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‘I have been working & getting things done’- Hon Dawson to D1

On April 20, 2024, First District Representative Dr the Hon Karl Dawson presented his first District Report to his constituents since being elected as their Representative in April 2023. Photo: Facebook
Cultural Thursdays in Carrot Bay is a First District Community initiative that seeks to promote Virgin Islands’ culture through the presentation of food, drink, arts, crafts, and entertainment. Photo: BVITB/File
Cultural Thursdays in Carrot Bay is a First District Community initiative that seeks to promote Virgin Islands’ culture through the presentation of food, drink, arts, crafts, and entertainment. Photo: BVITB/File
CAPPOON’S BAY, Tortola, VI- First District Representative Dr the Hon Karl Dawson, in presenting his first District Report to his constituents since being elected as their Representative in April 2023, outlined several areas he has made progress in and also expressed humility in stated that it has been a learning process, and one he willingly embraces.

Hon Dawson, accompanied by his elected colleagues in the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), including Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade Honourable Lorna G. Smith, OBE, said one of his priorities has been working to improve the economy of the District.

Cultural Thursdays ‘are here to stay’- Dr Dawson

“One of the ways that I sought to accomplish this priority included collaborating on branding and target marketing of areas in the district to attract local and foreign visitors. The major step in building this brand was the inauguration of Cultural Thursdays in Carrot Bay,” Dr Dawson stated at the Cappoon's Bay Playfield on Saturday, April 20, 2024.

Cultural Thursdays has become a popular event in Carrot Bay, and, according to the District Representative, it is “here to stay”.

Dr Dawson said an interesting and useful side shoot of Cultural Thursdays is the increase in the number of roadside vendors in the Carrot Bay area on days other than Cultural Thursdays.

‘Clearing historical sites’

“There are other plans in the early stages of progression. We have started the process of clearing historical sites and we will establish a community-based team to lead the effort in preparing sites to receive visitors.”

Dr Dawson also said he has been working closely with one of the leading local farmers on the introduction of farm tours at their site. He said this will diversify the experience for visitors to VI’s shores.

The First District Representative said other plans, such as tropical cooking classes and hiking tours, are still on the agenda.

Tradition of fish fry’ reintroduced

“We have reintroduced the tradition of fish fry right here in the Little Apple Bay area. Working with businesses in the area we have begun Last Friday Fish Fry every month.

“Some of these initiatives are in the infancy stage but I believe that they are steps in the right direction that will create greater opportunities for persons in the District and enhance the reputation of the district.”


Dr Dawson said the success being seen are the results of teamwork, “and we will certainly achieve even more as we continue to work together.”

A long list of other achievements was provided to the people, including in his role as Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries.

“It has been a learning process, one which I willingly embrace. It has been tough at times but what does not kill you makes you stronger. I have been working for you and pledge to continue to do so.”

Dr Dawson said he has been reporting to his constituents throughout the year in District meetings, but he felt strongly that they deserve to have an annual report because this has become customary in the First District.

More details to follow.

22 Responses to “‘I have been working & getting things done’- Hon Dawson to D1”

  • mad max (21/04/2024, 13:49) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
    If you have to tell people what you have done …
    • D1 (21/04/2024, 21:30) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      I think he needs to GIVE UP the Jr Ministry and simply focus on the district! Plane and simple
    • vex (22/04/2024, 06:13) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      All you sooo stupid what the past Rep dis NOTHING BUT WGWHELL AND DEAL
  • say so (21/04/2024, 14:03) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well sah! Shut mouth don’t catch files…
  • Me (21/04/2024, 14:08) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    Bring your clown face VG tell us if we have to wait 1year to get grass cut/container clean for operation of agri. to function.Bunch a.clowns Mr.Bean and you make SNL look like comedy

    • Disgusting (21/04/2024, 21:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

      All u don't have any respect for any one. GO SIT YOUR DUM £%$ DOWN U SOU ND AND LOOK MORE LIKE AN @£$

  • Smooch (21/04/2024, 14:57) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    Westend Ferry Terminal
    Bad Roads Carrot Bay to Westend - Coxeth
    Street Lights
    These are but a few of the important things that needs doing.
  • Really? (21/04/2024, 16:09) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    Not impressed. The district remains the same on both the north and the south except for the cultural Thursdays in Carrot bay. After one year and nothing was done in the district. Even a blind man can see this. Not interested in talk; need to see action in the district.
  • water (21/04/2024, 17:50) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Where is the street water from time the hurricane ???? pass street water done in some areas is this not high on the scale of living.
  • ................................. (21/04/2024, 18:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What race?
  • Stealth (21/04/2024, 18:54) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Hon Dawson is saying things are moving in the right direction but what are constituents saying and feeling. Feeling is the key component in progress, not what people are saying.
    • ReaPol (22/04/2024, 09:18) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Stealth, real talk. Talk about progress and improvement is all well and good but where the rubber hits the road is feeling.Too many if they are not feeling it, it may not be happening.
  • hmm (21/04/2024, 19:43) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply

    It says a whole lot about BVI people when an elected official can list cleaning, fish fries and other bulls*** as progress and people give a round of applause. We lpve mediocre nonsense and deserve the wagon of clowns we now have in HOA! Honestly!!!!

  • 3 WORDS (21/04/2024, 19:59) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Lb (21/04/2024, 20:26) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don’t sound like much of anything has been done by this good gentleman at all. This is why District Reps shouldn’t have Ministries.

    And if you have to tell us what you have done then you really haven’t done anything of consequence. Let your works speak for you.
  • tola (22/04/2024, 04:49) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please Shaner start making ur rounds we have to make the first district great again
    • @tola (22/04/2024, 15:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      When was the first District great? Giving money to certain individuals does not make a district great. Pease find something else to say and be for real. I will await your response.
  • VG (22/04/2024, 08:37) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    When you coming?
  • carrot bay man (22/04/2024, 09:30) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    You are a nice guy, but we are disappointed with the progress in Carrot bay,the roads are a mess the water system is a disaster, the place need cleaning,the land fill needs cleaning,and many more things are in disarray, but we are still giving you a chance, but don’t disappoint us , we have you on the clock.
  • Rattler Nation (22/04/2024, 14:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The BVI is a small, resource poor dot washed by both the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean with a prime service economy of tourism and financial services. The electoral districts are even smaller. Residents of the 9 electoral districts elect members to represent in the HoA. However, residents of districts have high expectations of and for their representatives, include bringing employment, and generating an economy for district residents. This is a heavy lift for district reps. In large locales, eg, US, Canada, UK,Australia, etc local governmental entities, ie, states, provinces, countries,etc, have the structure, organization, resources, etc, to create and sustain economies within their jurisdiction while receiving some help from central government.

    Moreover, this is not with the VI. The districts deoend on the central government to provide services, ie, infrastructure, ie, water, sewage, electricity , solid waste, drainage, environmental protection and preservation, port services, and telecommunications; social services, ie, health, education, housing, economic development, etc. Government provides the framework for what happen districts, providing a rising tide which lifts all districts boats based on their needs regardless of how the residents voted. District reps work collectively, cooperatively, and collaboratively to ensure their districts get their fair share of the small pie. Nevertheless, government is responsible for resources are distributed based on needs. For example, road work should not just be concentrated in particular areas but rather should be based on needs..This should be the process for distribution all resources.
  • hmm (22/04/2024, 18:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Plenty more fish and johnny cake need frying
  • Really? (26/04/2024, 17:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Joke1: I have been working for the people of these Virgin Islands.
    Natalio Wheatley

    Joke2:I have been working and getting things done.
    Karl Dawson
    Joke 3: ???

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