‘I'll not be deterred by groundless attacks!’ – Hon Fraser
In an invited comment to this news site today, January 28, 2015 Hon Fraser said, “It is important for the sake of the people of the Virgin Islands’ wellbeing, that we keep the Government of Premier Smith on point by forcing him to address the critical issue of corruption as laid out by Hon. Fahie in what many are referring to as the speech of all times.”
“Because I am convinced, that it is that corruption that is responsible for the Premier Dr Smith's failed economic policy of austerity. It is that corruption that is responsible for France blacklisting the Territory. It is that corruption that caused the flight of companies from our shores,” said Hon Fraser.
“We cannot allow Premier Smith and his gang to just sweep these charges under the rug by reaping up old stories about three civil servants who went to jail over a decade ago…and twisting facts to suit themselves. Our Premier Dr Smith must at all times act like a leader and stop being driven to do and say things that he knows are not accurate,” said Hon Fraser.
In his written statement countering the NDP’s response to Hon Fahie, Hon Fraser said, “No-one is surprised that the NDP CANNOT and WILL NOT defend their dismal record of Good Governance, Transparency, Accountability, Nepotism and Respect.”
NDP conflict of interest
Hon Fraser said that since he was elected to the Legislative Council in 1999, most members of the NDP have embarked and continued on the dangerous road of “Conflict of Interest” as a result of shares held by themselves and/or their families in companies that continue to trade with the Government of the Virgin Islands without adherence to the rule of the former Legislative Council and/or the House of Assembly.
“These violations are significant not only for their violations of the Rule of Law but they are also significant for their effect on you the hard working tax payers,” Hon Fraser said in the statement.
According to Hon Fraser, the “blatant conflict of interest” by members of the NDP has or had resulted in, but not limited to: Customers of CCT being charged for in-coming calls; charges for the supply of water to the Government surpassing $24.00 per 1,000 gallons and in addition there were issues with quality and consistency; questionable contracts for catering services to the very House of Assembly; questionable contracts for legal services to the National Bank of the Virgin Islands, BVI Health Services Authority and other Government Statutory bodies; questionable contract for the supply of Chinese road pavement equipment; and questionable contracts for the supply of goods and services to the BVI Health Services Authority.
Hon Fraser said that the NDP, since 1999 continues to support the preverbal 1% “while the Virgin Islands Party is fixed on empowering you the 99%. For the VIP, there is only One Direction “Forward”.
“I have found it rather unfortunate that the NDP would completely ignore the issues raised by Hon Andrew A. Fahie in his address to the nation and his constituents of the 1st District on Saturday evening, and decided to attack me instead, with falsehoods that have either been trashed out years ago, or are completely baseless,” said Hon Fraser.
He said that the statement made by the NDP as a counter to Mr Fahie's “very accurate and thought provoking observation of their stewardship of this country over the past three years is weak, and to say the least, pathetic.”
Hon Fraser said it is obvious that the NDP has “just flat ran out of ideas, to be reaping up lies about monies to purchase an engine five or six years ago, and malicious claims about money spent on a project that they stopped, with no work to show.”
Premier’s son
“It is not true that any minister sent $3 million dollars to BiWater for a generator. Whatever money was sent, was sent by the BVI Electricity Corporation only after review and careful analysis for its use and application. And it is also not true that money was returned because of not having proper approval. As a matter of fact, if Premier Dr D. Orlando Smith had bothered to check this erroneous statement before its release I doubt very much it would have seen the light of day, since it has now become a wrenching indictment on his own son [Henry O. Creque], who was in fact at the time the money was sent, the Acting General Manager of the Corporation, and would have been the person to sign off,” said Hon Fraser.
He noted too that had the Government of Dr The Hon. D. Orlando Smith been wise and good custodians of the public's purse, they would have had that same generator as a part of the Corporation’s Plant to provide the necessary electricity for the same BiWater today, instead of having to use the rented plant they have now at such an exorbitant rate. “This lack of vision speaks to the very corruption Hon Fahie spoke about. Who is being paid what?” he asked.
“The Premier should tell the people of the Virgin Islands how it is possible for any minister of government who is not the minister of Finance to send money anywhere, let alone without proper approval, before allowing such nonsense to be published,” he said.
Sea Cows Bay Harbour Project
“As for the claim that I as Minister paid money for work on the Sea Cows Bay Harbor Project that is yet to be delivered, I consider this to be sad coming from the very Smith government which out of spite deliberately stopped the same project before the contractors could do their work. Maybe, the Premier really doesn't want the work to be delivered; else he would release the project. Now the world can see what I have been seeing all along, and exactly what Hon Fahie is talking about. If these actions by this administration of his aren’t corrupt what is?” he asked.
NDP’s hatred for foreign companies
Hon Fraser said that in another weak attempt to discredit BiWater, and the Virgin Islands's pre-eminent contractor of the day, Mr James Todman, whose work and performance in the territory and on Peebles Hospital in particular he said have been stellar, “they have opted to throw up figures about no-bid projects in isolation to make themselves look good, but avoided the details that tell the true story.”
“It is documented the hatred the NDP harbours for foreign companies such as BiWater and Digicel, but I am baffled and eager to learn what it is they have against a gentleman like Mr Todman.
“I would not be deterred by these groundless attacks!” Hon Fraser declared.
30 Responses to “‘I'll not be deterred by groundless attacks!’ – Hon Fraser”
Is he serious! who start the fire?
Mr Fraser, now you know that your input is really going to make matters baaad. You cannot even produce records to prove your SCB project is not ......... NDP has all their documents ready and available. They have all the required approvals. Andrew has not yet produce proof of his scandalous accusations but we waiting.
All is being required sir, is proof of allegations so enuf of the heehawing ..put up or shut up,pleease. Thank you!
NDP 2016