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'If you believe in God' you will give 10% tithes - Pastor Calvin Mills on 'Real Talk'

- says, 'when you can't afford to give, you can't afford not to give'
Positing that there is no excuse for not giving to the Church, Pastor of the Church of God Holiness, Mr Calvin Mills if of the firm believe that, if you love God then you must give money to the church, even noting 'when you can't afford to give, you can't afford not to give.' Photo: Flow/Facebook
Pastor Mills made the comments during the February 19, 2020, premier 2020 episode of Karia J. Christopher's 'Real Talk' television show with guest Apostle Curnal P. Fahie and sponsored by Flow. Photo: Flow/Facebook
Pastor Mills made the comments during the February 19, 2020, premier 2020 episode of Karia J. Christopher's 'Real Talk' television show with guest Apostle Curnal P. Fahie and sponsored by Flow. Photo: Flow/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI -Positing that there is no excuse for not giving to the church, Pastor of the Church of God Holiness, Mr Calvin Mills is of the firm belief that if you love God then you must give money to the church, even noting that 'when you can't afford to give, you can't afford not to give.'

Pastor Mills made the comments during the February 19, 2020, premiere of the new season of Karia J. Christopher's 'Real Talk' television show with guest Apostle Curnal P. Fahie and sponsored by Flow.

Real Talk has not aired since the first half of 2017; however, it was recently announced that the show will be back in partnership with Flow BVI, debuting on Flow TV.

The context of the conversation was surrounding Christianity and its true place in 2020 and what should a single mother do; who is struggling to take care of three children, after being asked to give 10% of her hard earnings. 

Requirements of God 

"We dealing with the requirements of God, and I know there is a whole lot of debates whether tithing is for the church today... whether it's an old testament thing, it's a new testament thing... but we are not going to go there." 

"But if you believe in God and you believe in his word, you will exercise your faith to prove his word and if he is the one that requires the 10th of tithes... by faith we give it," he said.

According to Pastor Mills, giving to the church 'stretches your faith' and the imaginations, hence people who are broke and in need and cannot afford to give, can't afford not to give. 

"As a young boy giving my life to Christ, I didn't know anything about tithing from the top. I tithing from the bottom... and many times I give the last that I had l...and three times I had the experience when I give my last to go, it came back to me instantly." 

"I believe that" - Mrs Christopher 

He said in one instance, he received his money before exiting the church and noted that it was was a sign from God.

"It's by faith we live, take God at his word," Pastor Mills stated.

Mrs Christopher, in agreeing with the sentiments of Pastor Mills, acknowledged that the comments could be controversial.

She said that while she believed in his position on the issue, many people will challenge it.

Meanwhile, Real Talk will air on FLOW TV on Wednesdays at 8:00 pm and shortly after can be seen on the Facebook page, Real Talk with Karia Christopher.

41 Responses to “'If you believe in God' you will give 10% tithes - Pastor Calvin Mills on 'Real Talk'”

  • vip heckler (21/02/2020, 14:43) Like (63) Dislike (17) Reply
    my hard own money for Pastors to take vacation on? NO WAY
    • lock em up (22/02/2020, 18:43) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
      These are the kind of heartless conmen always preying on the weak that should be locked up for life. it is sick! It's 2020 people, wake up from this foolishness and these false promises
  • Kanye W. (21/02/2020, 14:51) Like (27) Dislike (12) Reply
    I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven. When I awoke, I spent that on a necklace.
  • musa (21/02/2020, 15:00) Like (40) Dislike (7) Reply
    give what you can afford
    • Greg (22/02/2020, 14:36) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
      I only have seen one church who built for the community. New Life Baptist with Save The Seed. I don’t go to church, but we have lunch their many many times, have bowled there and see they are giving back to the parisoners who do pay their tithes. I have not seen this with other churches. Others have not built after school centers for children for tutoring or recreational places for the community, or gyms for exercise, just take take take with nothing to show for it.
      • hello (27/02/2020, 06:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        stop chatting piss what you don't know. I wouldn't even bother to direct you to the other churches who have after school programs...
  • Eagle Eye (21/02/2020, 15:02) Like (70) Dislike (12) Reply
    To continuously believing in faith without evidence and facts,you are being mislead.the bible is man and not god's word, that's evidential.all pastors need to be charged for scamming people of their money. (even noting that 'when you can't afford to give, you can't afford not to give.') How stupid is that, people wake up and live.
    • simple (21/02/2020, 19:00) Like (22) Dislike (2) Reply
      There is no need to speculate or have blind faith. If bible prophecies come true even up to this present time, then that is proof that those scriptures could not possibly have been imagined by man. You now need to research what prophecies have been, and are being fulfilled.

