‘I stand by statement Hon Fraser could be next Premier’- Bishop John I. Cline
It was last week January 7, 2015 on the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) radio show ‘Let’s Talk’ when Hon Fraser took to the airways and lashed out against some of the BVI Health Services Authority’s polices in which the turning over of land was on the table for negotiation to pay outstanding medical debts of residents.
Days after the Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) Board, Bishop John I. Cline, fired back claiming that the veteran legislator misspoke and denied that is the case in the statutory organisation he oversees.
It led to widespread speculation that a rift and tension had developed between the two who have enjoyed a strong bond over helping youths and being co-founders of the most popular and much sought after sporting event- the Hon Julian Fraser Save the Seed National Basketball League.
In a deliberate attempt to put those speculations to rest, Bishop Cline in an exclusive interview with our news room confirmed that “there is no rift between me and Honourable Fraser,” he said with conviction.
Basketball League standing strong
When asked if the war of words will affect one of the signature events of both men, the Hon Fraser Save the Seed Basketball League, the senior pastor told our news room, “Not at all. I don’t think so. I think that within a political season you hear different things that one must respond to... I think that all of us are adult enough to respond respectfully and in a way that preserves relationships at the end of the day.”
The basketball league, which is backed by corporate giants like Digicel (BVI) Ltd., NAGICO Insurances, National Bank of the Virgin Islands, International Motors, Caribbean Insurers, Virgin Islands Motors, Nanny Cay Hotel and Marina, CIBC Caribbean International Bank, D & B Heavy Equipment Services, Ogier and Burke’s Garage Ltd among many others, is in its second year.
Bishop Cline said he and Hon Fraser “would not agree on everything and I don’t think that everyone would expect us to agree on everything and everyone knows that I am vocal.”
The religious leader and author of a bestselling book 'The Monogamy Mystery – Natural/Unnatural' went on to state, “while we wouldn't agree on everything I think the relationship that we have built affords us having differences of opinion”.
Fraser could be next Premier-Cline
It was last year that Bishop Cline turned heads in his political party, the ruling National Democratic Party, when he stated publicly that Hon Julian Fraser could be the next Premier of the Virgin Islands.
When asked a year later on January 12, 2015 if he still stands by his statement, he said “definitely yes”. He went on to elaborate that “Hon Fraser is the leader of the VIP so you cannot underestimate the people of the BVI, so him being in that position puts him in a position where he can be elected and I don’t think that’s above what anyone can think, it’s a possibility of course.”
On July 2014 at a press conference to launch the basketball league, both Hon Fraser and Bishop Cline said the league is more than basketball.
In his remarks, co-founder Bishop Cline told reporters "this league as we move forward we expect great things from it. It's not just about basketball. It's about youth development; it’s about character building; it’s about nation building. At the end of the day what we want is to have a community where we play our part in producing young people who are healthy, respectful and know how to live in unity with one another and we believe the individual character building will spill over into nation building," Bishop Cline had stated.
28 Responses to “‘I stand by statement Hon Fraser could be next Premier’- Bishop John I. Cline”
Of course he could be....he's running isn't he???
Can't bite the hand dat feeding yo.
VIP or NDP he has a foot-in-door