‘I want to find the person who drafted the Police Bill!’- Hon Fraser
Speaking during a Community meeting held at Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay on Thursday, February 16, 2023, Hon Fraser is highlighting several concerns with the proposed legislation, indicated that he does not know who drafted the legislation.
“The more I look at the bill, the more I want to find the person who draft the bill, because we can't find the people who draft the bill.”
He reminded that the people of the VI elected 13 legislators to make laws to govern the territory, however, legislators are reduced to just passing bills that are already drafted.
Legislators don't draft laws - Hon Fraser
“But what's funny about this whole thing is that the legislators don't draft the bills, and that's unfortunate. These things show up and we are expected to pass them,” he said.
He said however if the people of the VI don’t want legislators to pass a bill, they still have the power to say no to any proposed legislation.
During his presentation, Hon Fraser highlighted concerns regarding no-warrant access to the property, DNA sampling, giving the police powers to intercept communication between clients & lawyers, and the protection of the right to silence.
“I'm not blaming the police... I'm blaming the people who draft the law and try to give it to us the pass,” told the people at the community meetings regarding the proposed amendments in the bill.
23 Responses to “‘I want to find the person who drafted the Police Bill!’- Hon Fraser”
Introduction of Bills, etc
78.—(1) Subject to this Constitution and the Standing Orders of the House of Assembly, any
member may introduce any Bill or propose any motion for debate in, or may present any petition
to, the House, and the same shall be debated and disposed of according to the Standing Orders of
the House.
The Virgin Islands need to get up and stand up against this Bill or shut and suffer the consequences in 2023. It really does not matter who the hell wrote it. You cannot blindness blindness fool fool pass legislation you all in the HoA didn't write. But then again John Bull could pass laws from yore.
So his hair style is more important than this bill which is of national concern. This is the @£$ thinking that has us where we are today. Keep it up.