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‘I now feel vindicated’- Dr Smith on $10M BVIA arbitration ruling

-despite $7.2M of VI taxpayer’s money still missing
Former Virgin Islands (VI) Premier, Dr D. Orlando Smith, says he now feels vindicated following an arbitration ruling where the Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) has successfully defeated a claim worth in excess of $10 million from BV Airways Inc (BVIA). Photo: VINO/File
The failed airline project was one under the former National Democratic Party (NDP) Government led by ex-Premier Smith to connect Miami and Tortola with direct flights however, despite $7.2M of taxpayer’s monies being injected, the project never bore fruit. Photo: Facebook
The failed airline project was one under the former National Democratic Party (NDP) Government led by ex-Premier Smith to connect Miami and Tortola with direct flights however, despite $7.2M of taxpayer’s monies being injected, the project never bore fruit. Photo: Facebook
Current Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) as part of statements on the win called the arbitration ruling an important victory and says his government intends to pursue the wrongdoers in the VI Courts to recover damages and losses suffered relating to the project after a counterclaim by the VI Government was also dismissed. Photo: VINO/BVI Airways
Current Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) as part of statements on the win called the arbitration ruling an important victory and says his government intends to pursue the wrongdoers in the VI Courts to recover damages and losses suffered relating to the project after a counterclaim by the VI Government was also dismissed. Photo: VINO/BVI Airways
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Former Virgin Islands (VI) Premier, Dr D. Orlando Smith, says he now feels vindicated following an arbitration ruling where the Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) has successfully defeated a claim worth in excess of $10 million from BV Airways Inc (BVIA).

The failed airline project was one under the former National Democratic Party (NDP) Government led by ex-Premier Smith to connect Miami and Tortola with direct flights however, despite $7.2M of taxpayer’s monies being injected, the project never bore fruit.

A release from the Government Information Service (GIS) said the ruling was handed down yesterday, May 14, 2021, where the Arbitrator rejected all claims made against the BVI Government by BV Airways Inc (“BVIA”) and Colchester Aviation LLC (“Colchester”), thus saving the Government from having to pay claims worth in excess $10M. 

$7.2M still to be recovered

However, despite the $7.2M investment of taxpayer’s money still missing, for ex-Premier Smith, the arbitration ruling was enough for him to feel vindicated after what he called ‘a long hard fight’.

In a statement released last evening, May 13, 2021, Dr. Smith said "I am pleased that after retaining Martin Kenney and Associates in 2018 under my Administration to begin proceedings against BVI Airways that would lead to recovery of BVI Government funds, that the arbitration proceedings were successful with the Arbitrator finding in favour of Government.” 

While Dr. Smith admitted that more legal battles will still have to come, he said the ruling however, shows that “in 2015 my administration acted in the best interest of the BVI in our efforts to introduce direct flights from the US to BVI.”

Dr. Smith further added that he is happy that Arbitrator found the then Government upheld their end of the arrangements, “and I now feel vindicated,” he said

No stone will be left unturned – Premier Fahie

Current Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) as part of statements on the win called the arbitration ruling an important victory in a statement released yesterday, May 14, 2021.

While a counterclaim by the VI Government was also dismissed as part of the ruling, Premier Fahie said his government now intends to pursue the wrongdoers in the VI Courts to recover damages and losses suffered relating to the project.

Premier Fahie added, “I want to assure the people of the Virgin Islands that your Government will leave no stone unturned in its pursuit of the recovery of the sums paid to Colchester, BVIA, and individuals connected with those companies,” he said.

Missing planes previously found

Meanwhile, on February 25, 2020, the Premier during a HoA sitting revealed that investigators at the fraud and asset recovery law firm of Martin Kenney & Co Solicitors (MKS) found that the two BAe Avro airplanes acquired in 2016 by BV Airways (BVA) for the BVI Airways Project were sold to the original supplier of the planes, Tronosjet of Prince Edward Island, Canada.

“These planes appear to have been resold in the market and are now being flown by operators based in Missoula, Montana and Australia," Premier Fahie stated in assuring that the recovery of the $7.2M monies will be aggressively pursued. 

