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I was overwhelmed with tears’ on tour of slave trade post in Accra, Ghana- Hon Turnbull

Second District Representative Hon Melvin M. Turnbull did an emotional reflection of this his recent trip to Ghana, Africa in the House of Assembly on October 13, 2023. Photo: HoA/YouTube
Slavery is now recognised as the biggest crime against humanity and the genocide of Blacks from Africa conducted by European countries, the USA and others. Photo:
Slavery is now recognised as the biggest crime against humanity and the genocide of Blacks from Africa conducted by European countries, the USA and others. Photo:
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- It was at the Special Sitting on Friday, October 13, 2023, in the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) where a resolution was brought to name 10 national heroes and 'sheroes' when Second District Representative Hon Melvin M. Turnbull reflected on his recent trip to Ghana, Africa.

Hon Turnbull, along with a delegation led by the Speaker of the HoA Honourable Corine N. George-Massicotte, was in Accra, Ghana, Africa attending the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPA) (September 30- October 6, 2023).

The Second District Representative noted that while he has been in Africa before, this particular trip to Ghana, “has been one of the most humbling experiences that I have ever had in my life.”

He noted that while he went to high school in the United States of America and to a historically Black college and understood and read about the “history of slavery and read about the history about what we as a people had to endure, this was the first time in my life that I was able to stand in the very place where persons that looked like me” and seen what they went through during the slave trade.

I was 'overwhelmed with tears'- Hon Turnbull

Hon Turnbull noted that he took a tour of a slave trading post in Jamestown, Accra in Ghana, which was an “underground tunnel built by the colonel masters to transport slaves" to the USA and European countries, which he described as the “path to nowhere.”

He said it was “five steps to get to the bottom then you make a left turn and once you make that left turn, it turns completely black, you can’t even see your hand”. The legislator noted that slaves were transported from that location out to the ocean where they were most times “drowned or taken on the boats and thrown overboard”. 

I stood there and “became overwhelmed with tears. I stood there and tried to appreciate what our ancestors and foreparents went through."

We are 'bonded together'- Ghana President

The former Minister for Natural Resources and Labour (2022-2023) said he also had the opportunity to sit with the President of Ghana, Hon Nana Akufo Addo whose message to the leaders of the small CPA branches of the Caribbean and Latin America was that despite the many differences we are all bonded together by a common heritage of our past and that despite the abuse during the slave trade, “we can achieve anything that we hope for our people once we unite.”

Slavery is now recognised as the biggest crime against humanity and the genocide of Blacks from Africa conducted by European countries, the USA and others.

39 Responses to “I was overwhelmed with tears’ on tour of slave trade post in Accra, Ghana- Hon Turnbull”

  • bvibuzz (18/10/2023, 09:59) Like (1) Dislike (12) Reply
    Well i guess there is no need to pay no attention to the coi it’s slavery over and over again. Premier invest More from coi fear mongering.
  • bb (18/10/2023, 10:05) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    It is truly a sad time in history and I'm sure at some point we all shed tears for what our foreparents endured. Present Day: Slavery still exist against other races and nationality, and this time our very own black men are the slave masters. Have we not learn anything? To treat each other better? I've seen and heard the way the black men talk down and treat the other races. Bosses to expats employees. Local employees to expat employees. It is truly a sad time present day.
    • Citizen (18/10/2023, 15:09) Like (10) Dislike (9) Reply
      Why it's always how expat are treated. Do you know how the expat bosses treat the locals in their own country, terrible. Don't even talk about how the white staff (slave masters) treats the black coworkers. I do not Think expats should buy lands and own homes once they are on work permits. You cannot do that in some countries.
    • @bb (18/10/2023, 15:33) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      Tell him, don't forget HOW the black man slave masters and the Africans treat others' in relationships and family settings STILL today, he crying about history but he ain't crying bout that! Domestic Violence is the new slavery
  • Read more... (18/10/2023, 10:12) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    I guess you have never heard of the book, HOMEGOING by YAA GYASI.
  • jack@$$ (18/10/2023, 10:21) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    We understand brother.
  • 2023 (18/10/2023, 10:42) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    it is very fascinating that some among us is looking forward for the return of the slave masters

    some among us have forgotten the whips; the chains and the murdering of our ancestors by the those slave masters

    DO you really think if Great Britain take over this British Overseas Territory that living will get better for the West Indians who call this land they home

    put more competent people in government offices

    • Styler (18/10/2023, 12:15) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
      You are so correct it will never be the same and some people so dam stupid they calling for Britain to come in they will never have their freedom again, some Caribbean people can go home but where will the BVI people go, some may go America but for how long? They just need to stop calling Britain and work with there government and encourage them.
    • @2023 (18/10/2023, 13:45) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
      @2023: Sadly my brother, many of our black brothers and sisters are still mentally enslaved and conditioned to believe whites can do it best. Smh. I boil with anger when I hear Virgin Islanders calling for our Constitution to be suspended. I am not surprised when many living among us call for it to be suspended believing that it would benefit them to see the BVI recolonised. Such is what traitors do. But to hear Virgin Islanders do so, as I said, just makes me angry.
  • Mirror (18/10/2023, 11:09) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pana saw himself from the life before and now instead of him trying to take his people from under his colonial masters he there like a wimpy power hungry kid forgetting his purpose.

