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'If Financial Services go down, we all go down'- Premier Wheatley

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said if financial services goes down, we all go down, calling for unity as it relates to the industry. Photo: Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said he is grateful to have Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) as part of the Asia visit delegation. Photo: Office of the Premier
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said he is grateful to have Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) as part of the Asia visit delegation. Photo: Office of the Premier
Opposition Members and Members of the Alliance, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2), left, and Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) attempted to get the House of Assembly sitting suspended on February 11, 2025, despite the critical nature of the sitting to financial services. Photo: YouTube
Opposition Members and Members of the Alliance, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2), left, and Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) attempted to get the House of Assembly sitting suspended on February 11, 2025, despite the critical nature of the sitting to financial services. Photo: YouTube
HONG KONG, China- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and his delegation are currently on a 5-day trip to Asia, where the business of the financial services industry was one of the main focuses.

The Premier participated in a roundtable discussion focusing on the industry. This roundtable provided a valuable opportunity to connect with key stakeholders and partners from the Asia-Pacific region to explore emerging opportunities, share insights, and discuss the future of financial services. 

Premier Wheatley, speaking with Acting Director of Communications Mrs Kaira J. Christopher, said he was “grateful” to have Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) as part of the delegation in Asia. Hon Smith was Director of BVI’s International Financial Centre when the BVI Hong Kong Office was opened about 10 years ago. 

We have to be united on financial services matters- Premier

Meantime, the Premier's unified approach to financial services matters is necessary for its longevity. 

“If Financial Services goes down, we all go down, so all of us have to be committed to the success of Financial Services. We’re hopeful as well that all the people back home also get the message that…we all have to be united on Financial Services matters; it’s too important to play politics with, it’s extremely important,” he said. 

Legislation, he added, has to be passed to safeguard the financial services industry. 

“It’s important that we show unity,” the Premier said.

It was on February 11, 2025, that the newly formed Alliance attempted to block a House of Assembly sitting that was called to especially address critical legislation for the financial services industry.

The financial services industry, one of the two pillars of the economy, contributes about 60% of Government’s revenue. Fifty-seven percent of the VI's business originates from China and the Asia Pacific region, while another 20 per cent comes from Latin America and the Caribbean, according to a Pragmatix report in 2024.

14 Responses to “'If Financial Services go down, we all go down'- Premier Wheatley”

  • Shopping trip (20/02/2025, 13:13) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope there not coming back through the USA they’ll have to pay a load of new tariffs with the government credit card.
  • Finally. (20/02/2025, 16:55) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Nothing last for Harvey. We or our leadership or not rail. The good book says 7yrs of famine and 7yrs of plenty. In the time of plenty, we should have all that we need, Airport, Sea Port, Roads, consistent water supply, great health care. Now wee didn't get those, now its famine time we are trying to get these things done and start the blame game. Lets be honest, leadership failed us for the past 40 yrs.
  • Stealth (20/02/2025, 17:06) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    The twin-pillars of the VI economy are financial services and tourism. Together they contribute more than 80% of GDP. Consequently, if one pillar, especially financial services , which contributes approximately 60% of government, stumble, the government will strain to deliver services and will have to cut services. Hopefully, government have a plan for what services will be cut if one pillar stumbles. This begs the question what services, expenses, etc will be cut if a pillar stumbles, eg, what is the priority for retirees payment? The VI needs to diversify its economy so that if one sector stumbles the whole thing does not tumble.
  • Unless the Lord builds the house (HoA) they that built it built it in vain. (20/02/2025, 17:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The topic statement you spoke on is not true.
    As I see it, only small money holders will
    But as for the rich and well to do, they will survived, but not the vast majority of B.V.I citizens.
    Stop mismaging our financial well-being.
    Stop wasting our well needed money on Music (sick amusing) Fest. Stop many other countries people better able to survive hardship the we, Premier. Stop doing that.
    Stop spending our money on radom ventures at our expense, but not your and your hand picked VIP supporters, Guyanan's colleagues, and others that are living among us.
    Most of the. Are only here to get what the can. If they are not able to get what they lusting for, they most of them will surely go somewhere else to ensure survival, if possible.

    You had you chance. You can't managed efficiently the B.V.I complex problems. They are much bigger than you and your cabinet members. Only God knows how to. However, I truly believe that the opposition leader, not want to be Hon. Myron Walwyn, but Hon. Ronnie Skelton, even though he too cannot manage the B.V.I financial complexities perfectly.

    Yes, we do need to hold on to Financial Service. It is a strong pillar of physical strength for us, especially so in a time like this as financial pressure is causing fear in the heart of nations and people's globally.
  • ok (20/02/2025, 18:26) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Then go find another industry and boost the rest before we all go down. China and Trump can say no more and poof we go down according to that statement. Cut the dependence.
  • Xxx (20/02/2025, 19:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Seems like a great trip
  • FIRE (20/02/2025, 20:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    We will just move you and back up we shall go speeding.
  • Strupes (20/02/2025, 21:28) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    It’s very sad that this delegation, except for Lorna, knows hardly anything about Financial Services. That statement made by the Premier should not have been made. Ken Baker and his entourage was just there and this is yet another trip, to
    Paint doom and gloom?
  • First class five star (21/02/2025, 06:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    More first class travel five star hotels. Lorna topping up her airmiles and getting some shopping done.
  • hmm (21/02/2025, 09:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That being said, that doesn't mean to sell out the work force of the bvi in favour of the trust companies as Lorna did earlier 2024.
  • Eldread (21/02/2025, 10:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yeah we go down, we won't be able to pay Vybz Kartel and parties for that matter. Lorna will help me find monies for parties.
  • HAHA (21/02/2025, 10:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    money for nothing for looking the other way was never going to last forever. thanks for the gravy years while enabling tax avoidance, money laundering and terrorism
  • Maria Louisa Varlack (21/02/2025, 11:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is definitely what would take place in the British Virgin Islands. You politicians in the British Virgin Islands have to be very careful with the economic outlook in the British Virgin Islands where every British Virgin Islander is concerned.

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