      At the same time, use your God-given gut feeling and common sense to identify modern day false prophets who twist these prophecies to their own agenda. Such as the people in Israel today.
      • Numb skull (22/02/2020, 11:04) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
        The only thing simple about this is your thinking. Most things in life, especially major events such as natural disasters for example, which have been occurring since the beginning of physical existence might I add (long before religion and even people existed seeing that the planets were here before us), have predictable outcomes such as how people would react, weather systems to follow etc. what religion, specifically Christianity does is ride on the coat tails of such occurrences and use fear mongering to get all the susceptible fools riled up talking about “God is coming for his world” every time something unfortunate but natural occurs. Where is he coming from? We live in space. Where exactly is some big bearded white man coming from to punish us for our sins? He didn’t come 1000 years ago, he’s not coming tomorrow. Get a grip please.

        God is an energy, a state of being. God is within us. “God” is the feeling of divinity, oneness and peace which can be achieved through spirituality but never religion. Religion is fueled off of extremely low vibrational emotions such as shame, guilt & fear.
  • Kingfish (21/02/2020, 15:29) Like (59) Dislike (12) Reply
    Churches are nothing but a big SCAM, ripping off the people who can least afford it. Churches should be abolished.
  • question (21/02/2020, 15:32) Like (36) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is tithing optional or a must? There is no commandment in the list of 10 that says "Thou shall give the church 10 percent of what you earn"... and even if you don't have it to give, still give it.
    Furthermore, the church depends on the tithes of its members to pay operational's like a business that has to have revenues or income. But it can put some people off of God if they believe they have to pay for salvation...the Bible says Jesus died for all sinners and whosoever will may come...Jesus paid it all. Now when church mix up money with God, things can get confused.
  • VIslander (21/02/2020, 15:42) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    I've seen it work. Life has a away of being karma
  • Guest (21/02/2020, 16:55) Like (42) Dislike (1) Reply
    I believe in God I just don’t believe in the false prophets that seem plentiful on this earth.
  • To many (21/02/2020, 18:37) Like (29) Dislike (3) Reply
    it is a business. So many little churches tucked away in building. Everyone all of sudden are pastors . These people will answer to God on judgement day. For me that is the purest form of evil. Using Gods teaching to gain wealth . Shame
    • Where 2 or more are gathered there is madness. (23/02/2020, 02:16) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Recently I’ve witnessed there is a cut and paste sad excuse for a place of worship tucked away in some building on this island. The pastor is a woman and her all of 10 members seems to be washed up wh*res that need a place to repent and feel dignified after a week filled with “sinful” activity. I’ve been observing them in passing on social media. Clearly all they do is gossip. She tags her members in nearly every local news article or gossip post that has to do with crime or death, I’m not sure what that has to do with church itself. They are so pathetic. One of her more infamous members is a oversized hussy that is known for scooping up any young man she could find that would nestle between her crotch at night and she lets them live with her as she cooks and cleans and waits on them hand and foot only for them to leave her and she repeats the cycle yet again. God knows how many men her children have seen in and out of her apartment over the years, yet everyday she’s posting about the Lord. Religion really is for fools.
  • josiah'sbay (21/02/2020, 18:41) Like (42) Dislike (1) Reply
    If the churches gave back 10% of their tithes collection to the community perhaps it wont be so difficult for parishioners to give 10% of their income to the churches.
  • HAHA (21/02/2020, 19:25) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
    My coworker use to pay tighs to church until she got into a jam and asked for help from pastor and congregation, all pastor said to her was pray on it god will guide you
  • Scriptural (21/02/2020, 19:38) Like (5) Dislike (18) Reply
    Why Tithing Is Not Required Today

    There are seven decisive reasons for saying Christians are not required to tithe.

    1. Believers are no longer under the Mosaic covenant (Rom. 6:14–15; 7:5–6; Gal. 3:15–4:7; 2 Cor. 3:4–18). 

    The commands stipulated in the Mosaic covenant are no longer in force for believers. Some appeal to the division between the civil, ceremonial, and moral law to support tithing. Yet these divisions, I would observe, are not the basis Paul uses when addressing how the law applies to us today. And even if we use these distinctions, tithing is clearly not part of the moral law. It’s true the moral norms of the Old Testament are still in force today, and we discern them from the law of Christ in the New Testament, but tithing is not among these commands.

