'I was working before politics' – Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines
Last evening May 28, 2015, Hon Maduro-Caines, in her usual soft tone of voice, sought to answer her critics by stating her loyalty to the district she has represented for the past three and a half years.
‘I promise to never leave you’
“Now, in this 2015 election, I am being referred to as the outgoing representative and ‘miss do nothing’. I don’t know about you but I find this to be extremely presumptuous, especially coming from someone who does not live among us. How could my opponent in good conscience assume that nothing was done in this community? Let the record show that I have always voted in District 6, I live in District 6 and I fully represented District 6! And guess what District 6? I fully intend to remain in District 6, and promise never to leave you like some do, for political gluttony!”
However, Hon Maduro-Caines, the incumbent representative and National Democratic Party (NDP) candidate, did not call any names. Two other persons are contesting the Sixth District- Elvis ‘Juggy’ Harrigan of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) and Dion M. Jennings, an Independent candidate.
Taking a swing at VIP
According to Hon Maduro-Caines, the VIP realised that running on their own record will get them no political traction, to the point that their members have allegedly now stooped to a new low with false accusations, spreading terrible rumours about the NDP’s leader’s health and last-name dropping.
She also alleged that the VIP is questioning one’s commitment to country solely based on whether or not one is a so-called indigenous BVIslander. “I’ll pause to say this because I believe it’s important; as one of the “indigenous BVIslanders” and I use that term loosely. These tactics are divisive and I find them to be distasteful and petty! Another potentially damaging tactic; are they playing the race card?”
She said there is no way one can dispute the fact that even before she ever thought of going into politics, she was working in her community and have given of her home, time and money to people who were in need of help. “So I am one politician who can say without hesitation that it did not take politics for me to represent my community, as I have a heart for people and a desire to give in whatever way I can.”
‘My lists of accomplishments are long’
Listing a long line of things she said she has done for her community over the past three and half years, Hon Maduro-Caines alluded to the refurbishing of the home of Phyliss Parillon, addressing water woes in the community, signed off contracts for erecting of retaining wall in the vicinity of Brooks' residence and for the paving of the parking lot for the burial ground in Johnson’s Ghut, among others.
“District 6, my lists of accomplishments and ongoing projects are long…You can just check the record, call Public Works or just see me and I’ll show you the amount of things that we have been able to accomplish in our District in just three and a half years!”
Hon Maduro-Caines also spoke about several initiatives in the pipe line that would be realised should she be re-elected as the Representative for the Sixth District on June 8, 2015.

44 Responses to “'I was working before politics' – Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines”
Belle Vue son!
Well if Mrs. Caines addressed issues that her entire party NEEDED her to address then I would be fine. But she went up there and talked about last names and place of origins. NO ONE CARES about who last name from where or where who live and where who vote. Stick with the ISSUES!
But i suppose Alvera is incapable of doing so, so it is probably best she talks about high school gossip.
Dear Hon. Maduro-Caines,
Thank you for the three and half useless years of service. We the people of the sixth district (or what you will call Z6NE) deserves better representation.
We understand that you were only there to make up numbers for the NDP at the time, but your time has come to and end.
We want a mature person as our representative. Someone who don't get caught up in the hype of social media to the extent of being childish.
Again, thank you for just making up numbers, you are now dismissed.
The citizens of the Sixth District
Alvera your NDP candidate is the only one going up the stickett long look And making a hour speech about who is the real this and that when the other opponent went and stated her future and well being along with plAns and intended efforts for the 7th district. Don't be a sour puppy doll with all that weave and make up looking like a wimpy kid up there chatting bull£"$%. I tired off all this mud slinging you host a @""rally" to talk bout wa other people doing how many people running with u?? Get a grip if u don't have nothing to talk bout do like what you been doing for the past 3.5 years take a back row seAt and go motivate your s*n to stop s**l and s***e d**gs. What happen to that case he have pending for being caught with it?? Oops I forgot its political season and you're a NDP they got to keep that one under wrap!!