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I never called the Premier a liar- Christian

Mr. Christian (left) has denied calling the Premier a liar.
NORTH SOUND, Virgin Gorda, VI - At Large candidate on the National Democratic Party (NDP) team Archibald Christian, speaking at a political rally in North Sound on Sunday October 16, 2011 said he never called Premier Ralph T. O’Neal a “liar”.

The issue stemmed from a meeting in Virgin Gorda in September where Mr. Christian had told residents that after some investigations about the acquisition of the land at Manchaneel Bottom he had found that Hon. O’Neal “has not paid one penny for that land which is now privately owned.”

Mr. Christian had also stated that Hon. O’Neal did not enter into negotiations with the owners. “How can you tell your people that you have done something when you have not in fact done anything? The truth needs to be told,” he had said.

In response to the attack, Hon. O’Neal had stated at the launch of 4th District Representative Dr. Vincent Scatliffe that, “I heard Archibald Christian say at one of the meetings that Ralph O’Neal is a liar; but everyday he lives his mortal life he will regret those words.”

But Mr. Christian said on Sunday that he never called the Premier a liar and that he only said the Premier should tell the people the truth about that land and the fact that he had not acquired it.

The At Large candidate again reiterated that the land in question has still not been acquired by Government. “On the question of land acquisition, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to know that as of Friday, the business day that closed in Government, the Government of the Virgin Islands still did not acquire the lands in Manchaneel Bottom. The second notice has not been published and therefore we await the completion of that negotiation.”

He also urged residents to pressure the Premier into revealing the cost for the land they are now seeking to acquire to build a cargo dock. “The question you must ask your Honourable Premier when he comes back to you after the second publication is how much money is he intending to spend on behalf of the citizens and residents of the Virgin Islands for that land in Manchaneel Bottom.”

Meanwhile, in supporting his colleague Dr. Hubert O’Neal, Mr. Christian said if Dr. O’Neal is elected, the distribution of land will be restructured and not used as a political tool around election time. “Government owns hundreds of acres of lands in Virgin Gorda and Anegada and the sale and distribution of those lands on both islands must be an ongoing process, free of political interference and affiliation.”

18 Responses to “I never called the Premier a liar- Christian”

  • ooooo (18/10/2011, 07:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    another liard again?
  • mother hen (18/10/2011, 08:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Archie now you are the liar..BIG FAT LIAR
  • ture that (18/10/2011, 10:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    but the NDP is always telling lies..its the party of big fat lies..funny man Myron said they will lay off civil servants and retracted, crazy Archie say Uncle Ralph is a lier and now trying to retracted NDP was against cruise ship and now they trying to retract..they have a history of telling we the people lies...they started the nasty campaign helped by overseas interest and high price spin doctors, now when VIP hit back they looking for cover..mehson i want the NDP to get another shot out 11 to 2...NOT ONE OF MY VOTES NOT ONE!!!!!!!
    • east end voter (18/10/2011, 12:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      well said..i have one word for the NDP, the truth will set you free!
    • Hmmm (19/10/2011, 03:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If you really want to hear lies...listen to the VIP. All liars. All trying to save their seats by any means necessary.
  • Period Cramps (18/10/2011, 11:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    HAHA!! DESPERATIONNNNNNNNNNNNN!! IF HE LIE HE LIE! Everybody callign Doc a liar because he expose the Premier!! It's okay to call Doc a liar when he's telling the truth, but nobody can call Ralph a liar when he lying? LMAO!!
  • Election Heat (18/10/2011, 11:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    YAWNNNNNN...You said he is not telling the truth….then arent you are calling him a liar? LICKS like sand grains for you from the people of VG on election day….Just for that statement!!! Can't win a district, now you want to represent territory….LOL
  • lovemoredomore (18/10/2011, 11:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ralph is always about threatening people. What is he going to do to Archie to make him regret those words for the rest of his life I wonder? He can never face the truth and be respectful, he is always about bullying and threatening. Ralph those tactics are outdated nobody is afraid of you anymore. And so what if you were called a liar, Aren't you? If you did something or know something that should be told to the people who you represents and you keep it from them, and only feeding them what you want them to know, then that make you an UNTRUTHFUL person. An untruthful person is a liar. Archie nothing to apologize for.
  • she the cat mother (18/10/2011, 12:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Christian done get deal with by Uncle Ralph..that is why he cannot sleep when night come…
  • dude (18/10/2011, 12:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What a propoganda campaign.
  • same old story (18/10/2011, 12:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP & VIP much go that is all i have to say!!!
  • Period Cramps (18/10/2011, 12:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP is not in government VIP is! So tell me what is NDP lying about? Why VIP don't tell us what going on in Sea Cows Bay Harbour? Why they don't tell us how much the phase 3 of the purcell ghut will cost? Why don't they tell us the real cost of Nanny Cay Wall/sidewalk project? Why don't they produce the financial documents, AG reports for the past 3yrs so we can see our financial position? WHY???????????NDP LIe? They don't have to lie to beat the VIP which was crippled by Fraser and his antics! LOLOL!!!! Tell Ralph aka 'Satan shouter' go sit down, his time is up!! Every time VIP has a launch more and more people are turned off by the desperation! The nail in the coffin was the freak show fraser had 2 saturdays ago, lord look jokes. It replayed on tv some nights ago and I nearly dead with laugh!! Those poor young people won't know how they messed up themselves until it's too late. The same Rasta when down DMV when land was giving out last week and he lock her backside outside. He even walk pass her straight the same afternoon! HAHAH! She done get used now she's refused!! TEK DAT!! OJ going still have to take care of them WHENNNNNNNNNNNN he wins!
  • Lee (18/10/2011, 14:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Archi need to go back to school, because it is obvious that he doesn’t know that when you stand on a platform in a public arena and say to the Premier to tell the people the truth and on top of this he gave an example of a leader from another country with a similar land issue he is calling the Premier a LIAR.
    • Hmmmmpppp (18/10/2011, 21:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Obviously not... is there a definition cause I thought he was well learnt.
  • November 7 (18/10/2011, 15:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Archie only trying to correct himself now in the Premier's district BUT it toooooooooo late lil boy!!!! The people of VG gonna show you a thing or two on election day life spare! NDP is a bunch of liars. Saying things then think you could come back out to psychologically change your statement!!! We want the opposition tobe with 1 man this time and that is our 1/2 Cuban doctor Pickering!!!!

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