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'If I was the Premier', I would reshuffle my Cabinet- Pastor Skelton-Cline

- said he would also invite Opposition Leader to be Minister of Finance
In a daring statement during Honestly Speaking on October 8, 2024, Pastor Claude Skelton-Cline said if he were Premier he would reshuffle his Cabinet. Photo: Facebook
Pastor Claude Skelton-Cline during Honestly Speaking on October 8, 2024, said he would make some changes to his Cabinet including inviting Leader of the Opposition, Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL), to be Minster of Finance. Photo: VINO
Pastor Claude Skelton-Cline during Honestly Speaking on October 8, 2024, said he would make some changes to his Cabinet including inviting Leader of the Opposition, Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL), to be Minster of Finance. Photo: VINO
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI—After a nearly 4-month hiatus, Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline returned to his show Honestly Speaking on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, and boldly stated that if he was Premier, a shakeup of his Cabinet would have been made.

Pastor Skelton-Cline issued a call for the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) to be called to a “unity of purpose” and asked for the help of the government in doing so.

 Easy to play “politricks”- Pastor Skelton-Cline

The Pastor said, as a people, it is easy to discuss all the issues wrong with the Territory; from its road conditions to government’s financial support to Yolo Promotions’ 2025 Vybz Kartel concert.

“I know it makes good news, I know, and it’s not legitimate, all of it is, but it’s too easy because what ends up happening to us as a people, we end up playing as pawns in the games of politics of division,” he stated.

What therefore is needed now is leadership that can call the VI to a unity of purpose, Pastor Skelton-Cline said, adding that if this is not done the people will die divided.

“It’s too easy to play ‘politricks’, it’s too easy. There have to be some innovatives, some creatives, some imaginative thinking as a singular people about how we’re going to live, how are we going to survive the onslaught of what’s getting ready to happen in the earth,” he warned.

I would reshuffle my Cabinet as Premier

In a daring statement, the Pastor added that if he were Premier, he would reshuffle his Cabinet and go even further and invite the Leader of the Opposition, Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL), to be the Minister of Finance, “collapsing” the entire Opposition.

“You see one of the things about leadership is that you got to strengthen your area of weakness…you got to staff your weaknesses. If I was the Premier, I would have gone down in history… We got to stop playing politics with the destinies of the people of the Virgin Islands and the destiny of the Virgin Islands,” he said.

It was in February 2023, that Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) declared he made a mistake in supporting the series of government contracts Mr Skelton Cline was gifted immediately after the Andrew A. Fahie-led Virgin Islands Party was elected into government back in 2019.

17 Responses to “'If I was the Premier', I would reshuffle my Cabinet- Pastor Skelton-Cline”

  • Herbs Powa (09/10/2024, 09:42) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply
    Where this parrot appear from. Anyone that has pastor to their name is a big time Scammer. Clear that up first then proceed to talk. All pastors need carrying to court, easy case to win.
  • Hmm.. (09/10/2024, 09:54) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man needs to find something tangible to do with his time. Question? Did he ask his Uncle if he would abundant his party for that position. Do you think that showanda would agree to that, and trust minister Skelton to run he government. Because finance minister is the most power position in any ministry. He can easily undermine Slowanda government.
  • Lb (09/10/2024, 09:58) Like (40) Dislike (6) Reply
    And if I was the Cabinet I would reshuffle the Premier! Luce needs to cross the floor! Enough is enough with this party boy Premier.
  • WE NEED A SNAP ELECTION (09/10/2024, 10:08) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
  • 2024 (09/10/2024, 10:17) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    we need more competent folks to form a very stable new political party: must have clean hands, financially stable and trustworthy

    13 strong women because the men dem mind on the money as a posed to spending money towards the development and future of our society

    how can a government take tax money give it to foreign entertainers neglecting to fix the place for the residents

    run talk dat
  • Kat (09/10/2024, 10:19) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    Never. The opposition can't come to the people with a slate of what they intend to do if they ever win a majority.
  • Premier ...Stand Firm (09/10/2024, 10:34) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is conceivable that the Pastor desires a reshuffling of the Cabinet to bring in members more aligned with the idea of viewing the pastor as an effective consultant? If we revisit recent history, it’s clear that the Premier once operated a coalition government where two ministers were, in my view, unjustly and unfairly removed. The result? It gave the Premier more control, but it presented a significant issue—it was not a government of the people, but rather one of his choosing. And the electorate made their opinion clear in the following election.

    Many seem prematurely to sense an opportunity in the current government, yet I believe the Premier has demonstrated sound leadership by showing loyalty to his team. Take a lesson here from Republican politics—loyalty to one's team is an undervalued but critical leadership quality. The dissent from the Deputy Premier and the Works Minister on the Yolo issues doesn’t indicate disarray; on the contrary, it illustrates that the Premier is confident enough in his position to allow differing opinions within his Cabinet. That, in fact, is a hallmark of strength, not weakness. To quote Peter Tosh "stand firm or you gonna feed worms"

    Now, I must admit I find his obstinance on the entertainment tourism issue puzzling, as it seems not to buy him any significant political capital. Still, he likely has his reasons. A Cabinet reshuffle at this juncture, however, would signal panic and hand the opposition more ammunition in their misguided push for a no-confidence vote.
    If opposition were genuinely concerned with the welfare of the territory, they would offer constructive feedback and propose effective solutions. If such proposals were sound and sincere, the Premier could choose to adopt them—or not—at his own peril. But to engage in critique without offering meaningful alternatives serves neither the territory nor its leadership.
  • Guest (09/10/2024, 10:41) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you were premier you would probably be in jail by now……
  • spot on (09/10/2024, 11:18) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    Instead of just reading snippets from articles maybe some of you all should actually listen to his show and realize that he makes a lot of sense with what he says instead of just criticizing him because you don't like him.
  • look here!!!! (09/10/2024, 11:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Guest (09/10/2024, 12:19) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    Why are we perpetuating this myth that Ronnie Skelton is some big financial guru? Dr. Smith found out the hard way during NDP's first term in Government.
    • True (09/10/2024, 14:37) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      And he has no respect or appreciation for Tourist , he just wants to tax them more for everything. Its already an expensive destination by the time he is finished not even the wealthy will come .
  • We Are Thankful.. (09/10/2024, 14:57) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    ....oh so very thankful that you are NOT the Premier!! Like no joke. Phew!
  • Partnership for Piece (09/10/2024, 22:35) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    All I want to hear from this guy is when is our money going back in the Treasury.
  • Curly (10/10/2024, 13:22) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Do the 'Curly shuffle' and shuffle them all over to Hollywood Florida and have a beauty pageant/corruption
    contest to see who's the most corrupt of them all. Stage it like that beauty pageant. Hollywood Florida is
    also totally corrupt and the exposition will show everyone who is what. Great for PR.
  • missing (10/10/2024, 20:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Anyone missed livestock. Big pile steaming bullsh+t right there.
  • Dear young people, (11/10/2024, 12:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Grammatically speaking, the correct language should have been, "If I were the Premier, ..."

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