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‘I see brighter days ahead for agricultural production’- Hon Dawson

Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries Dr the Hon Karl Dawson (R1) has said the Government of the [British] Virgin Islands (VI) remains committed to the principles of food sovereignty and food security and to ensuring a far greater capacity to feed 'ourselves' than currently obtains. Photo: GIS
Government is in the process of developing the comprehensive plan for agriculture and fisheries in the Territory. Photo: Facebook/File
Government is in the process of developing the comprehensive plan for agriculture and fisheries in the Territory. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries Dr the Hon Karl Dawson (R1) has said the Government of the [British] Virgin Islands (VI) remains committed to the principles of food sovereignty and food security and to ensuring a far greater capacity to feed “ourselves” than currently obtains.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, March 15, 2024, Dr Dawson said various plans and activities are in place to help the VI achieve that goal, including, bringing into force the Virgin Islands Food Security and Sustainability Act and the resulting statutory body, the Virgin Islands Agriculture and Fisheries Marketing Authority, the provision of a reservoir for agricultural purposes at Paraquita Bay, regularisation of the use of farm plots on at Paraquita Bay, assignment of farm plots on other islands, and the development of the agricultural complex.

‘Comprehensive plan’ for agriculture

He also said Government is in the process of developing the comprehensive plan for agriculture and fisheries in the Territory.

“This process has been informed by public meetings with farmers held since I assumed responsibility, relevant documents, such as the Virgin Islands Sustainable Development Plan, the Blue Economy Road Map, regional initiatives, as well as the work plans established by the Department of Agriculture.”

According to Dr Dawson, this plan will bring together these various elements into a singular document that can guide the sectors. He said this plan will be completed in the second quarter of this year, including consultations with stakeholders around the proposed plan.

‘Brighter days ahead’- Dr Dawson

The Junior Minister said Government is also working on long-term and short-term solutions for farmers surrounding water, particularly at the Paraquita Bay Farms. He added that the reservoir project continues on track and more resources are being deployed to address the issues around the distribution system.”

“I see brighter days ahead for agricultural production as we are on the way to addressing the water issue particularly at Paraquita Bay, making more land available for farming, building a stronger community among those producing in the sector, and building more support in the form of training,” Dr Dawson stated.

20 Responses to “‘I see brighter days ahead for agricultural production’- Hon Dawson”

  • Bird (17/03/2024, 15:07) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is the agricultural plan, one year, five year, ten year, twenty year plans all we here about are we plan to do a study here there and everywhere but no plans are been bought fourth.
    • Good Question (19/03/2024, 12:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      The plan is sheep the premier and he. Don’t worry about who is proposing a way forward. The deal is already made. Screenshot this comment. It will come up again!
  • Me (17/03/2024, 15:31) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Boi stop it.Last week you "no plans ahead now you here talking piss.If the.people the BVI keep listening to the likes of this idiot we.all going to hell in a basket
  • Politics & Religion (17/03/2024, 16:20) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    They do not mix. You are contradicting yourself. Speak truthfully. The VIP government has NO PLANS for agriculture.
  • I SEE SAID THE BLIND MAN (17/03/2024, 16:45) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Lettsome Rabsatt Smith Leonard (17/03/2024, 16:59) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon Dawson:
    Siir Im tired of the talking, just make it happen!
    • Well saw. (18/03/2024, 00:24) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      Some thing about this administration seems off. They are not getting any meaningful things done..Leave me to wonder is it lock of commitment, no interest, no know how, weak leadership, or internal sabotage. Because they are no progress.
  • Tadow (17/03/2024, 21:23) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Dawson, BS, hot air. Where is the plan?
  • @ I CAN SEE SAID THE BLIND MAN MAN (17/03/2024, 22:05) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    I like the way you put it ???? I think he meant the home grown weed OR he getting high on the smoke from the Incinerator ????
  • HMMM (18/03/2024, 06:16) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply

    Mr last week you said there is no plans for Agriculture,now all of a sudden you seeing brighter days ahead for Agriculture! Sir is your brain ok?!! You think this a game or a big joke?!! I'm literally getting more scared that we have you as a leader!! WTF is going on with you Boss?! Stand the *&%% down if you can't handle your position!! Go home and drink se&***,cause that's all you guys do!!Set of &^%$ waste!!!!

    • @ Hmm. Herritage spoil them. (18/03/2024, 07:28) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Then they run to Heritage with a big package deal for him and get nothing but soft ball questions..If money can change the big Bad red Tola Rasta man. Leave the politicians. Money seems like it can change anyone.Don't mind Cindy they scared of her now until she start getting the big money offer then they become the wind and she becomes the feather... "The Money"
  • Well (18/03/2024, 08:38) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    We hope is is not starting to tell little lies. Not good for a preacher
  • waste of time (18/03/2024, 08:58) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Waste of time voting for you......The only thing you speak about is agriculture agriculture. What is the plan for your district?? Roads need fixing, schools need attention, ferry terminal needs addressing. i haven't seen you done anything in the district other than Carrot Bay Cultural events. Waste Of A Vote!!!!!! We miss Fahie!!!!
  • Fed Up (18/03/2024, 10:44) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Karl Dawson I am so disappointed in you. Do what's right and let your work so shine so it may glorify our father in heaven. You all are not helping the farmers. So much things to do and not a help. Sick and disgust of you and the rest.
  • politricks (18/03/2024, 12:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please give him a chance to consult with the agricultural consultant. Surely these two brilliant minds must have more in store than what is currently being presented.
  • hh (18/03/2024, 13:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Only you see that because your glasses are brand new.
  • AI (18/03/2024, 15:13) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wont be attending church if this fork tongue man is preaching.You can't serve two masters
  • Begging (18/03/2024, 18:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lord I tired beg for water you all not serious about Agriculture. We talk hot air no substance. Agriculture was very poor this year carrot bay does be better than what we had this year. Poor poor poor poor.
  • woah (19/03/2024, 08:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well if you having problems with all these people I know firmly now I was not the problem. I never expect to butt up but here we are. Three sides to every story.
  • Consult (19/03/2024, 17:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    for30 years ayo man saying the same dam thing and nothing happening here mehson stop wasting people time with emty promises and fix the dam roads them and clean up the place

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