and lend and don't payback
    • @me (02/12/2022, 07:37) Like (25) Dislike (12) Reply
      Truth be told. 90% of public officers are slackers. Arrive for work after 9; take extended lunches and leave promptly at 4:30. Don’t mention the sick days. Public officers need to shake off the entitlement mentality and work. The 10% that truly work are tainted by the slackers. Lastly public officers are ridiculously RUDE!!!
      • What? (02/12/2022, 09:20) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
        Did you conduct a survey? If not then stop with the allegations. It is so easy to cast blame but when a person goes above and beyond, it is not mentioned.
    • Market rules (02/12/2022, 12:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      If you don’t like your pay why not get another job that pays you what you think you’re worth. If you can’t do that, the truth is you’re overvalued. You can’t have your pension for life and expect to be paid like the private sector - which doesn’t necessarily pay better either I might add. It’s a competitive market place - better yourself, reinvent yourself or do nothing. But doing nothing is a choice too. Good luck.
  • In time come (02/12/2022, 04:29) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    This man is the enemy of the public service he only sings the tune of the slave masters wow.....
    • think (02/12/2022, 07:39) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
      When people tell us the TRUTH about ourselves, we make them enemies!!!
  • Commending (02/12/2022, 07:09) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    civil servants is good. Complaining about civil servants usually comes back to haunt you.
  • jack (02/12/2022, 07:29) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yet nothing was done about it
  • WHY?????? (02/12/2022, 07:54) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    In every picture this man look like a powder puff AKA ONE BIG GEEK.
  • solution (02/12/2022, 09:20) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is the fix. When is the fix. ?? Nothing seems to changed.
  • Truth (02/12/2022, 09:40) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    All he does do is talk, nexxtttt!
  • god is watching (02/12/2022, 09:44) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't want to hear a thing from David Archer. He collects a big salary every month and does nothing about the injustice in the Public Service. For example, bullying among staff. He does nothing!!! Take a back seat. What improvements has he made in the various departments? Please, go sit down!
  • WOW (02/12/2022, 10:19) Like (4) Dislike (12) Reply
    From reading these comments, it shows just how ppl think and operate and clearly many dnt see anything wrong with their underperformance and making excuses for their HORRIBLE performance, customer service etc. i agree with @me, the only way to get these ppl to pull their socks up is to start holding them accountable. The private sector, specifically the financial services sector, don't play about client services and performance, u slack u get notice, u continue to slack you get let go its as simple as that. The Company's business module and reputation is at stake. Just as well. when ppl have to deal with public service officers, and receive bad service, rude attitude, or the overall dont care vibe, it tarnishes our country's reputation on a larger scale. not only in dealing with international clientele, it starts at home with dealin with your own ppl. start to cut away at the bad apples and you will see how much the behaviours will begin to change!
  • That's not what was said in North Sound! (03/12/2022, 08:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Constitution team admitted that it would cost a private citizen thousands of dollars to bring charges for politicians who break rules set out in the BVI Constitution (they quoted $700 an hour for lawyers time).
    This is the 'checks and balances ' in our system. IT DOESN'T WORK.
    You ask for the people to input. Well here it is. Your system is broken. We can fix it, but have to have accountability. Have to have consequences for violation.
    These politicians get into office and do whatever they want. Break the rules - no problem! No penalty. No one to charge they unless a private citizen spends thousands.
    If a person rob someone, the government come after you. If a politician breaks the rules we people have to go after them???

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