    2. The examples of Abraham and Jacob are not normative patterns. 

    Some think tithing is required because both Abraham and Jacob gave a tenth, and they both lived before the Mosaic covenant was in place. Such examples hardly prove tithing is for all time, however. Abraham’s gift to Melchizedek was a one-time event; there is no evidence he regularly gave God a tenth.

    Jacob’s giving of a tenth signified his gratefulness to God for promising to be with him and to protect him. His gratefulness and generosity still speak to us today, but a historical description of what Jacob gave doesn’t support the idea that all believers must give God a tenth of their income.

    3. Tithes were given to the Levites and priests, but there are no Levites and priests in the new covenant. 

    Levites and priests were tied to the sacrificial system of the old covenant. Now all believers are priests (1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:6), with Jesus as our Melchizedekian high priest (Heb. 7).

    4. The tithe is tied to the land Israel received under the old covenant. 

    Israel was supposed to celebrate a tithe every three years in Jerusalem. But that requirement cannot apply to Christians today. It related to the Jews as a nation—to Jews who lived in the land of promise. With the coming of Christ, the Jewish nation is no longer the locus of God’s people, though individual Jews are part of the church through faith in Jesus.

    The earthly Jerusalem is no longer central in God’s purposes (Gal. 4:25). Believers are part of the heavenly Jerusalem (Gal. 4:26) and look forward to the city to come (Heb. 11:10), to the new heavens and new earth (Rev. 21:1–22:5). Abraham isn’t heir of the land of Israel, but of the whole world (Rom. 4:13).

    5. If tithing is required today, how much should we give? 

    As noted above, the number was certainly more than 10 percent and closer to 20 percent. Those who advocate tithing should probably settle on 20 percent.

    6. When Jesus affirmed the tithe, it was before the dawn of the new covenant.

    Some defend tithing by saying Jesus praised tithing, even if he said it was less important than other things (Matt. 23:23; Luke 11:42). This argument appears strong, but it’s not persuasive. Jesus also mentioned offering sacrifices in the temple (Matt. 5:23–24), but Christians don’t think—even if the temple were rebuilt—that we should do that. Our Lord’s words are understandable when we think about his location in redemptive history.

    Jesus spoke about sacrifices and tithing before the cross and resurrection, before the dawn of the new covenant. He used tithing and sacrifices as illustrations when addressing his contemporaries. He kept the law since he was “born under the law” (Gal. 4:4). But we can no more take his words as a commendation for tithing today than we can his words about offering sacrifices.

    7. Nowhere is tithing mentioned when commands to give generously are found in the New Testament. 

    When Christians are instructed to give to the poor, they aren’t commanded to give “the poor tithe.” Instead, they are instructed to be generous in helping those in need (Acts 2:43–47; 4:32–37; 11:27–30; Gal. 2:10; 1 Cor. 16:1–4; 2 Cor. 8:1–9:15). For example, 1 Corinthians 16:1–4—a passage often cited in popular circles in support—doesn’t mention tithing; it relates to a one-time gift for poor saints in Jerusalem.

    Give Generously

    Even though tithing isn’t required today, it does not follow that believers should hoard their possessions.

    We are commanded to support those who preach the gospel (Matt. 10:10; Luke 10:7; 1 Cor. 9:6–14; 1 Tim. 5:17–18). And while we should enjoy the good things God gives us, we are also called to be generous to those in need (1 Tim. 6:17–19; 2 Cor. 8–9). Wealth can so easily become an idol, leading us to abandon the Lord.

    Since God is to be our treasure, believers are to give generously and freely. For many in the West, this will mean giving more than 10 percent.
    Still, Scripture doesn’t command Christians to give a tenth—and Scripture, not tradition, is our rule and authority.
    • @Scripture. (22/02/2020, 05:54) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Common sense is wisdom....Don't believe everything someone writes or promote. There is always an Agenda, personal or organizational... Those Scriptures you Cote are exactly that... For people to get rich the money must come from some where. They see it fit and convenient to fill poor people with promises and hope and so telling them they have to give a little and one day they going to get more. Such a fantasy...Such a lie and deception but poor people will always try anything to get a better life and so they use that to advantage them. They don't love us. People that love you don't force you to give them things. So. Stop it.
    • Israelites (22/02/2020, 09:02) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply

      Up until recently, all the tithes and offerings from my childhood church were collected and sent to a "headquarters" in the USA. That same headquarters did not send a dime in relief to the BVI after hurricane Irma.

