‘I was surprised to be appointed Deputy Governor’- David D. Archer

The Virgin Islander was at the time being interviewed on Sunday March 18, 2018 on the online radio station Fresh Radio Vybz with Paul A. Peart aka ‘Gadiethz.’
When asked by the host, if he was surprised to have been appointed DG, in response Mr Archer said, “…do you mind if I smile a bit? Yes, I was surprised, because it was never guaranteed that I will get such a job…normally, these jobs at these levels are taken up by persons of more seasoned age, I was surprised I was given an opportunity...”
Mr Archer stated that because he was given an opportunity, it means “the Virgin Islands is moving in the right direction.”
He said “I believe I am qualified to serve in my current role and current capacity that came through lots of hard work and lots of preparations….”
No mandate to cut the civil service- Archer
Meanwhile, when asked by Mr Peart about cuts in the civil service, Mr Archer said “I was not given a mandate to cut the civil service or to cut anyone’s salary but the mandate I have is to transform the public service and make it better.”
One of the demands by the United Kingdom Government in order for the Territory to obtain loan guarantees for the recovery, post hurricanes Irma and Maria, is to reform the public sector, which is usually the code word for downsizing or cutting.
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) is a big advocate for the terms and conditions, despite rebel backbenchers within his own National Democratic Party opposing the terms and conditions.
On March 15, 2018 Dr Smith presented the Bill to Parliament entitled, the Virgin Islands Recovery & Development Agency Act 2018.

31 Responses to “‘I was surprised to be appointed Deputy Governor’- David D. Archer”
He had been doing the job for a long, long time. If you are honest you would know that too!
Well deserving!
Dude you l**! You were been groomed for 3 years for the position.
How can you be surprised when you were sent away for training specifically for the position. How are you surprised when it was common knowledge within the DGO that you were returning for the post. How are you surprised when the civil service knew that Mrs. A was holding on until your return. Stop telling l>>>>!!
God help us!
Leave David Archer alone, help him and our politicians by your positivity to bring this country out of the doldrums. We need each other not just who you favor. Give credit where credit is due and pray for and help those who are going through a rough leadership. Hold the hands of your leadership and encourage them to be good and decent. It is time that you stop the bashing.
to the door to the offices to see about making an arrangment to talk to the Governor. I stood there for about 20
minutes and repeatedly, within reason, sounded the bell and my presence. no one answered. Wish you the best.
Pip pip cheerio!
Young boy wait your turn, it will come , stop the RUSH......