‘I welcome the CoI Report & its recommendations’- Opposition Leader
The CoI into governance in the Virgin Islands (VI) was announced on January 18, 2021, by controversial former governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, who handpicked its lone Commissioner and fellow United Kingdom (UK) national, Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom.
Governor Rankin in a press release on April 5, 2022, disclosed that the Commission’s Report is long and detailed with almost 1,000 pages and over 40 recommendations and noted that he would not be making any substantial statement on the Report until after the Easter holidays.
According to Hon Penn, in a press release today, April 11, 2022, he welcomes the Report “along with its recommendations, anticipating that they will be for the advancement of our territory and improve the quality of our public administration of good governance in the future.”
Hon Penn hopes CoI Report will provide strategies for advancement
The Opposition Leader noted that Albert Einstein surmised that current problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them and [Hon Penn] reasoned that there is need for new and bold solutions for modern challenges with sophisticated updated and innovative implementation strategies.
“My sincere hope is that the Commission of Inquiry report and its subsequent recommendations will provide us with such strategies.”
According to Hon Penn, his firm belief is that good governance is the cornerstone of the confidence of the VI people as they travel the challenging path towards self-determination.
17 Responses to “‘I welcome the CoI Report & its recommendations’- Opposition Leader”
Generally speaking we are in no position to reject the CoI recommdations in the report, that is in the hands of Governor J. Rankin. Remember though, one need to know what they are about to welcome before they welcome something. The contents of the CoI recommdations in the report have not as yet been released. So at this point, neither you, others, and I should should refrain from using the word welcome, prematurely. Mine opinion has been expressed. However, I think I have a glimpse what you really mean. No criticism from me to you, Hon. Marlon Penn, D8 Rep. I do respect you position of not "kicking against the pricks. Respect.