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If Our People are to Survive Silence Cannot be an Option

ACFrett - BVP (Truth for the Youth)… Saturdays 6pm – 7pm on ZROD 103.7FM & ZVCR 106.9FM
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
By Alred C. Frett

Some say I brag too much about things I accomplished while others say I do not take enough credit – Whoever is right or wrong I see my Mission as simply to deliver Truth which we all have found to not be delivered or to be willfully distorted by others for their own benefit or agenda… For too long we have suffered in Silence and our Children will not survive if this continues.

Locally & Internationally, revelations of Today’s World make it clear that we are habitually misled in the name of National Security and the Silence it demands leaves us with tragedies; so, whether it’s my words or their words, all should be checked before jumping to conclusions – Just as Truth will be Truth & Fact will be Fact; Wrong will be Wrong no matter who says or does it.

Why is it okay for NSA to hack Ordinary Citizens or for US & Allies to launch Cyber-attacks against everyone & anyone including Iran and North Korea but as soon as the Tables turn it suddenly becomes a Criminal Offense demanding International condemnation & punishment?… And, would we find it acceptable for our Leaders to be portrayed in Movie Plots for assignation?

Unfortunately, we have been so conditioned to accept Double Standards that we are still trying to undo decades of Injustices that cannot be undone… Just last week South Carolina’s Judge Mullen vacated the 1944 conviction of George Stinney Jr. a black 14-year-old boy; convicted by an all-white jury after a 1-day trial & 10-minute jury deliberation for the murders of 2 white girls.

According to the Judge, "From time to time we are called to look back to examine our still-recent history & correct injustice where possible, I can think of no greater injustice than a violation of one's constitutional rights, which has been proven to me in this case by a preponderance of the evidence standard."… Sounds good? Not really because that Youth was executed 70-years ago.

He never made it to manhood because no one stood up or spoke out in his defense at that crucial time when it really mattered and he remains the youngest person executed in America over the past century… We can never bring him back but what is more tragic is a 21st Century that still expects African Victims to be silent as they await promised Justice that will never be delivered.

No one should be surprised at the sufferings of Blacks under corrupt Law Enforcement Practices or at atrocities contained in CIA Torture Reports – These are merely ongoing acts of State-sponsored Terrorism and only those refusing to use Eyes & Ears will fail to see that our Silence merely ensure the dark clouds of Discrimination, Segregation & Colonialism will remain with us.

For decades I warned of Consequences that would result from Bad Socio-Political Actions but many appear to find comfort in suffering, hence you ridicule me & scoff at the Message - By failing to recognize that same mentality that slaughtered Blacks & American Indians is still with us, many of our own People praise Injustices as awesome American Rights to be accepted by us.

Leaders think us too foolish to differentiate Justice from Injustice or to realize that 'Murder, Robbery Torture and other War Crimes demand justice'… Hence they mock our Intelligence - while turning Generations into refugees and killing Women & Children with Drone Attacks, they promise us Guantanamo Bay releases, Immigration easements & reduced harassment of Cuba.

Maybe they are truly unable to change the wickedness of their ways – After all History shows the Fortunes of So-called Western Democracies were derived by killing the less fortunate & stealing their Resources through whatever ways & means they deemed necessary… In the process Religion, Politics & Laws were created & used to handicap Victims and retain ill-gotten gains.

This same History shows, in order to survive, some Victims became radicalized & evolved into counter Forces like HAMAS, ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Qaida, Al Shabab, ANC, Black Panthers & Other Vigilantes… The Oppressors then seek to silence everyone so they may easier demonize & ostracize these Groups to a point where even the People the Groups defend, turn against them.

For centuries Social engineering has conditioned us to hate ourselves & destroy our own and they succeed whenever Bother turns against Brother & Sister against Sister… Even Mandela experienced this when the heavy hands of authority, forced peaceful protest into violent & antisocial behavior and honourable objectives were depicted as National threats to Apartheid.

You have seen a little of this by me being constantly harassed, kicked off ZBVI and hit with unending Legal/Court Injustices in an apparent effort to silence me from bringing Awareness to the Masses & Truth to the Youth… However, real Leaders know that bringing Truth to the Youth is the only way to save our People from a continued self-hate that leads to their destruction.

Silence of Elders has forced the Youth of all races & profession to protest against longstanding injustices that feed on Evil, Greed & Corruption… As a result, the international Symbolisms of ‘Hands Up - Don’t shoot’ and ‘I can’t breathe’ are not limited to the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner but extend to the endless demeaning & degrading of African Descendants.

Maybe as our own worst Enemy you too assisted in seeking to silence me so you could relax in misery… However, before you do just ask your leaders who else would have braved the odds and fought for you to have a New Beef Island Bridge, a Day to appreciate & Respect our Heroes, our National Airline, Free College Education, UK Citizens Passports & New Public Hospital?

Furthermore, it was you and not Major Peebles or some Legislator that helped when I fought for a New BVI Hospital and only our self-respect will determine the difficulty in understanding why properly naming the New Hospital is a direct reflection on whether we chose to remain Modern Colonial Slaves or we finally progress & define ourselves as a freed People that truly matters.

While we are grateful for Mr. Peebles effort back in the 1940’s, this has been recognized by the Queen from 1966 up until now and the fact that not a single Legislator came forward in our struggle may have been due to their fear of opposing UK’s Colonial intent… Whatever the case, it was you the People – not our Leaders - who joined the fight to arrive at this present position.

Don’t you think it is time you were given the Freedom & Recognition you deserve?... Do a little research and you will find there is no justification for naming our Hospital after some deceased Englishman or opportunistic Politician… This is your Hospital and to name it other than ‘THE BVI PUBLIC HOSPITAL’ would be acceptance of Colonialism and a slap to you the People.

PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programs

5 Responses to “If Our People are to Survive Silence Cannot be an Option”

  • facts (22/12/2014, 08:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    ok the NDP will never name the hospital off you, give it up al....
  • Tigress (22/12/2014, 09:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good going AF, but another possible name for the facility could be "VI COMMUNITY HOSPITAL". that will include all and sundry and speak to the empowerment that you talk about. There are and were a lot of other deserving nurses and doctors and technicians who can definitely share the spotlight with our premier on this honor of naming the hospital after. In my estimation to single him out is to do an injustice to all the other health care workers who worked just as good or even better to keep health care standards in an excellent form
  • we the people (23/12/2014, 20:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    it should be name off Ralph T. O'Neal end of story...certainily not that waste of time Olando
  • yellow (25/12/2014, 14:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    A brilliant piece Mr. Frett

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