      Our people are being awakened. Those teachings you regurgitated from the American evangelical pastors will no longer work on us.

  • lmfao (21/02/2020, 19:58) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Churches are for hopeless peasants that have nowhere else to look in life. So they head to where they’re told to be meager and humble to justify why they live with little to no means....& then the same church ask them for a percentage to those same stretched thin means. I wouldn’t wish that kind of delusion on anyone.
  • Not me for sure. (22/02/2020, 05:46) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    More Deception.. I'm always wondering what the ten percent is use for and why there is no health or life insurance for loyal going church members some of them die like dogs. Broke, Suffer can't pay their medical bills. Can't afford funeral cost yet every Sunday they find that $50. 00 to put in church envelopes... Imagine saving that for yourself..$50.00 a week. That's like $200 a month.. that's like $2,400 a year .. that's like 15 yrs is $36,000... Just imagine those that gives more. Hmmm.. With thousands of givers that's like millions a month. No wonder why so many pastors are millionaires...Private Jet. Private Schools. The best vehicles... While foolish people continue to give.
  • Hmmm (22/02/2020, 06:17) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    Not my 10%. You scammers. Some of you need to be put away in prison for life.
  • Mr.Entrepreneur (22/02/2020, 07:47) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply
    Most of you who have proved yourself. You’ll want blessings but don’t want to plan seeds. One of the key reasons I’m good, like really good and can afford to give is because God has given be on Abundantly. I pay my ties, I give to old people, they pray for me and blessings come. Works without faith is dead. I’m grateful and thankful to be in the position to give my percentages to God. What the Paster do with it that’s up to him and God my hands are clean.
  • concerned1 (22/02/2020, 09:17) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please, stop saying that you give your percentage to GOD. If you believe that god is the most high , the creature of heaven and earth then he surely does not need your money. what earnings did abraham and others back in biblical times posses? was money used ? NOOOO. THEN WHY DOES THE CHURCH ASK FOR MONEY? What kind of expenses does a church have that would cost it's members thousands of dollars every month. To many questions to just go on faith
    • Observer (24/02/2020, 21:23) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Your comments are clearly in ignorance. The church needs money to operate. They have to pay bills just like any organization. This is Gods principles and worldly people cannot understand spiritual things.
  • hellboy (22/02/2020, 09:40) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    90% of pastors on the planet are thieves, and con men
  • VIslander (22/02/2020, 11:01) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    I've seen it work. You won't understand until you give that is how you get. Life is a cycle, being selfish & greedys cuts the circulation. It is in the scriptures.
  • money (22/02/2020, 12:45) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hahahahahahahahahah........are people that naive???
  • THINK! (22/02/2020, 17:45) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where education is lower, in come the religious men to exploit people’s insecurities and desperation for the own personal use. Shame.
  • ABC (22/02/2020, 20:24) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Give for them to thief
  • Interested (23/02/2020, 14:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Marriage is holy, the tithe is holy,the sabbath is holy. God is holy. If we love Him, we will honour all three.
  • BS! (24/02/2020, 09:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Quote - Bono / U2 - "The God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister".
  • Greedy (24/02/2020, 13:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So we are supposed to give to the pastor even if we cant afford to feed and house our family?
    They come first?

    Get stuffed!

    Sheer greed and praying on the poor. DO not give more than you can afford. Your family comes first not the church!
  • Prophet (24/02/2020, 13:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pastor Mills is a man of GOD. His words may not be popular but they are true. Don't let the spirit of avarice misled you from hearing his message. The poor and needy depend that 10%, it doesn't go to them balling out of control with your $$$. Who makes sure your old auntie who is sick & shut in all week gets a welfare check up, some groceries delivered, trash taken out, & water bottles refilled? Surely not you who are too busy earning & paying bills to give 10% of your earnings for that. Don't be misled by foolishness, hear what is being said rather than argue your feelings without knowing.
  • Observer (24/02/2020, 20:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    These men are just simply stating what the Word of God says in Malachi bring the tithes into the storehouse that their maybe meat in my house. Luke 6:38 says to give and it shall come back to you pressed down shaken together and running over. Don't blame him blame God for wanting to bless those that give.
    • Wrong Doctrine (26/02/2020, 10:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Just by the scriptures you've quoted and linked together I can see you are a victim of false handed down doctrine.Tithes were mandatory and giving freely is from the heart. You need to keep the scriptures you read in context and understand who are being spoken to. All Jews....Check and see what Paul preached to the Gentiles.

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