  • The TRUTH (18/10/2023, 11:17) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    Crocodile tears.
    • Hmm (23/10/2023, 09:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      It is always an excellent opportunity to take along your wife on government travel Smmmhh......
  • Hello Somebody (18/10/2023, 11:35) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please my friend there are pieces of the same horrific puzzle right here in Tortola. Have you ever been to the dungeon at Pock Wood Pond? These sites have been deliberately ignored because they do not fit into the colonial agenda. That same underground cell of total darkness is right there in Pock Wood Pond also. Y'all have been so busy suppressing your history and fighting against black consciousness that you have forgotten your identity. If you were to clear the ruins at this site you will find scenes that also invoke the same emotions. It's a shame that you all are in the house of assembly talking about fore parents and ancestors while their message and drawings that depict their journey of slavery have probably been all but lost having been ignored by brainwashed descendants whose interest is in becoming just like the enslavers to once again plunder and rape our country and people. The story of modern day Virgin Islands is just as sad as slavery days.
    • Thank you @Hello Somebody (18/10/2023, 15:10) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not to mention that the images of the British officers in their red regalia seems to have been washed off the walls of that same pockwood pond dungeon. We can easily trace back the exact regiment based on their uniform alone.
  • kpt (18/10/2023, 11:46) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
    @2023 Jack$$ as bad as it was Slavery is a part of our history it’s time to let it go it’s not going to get you anywhere.
  • —————————- (18/10/2023, 11:56) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
    Mitch we crying all now because john ranking working hard on we to put us back there
  • First class flight (18/10/2023, 12:05) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    It took a trip for him to understand the gravity of the AST? Please go to h311 with those crocodile tears.
  • HMMM (18/10/2023, 12:55) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    He forget how he and his family was helping the slave master hoping to get power.
    • @hmmm (18/10/2023, 14:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Dem send daddy & uncle to have secret meetings with the colonial master by night to sell us out thinking they would put them in charge of the country after the COI. You can't trust this guy because he does things to always make us believe his hands are clean. What a wicked minded man.
    • @hmmm (18/10/2023, 16:20) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Wow you mean carrying news to the white house ?
  • Manjack (18/10/2023, 12:59) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Entering and exiting the tunnel was the point of no return. They never saw their homeland or families again. From there, they were loaded into and shackled into a cargo ships holes and transported across the Atlantic in the most horrific conditions, wallowing in their urine and shit. The ones who took ill were fling overboard to a watery grave. If Only the Atlantic could talk. The strong ones that survived the horrific trip were auction off like cattle. On the sugar, cotton, indigo, etc plantations, they worked from sun up to sun down, whopped for faltering production, etc., underfed, poorly housed, provided poor healthcare, if any, raped, deprived of basic human rights, ie, liberties, freedoms, etc, deprived deliberately from learning how to read, write, and do arithmetic, dehumanized, etc. They and their offsprings (slavery was permanent, passing from parents to children) labour build countries economies, personal wealth, source funded the Industrial Revolution, built industries, ie, banking, insurance, transportation, communications, education, etc industries, etc, fueled social Darwinism racial superiority. And this is just the tip of iceberg of the atrocities of the slave trade, slavery, and colonialism.
    • @Manjack (18/10/2023, 15:57) Like (0) Dislike (9) Reply
      @Manjack, that is pure fancy, and sensationalism. This scenario you painted is too horrific to be true.
    • raw (18/10/2023, 16:12) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Manjack, this blog was brutally raw, horrific, stomach churning, eye watering, pricking conscience, compassion , concerning, of the hardest of heart, if they have a heart. Question??? How can people say that slavery was not so bad and slaves learnt beneficial skills and colonialism was good for the colonies?
      • Sambo (19/10/2023, 05:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ Raw, the Sambos believe that slavery, colonialism was not so bad because they fell under the Colonialists spell, web, and got conditioned and brained washed to believing that slave masters’ aim was looking out for their( Sambos) interest and well-being. Some of my schoolmates and friends suffer disappointingly from a severe and seemingly hopeless case of the Stockholm Syndrome. They thirst for and consume, gulping down,
        the divide and rule cool aid- The planned ignorance plan of depriving slaves and their descendants of the opportunity of learning how to read, write and do arithmetic was to keep them dumb and you can control them.