See previous VINO article on the full arbitration ruling HERE

26 Responses to “‘I now feel vindicated’- Dr Smith on $10M BVIA arbitration ruling”

  • See (15/05/2021, 15:14) Like (22) Dislike (12) Reply
    Vindicated ?????? Where's. the 7 million ??
  • omg (15/05/2021, 15:23) Like (21) Dislike (21) Reply
    So foy was trying to take al the credit?
    • cgb (15/05/2021, 15:51) Like (27) Dislike (22) Reply
      If foy didn't pursue the project you think we would reach this point? NDP was trying to sweep it under the carpet.
      • @CGB (15/05/2021, 19:58) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
        Read read read or I s it a matter of comprehension and knowledge of previously published...facts...such as the NDP retained the law firm and started the proceedings..
    • @-wow (15/05/2021, 20:01) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
      Yes.a window into his soul and evidence of his innate character of dishonesty at a time when a COI targeting jim and his Gov is under scrutiny.
  • ccc (15/05/2021, 15:27) Like (27) Dislike (10) Reply
    He should be ashamed where is our 7.2 m and the planes. No one is locked up
  • NICK (15/05/2021, 15:34) Like (19) Dislike (5) Reply
    still 7 millions missing.
    • And Fisher and Farmer (15/05/2021, 17:19) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
      So, $6.2 million have gone to support agriculture and fish industries in the last year.....who's asking where this has dissolved to? Because, it's not being seen in the marketplace.
      Or perhaps, because none of the voters in districts directly benefited from the $7.2....
  • My girl (15/05/2021, 15:50) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    So there you have it, he feels vindicated that his government name clare but the money still missing.
  • yea right (15/05/2021, 16:05) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    where the people tax money remember NDP government in the sunshine what a shady transaction how much money went toward legal fees in this matter
  • Ghost (15/05/2021, 16:14) Like (14) Dislike (16) Reply
    This vindication that doc feels is such a JOKE.. they left their mess for the VIP to clean up and now he wants to take credit.. Shane on you.. ok so we won the arbitration thanks to Premier Fahie but where is the $7.2 millions and the planes that are still missing .. doc saying this is very annoying .. and still to this day not one person is held accountable.. yes I will always give him kudos for what all he did in the role of a doctor but as our Premier - bad taste will forever be there.
    • @ghost (15/05/2021, 19:49) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      Your queries c were c answered in the very comprehensive announcement regarding the outcome of the case.
      Re read and comprehend with an open mind for truth and reality.
  • @ U ALL (15/05/2021, 19:00) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
    Let the man breathe / the best of us makes mistakes he was up against some experience hustlers and he got played / you HYPOCRITES are acting like he pocketed the $$ / and what is wrong when the truth is revealed to everyone ? / anyone has the right to feel vindicated if what was thrown at them is found to be untrue / now its recovery time SO GO TAKE a bath
  • Lucifer (15/05/2021, 20:17) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    So is stupidity a better defence than corruption? All this proves is that they got played which I’m not sure is a good look when we are supposed to have faith in our politicians to be looking out for us
  • $$$$ (15/05/2021, 22:47) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    Trying to fool the people again ndp must go
  • Rubber Duck (16/05/2021, 01:22) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    One of the villains in this piece is the former lawyer, a BVIslander living in the USA, who was paid to represent BVIs interest in the setting up of the airline. Investigations have revealed that this lawyer while being paid by BVI to make sure the deal was proper ,was also paid almost $250,000 by the perpetrators of this scam, the airline owners, to mislead the Government of the BVI.
  • @ rubber duck (16/05/2021, 04:10) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is nothing new it happened in the Penn\ Stevens land case. BVI rotten to the core. How can we expect a bright and prosperous future when we are built on sin. Looking at the bigger picture remember the response to the question of reparation.
  • @ Lucifer (16/05/2021, 06:50) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    so you are an expert ? It's not stupidity mr wise , even players gets played
    sometimes / he was accused of stealing the $$$ and now truth is know , anybody that their name was cleared from You and other accusers WHO PLAYING JUDGE JURY AND EXCUTIONERS . ( let the process begin to find out who all are are part of the scam / then you can get something real to open your trap about
    • Lucifer (16/05/2021, 07:43) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      But surely you would agree that as Premier, it was part of his job not to get scammed? Too much is driven by greed and all they saw when paying over the money was $$$ signs that might have come back to them with no second thought about whether it was a legitimate operation. Any half competent party would have made sure there was collateral in place from the other side in the event it all went south. Instead BVI gets its pants pulled down and the taxpayer foots the bill.
  • two cents (16/05/2021, 10:40) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    I never understood why this money was not invested in VI Airlink, which is a locally owned airline.
  • WHY? (16/05/2021, 14:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where did the monies go? Who has it in their bank accounts or mattress.
  • Strrups (16/05/2021, 15:25) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    It’s all about doc and his feelings. Quite sickening this man has no remorse for the bad airplane deal he made. Just speaks volume of his selfishness. He care less how the people feel. If he can just go back to sleep andSTFH.
  • ras (16/05/2021, 15:34) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    This vindication comment by sleeping Smith just show what he is. His selfish, pompous and self centered comment has no call in the public domain. Sir the 7.2 mil still missing. Sir your judgment was poor. Sir please go back to sleep let the government do them people work. You had you turn and it was a disgrace.
  • T (16/05/2021, 20:42) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    What about the Directors of BVI Airways who are living and walking amongst us living the good life?
  • Norris Turnbull (17/05/2021, 08:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This man said he has no regrets for his I'll administering and management of tax payers money. I do not want to hear a darn thing he has to say.

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