‘I was quoting a request’ for the 2 laptops- Hon Fraser
On Thursday, May 28, 2020, Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) quoted Mr Fraser as saying, “I am getting requests for computers. I mean it's like, in my household, I have two children and I need two laptops, so I asked the Minister about it [and] he told me that they are getting involved in a programme where they would loan laptops to the kids but I haven't seen [and] heard anything about it since."
However, according to the veteran politician, he was not referring to himself, rather, retelling the story of a parent who has now found themself on the bitter end of the digital divide.
Online learning the new reality
As online learning soars in a world of COVID-19, this digital divide is now putting many children in the Virgin Islands at a disadvantage for not having access to computers, tablets or other devices to take advantage of digital learning.
Hon Fraser, in a Tuesday, May 26, 2020, online meeting said, “The online learning for our kids, we had a computer programme for the kids before, what happened to the computers?” he said.
“Now we go into the lockdown where the kids have to do their work at home and we are finding out that they don’t have computers, they don’t even have data!”
Mr Fraser noted that although carriers are offering data services and free data, he pointed out that persons would still need to subscribe to a plan in order take advantage of those offers, “some of the parents don’t have it, a lot of them don’t have laptops!” he said.
According to Hon Fraser, nobody bargained for COVID-19 and the new realities; however, he said the Government needs to provide answers, data on the challenges and also solutions.
More scholarships needed - Hon Fraser
Hon Fraser also supported the call for more scholarships to be given to the people of the Territory and the revival of the VI’s ‘scholarship programme,’ where guaranteed scholarships were offered.
“I am totally behind the request for scholarships, that’s how this county was built and there is absolutely no reason for it to change”.
He said scholarships are and will remain a catalyst for many of the people in the Territory, especially the youths. “We have to get back to that!”
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