        The colonial government in England sanctioned this planned ignorance initiative. They did not put forth any initial effort to provide even basic education, for slaves and descendants were subhuman and therefore inferior and mentally challenged. The Methodist and Anglican churches took the lead in providing basic education; the colonial government, embarrassed, reluctantly followed. Taking over education from the churches, they showed no interest in going beyond a primary school education( Seven Standard certificate) for a select few. Nevertheless, they showed great interest in and invested in Her/His Majesty’s Prisons. They are highly visible up and down the former West Indian colonies. Most of these countries though independent are still under the web of colonialism by having the UK monarch as head of state, an anachronism at best.

        Though eager to invest in HMP to lock up the beasts, where are the His/ Her Majesty High Schools? Let’s continue drinking the cool aid? It was George Hegel who wrote, “ he that values life over liberty is the slave. And he that values liberty over life is the master.” Hegel also wrote that people are enslaved because they acquiesce, are docile, weak, lacking the will to resist. Thus, they are enslave, reenslaved, etc.

        The BVI is headed head long into recolonization, reenslavement ., etc, with Virgin Islanders becoming powerless, landless, in their homeland. It is coming. The disunity, altruism to false interests promises of Mount Olympus, etc is accelerating the pace of powerlessness. The Venerable J. R. O’Neal aka Jose in his master piece Life Notes tell the story that during a Wickhams Cay give away discussion questioned former Administrator Martin Stavely ( who got crimson red) about the New Jerusalem situation being instituted, ie, locals on one side of the dividing ditch, the dividing line, between the Tortola Mainland and Wickhams Cay paying duty, but the whites, the apartheid practitioners/schemers on Wickhams Cay, the New Jerusalem paying no duty. National hero Noel Lloyd and PAM ‘s Action scuttled that plan, give way, etc. The giveway was engineered by the Administrator who at the time was in charge of BVI finance. Finance was transferred from the administrator/ Governor to local government under the Dr. Williard Wheatley Administration in 1979.
        • Revisionist (19/10/2023, 10:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          To sambo, you are the biggest Chicken Little, the sky is fallen, false alarmist , history revisionist, make believelist around. Got to give it to you, you got an active vivid imagination. You got any facts with your assertion? For example, the UK government I think always provide public education, did it not? Did not those convict had due process in a court of law under the long held rule of law premise? I got to find JR Oneal Life Notes to check the New Jerusalem claim. In Hard Times, Mr. Gradgrind focus on the facts, facts, facts.
  • @Why (18/10/2023, 13:38) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    • @@Why (18/10/2023, 14:31) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      @@Why, are you comparing the growth of bush in Brewers Bay with the atrocities of slavery??? There is no comparison. The bush growth may be an inconvenience and and a safety hazard and not aesthetically pleasing but is nothing compared to the dehumanizing atrocities of slavery. Undoubtedly, our elected officials must take off the basic needs of their districts, as a minimum.
  • rubbish (18/10/2023, 13:53) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    While you were galavanting with your spouse in Africa on taxpayer's dime, the real tears are cried in the BVI because even working people are struggling like hell to make ends meet. You are a waste, go and find a seat!
    • @rubbish (18/10/2023, 14:40) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      You're on point. We have no where to turn. Every minute the Governor traveling. The Commissioner of Police traveling. The Government traveling. The Opposition traveling. Well hell we the people are left alone to fend for ourselves. I geuss the people done gone independent of all of them long ago.
    • @ rubbish (18/10/2023, 15:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ok crazy Cindy you uncle Tom that's why you end up with a white man
  • Ho well (18/10/2023, 14:09) Like (4) Dislike (17) Reply
    Stay in your past BVI
    us we going forward
  • Why (18/10/2023, 14:17) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Many people go to those places or see the chains made for children and break down in tears.

    It was not right. Similar to the nuclear bombs on Japanese civilian cities and the concentration camps of Germany it was not right & we need to honor that fact.

    Why all the hate as if it is a joke.

    People who joke about it and minimize it while being the very foundation of the Virgin Islands & wider Caribbean need to go where the politician went and be humbled. An atheist might make a shrine afterwards.

    unimaginable suffering of hundreds of thousands of people.
  • Xxx (18/10/2023, 15:15) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mitch your point is strong so do not mine the chatter we with you and share tears too
  • THE PSYCHO (18/10/2023, 17:07) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    Gorne on his racist blogging escapade again
  • Well Sah (18/10/2023, 17:11) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    my man out here with yet another "delegation" no doubt flying first class on our dime and he needs all that to feel what slavery means? we living it every day right now
  • HMMM (18/10/2023, 19:18) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Slavery still exists here in the BVI , please come and visit Rosewood little dix bay - talk to the black staff
  • ok (18/10/2023, 21:12) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Cry tears for the 2nd district you imbecile.

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