“I will continue to serve you” – NDP’s Myron V. Walwyn
Mr Walwyn said affirmatively, “I am not quitting,” during the NDP’s first press conference last Friday, March 1, 2019, after it lost the 2019 elections to the Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) led Virgin Islands Party (VIP).
I will serve – Walwyn
“I will continue to serve you and the territory that I love in a private capacity and will continue to help its people in the best way I can,” Mr Walwyn said. He also dispelled rumours that he will be resigning from the chairmanship of the NDP, “I will continue as the Chairman of the National Democratic Party,” he told those gathered at the press conference.
Further, Mr Walwyn expressed concerns about the personal attacks he had to endure during the campaign, “I have never seen any political candidate targeted so much like I was. I have never seen it coming from many different directions for many reasons that were personal.”
He continued, “That tells me that they see something in me. I am not quitting, they will have to deal with what they see in four years.”
Anti-defamation Laws
According to Walwyn, there is an urgent need for the implementation of anti-defamation laws in the Territory, “It is a matter that has to be looked at and it would certainly require us to revisit our defamation laws, taking into account the new reality that comes with the use of social media… The issue that you have is that you don’t know the origin of the WhatsApp messages,” he said.
The NDP Chairman firmly believes that the memes and messages targeted towards him during the 2019 elections season had a serious impact on the election, “When people see those things coming around, it operates on your mind… It’s an additional matter that you have to now consider and it confuses you and it changes the issues, because you really want to run a campaign based on issues,” he said.
During the 2019 election season, Mr Walwyn was accused of running one of the most divisive political campaigns in the history of VI politics; putting locals against foreigners and even attacking close diplomatic neighbours like the United States Virgin Islands (USVI).
43 Responses to ““I will continue to serve you” – NDP’s Myron V. Walwyn ”
Let Marlon do his job ...go make me a cup of tea
I know for sure that there is no indigenous people in the bvi but let’s move on.
Turn it over to Jesus and smile the rest of the way. I admire you a lot and pray for you so just leave everything to God
You cannot come here and talk about us, and we are supposed to sit and be quiet. Threats to leave don't move us, they only let us know just what y'all think of us. Y'all make this argument of non-inclusion, but still talk piss about leaving and 'seeing what will happen'. You left your country. What happened? Stupes man. This talk about 'building' the BVI really is annoying. We thank you for your contributions, but those contributions were not for free. We PAID salaries and wages for the job of 'building' this country when most of you didn't stay to build your own countries.
The above was not said to add fuel to the fire of the BVI/Expat argument. It was said to clear the air about this division that we so like to talk about. I know expats who live here and have more than the common BVIslander - businesses, apartment complexes, degrees, etc. Kudos to you! If you worked for it, I am more than happy to see you in your success. But this thing about BVI people not being able to say a word when others are talking down to and about us have to stop. Also this thing about BVI people not being the priority in their own country have to stop too. We cannot go to another country and expect to come first above the local and indigenous people there. WE cannot expect to take over top jobs, etc. We need to give persons their due respect in their own country!
I would like to see us return to living in peace and harmony. So can we ALL just put down our 'guns', BVIslanders and Expats alike and try to get back to living in peace and harmony. That will only come if Expats stop thinking life will be over if they left BVI and that they are the reason we are still here. We welcomed you, even though you came here because of the US dollar, peace and tranquillity, economic stability and because we in the BVI welcome all to be a part of what we have to offer. Stop behaving like you came here because you felt an obligation to build us and we will stop being hostile towards you.
We love persons from every nationality. We had children, made homes and continue to grow with same. But we should not be disrespected in our own place man. We are ALL still able to enjoy the BVI for one reason and that is by the GRACE OF GOD only. Not because you being here holds any sway. God for us all.
Many persons were surprised at the outcome of the General Election because Hon. Walwyn did not anticipate a loss at the poll. However, God works in mysterious ways and His wonders to perform. The people are the most important factor in an election. Once the people are neglected during the legislative term and the elected official concentrate on themselves, then the ballots will determine the outcome. The NDP needs to examine themselves and see where they went wrong. Sure it was not Myron leadership the only factor, it was bad stewardship of the government's money.
Oh, speaking about food, a good bite of humble pie would do him well. Too often our meekness is mistaken for weakness but we are certainly not fools. Unfortunate that he had to learn the hard way.
Myron has simply been rejected by the majority including some of his own supporters not because of where his parents are from but because of who he truly is and the major failures of his party.
I thank all of my Caribbean people who have come here, made contributions here, tried to learn about here and get along and integrate regularly with the people here. And I also salute the BVI people the majority of which have embraced our Caribbean brothers and sisters, treated them well, married them and helped them in so many ways. A few stupid bloggers including those fraudsters pretending to be BVIslanders spewing hate will never defeat the reality that the BVI has really been good to our Caribbean brothers and sisters. Immigration department has issues but that’s the same all over the world. The passport issue for those born here is an issue for all OTs. Stop all the stupid divisive comments and actually try to unite. In some Caribbean countries skin colour still have its indigenous people divided - the dark skinned and the light skinned and all kinds of other infighting. Things aren’t that bad here so stop trying to give that impression. You have to also look at how you look at a country that you migrate to - if your sole aim is to make money to assist your family back home that will be your priority so truly integrating with the people and within the country will not be your priority - but somewhere along the lines some with this mentality find all kinds of reasons why the BVI is the problem. Please stop the madness.